So why was the knife there?


New member
In Ramadu's island, the three men fell into some sort of sleep when they touched the same knife that Jadis used to kill Aslan on the stone table in Narnia, but why was it taken to Ramadu's island and who brought it there?
janki said:
In Ramadu's island, the three men fell into some sort of sleep when they touched the same knife that Jadis used to kill Aslan on the stone table in Narnia, but why was it taken to Ramadu's island and who brought it there?
unfortunately i dont know the anwear to that. maybe aslan took it there for some reason but who knows
I don't think so because remember in "the silver chair" the white witch becomes the emerald witch, so she is still around...
He-ather said:
I don't think so because remember in "the silver chair" the white witch becomes the emerald witch, so she is still around...
Is the lady of the green kirtle and the white witch the same or is she just like a daughter or something? I always thought she was like a daughter or something like that! :confused: Oh, I love your Avitar!!!
janki said:
In Ramadu's island, the three men fell into some sort of sleep when they touched the same knife that Jadis used to kill Aslan on the stone table in Narnia, but why was it taken to Ramadu's island and who brought it there?
That's never really explained. All that's stated is that it was brought there to lie "in honor". It couldn't have been a Narnian expedition, since no Narnian before (or after) Caspian ever went that far east - and the Telmarine lords certainly didn't bring it, because they found it there! Aslan certainly had it retrieved from the battlefield and somehow sent to Ramandu's Island. Heck, He could have just breathed on it or wished it there and it would have gone, but it's more His style to have used an agent of some sort.

It's also never explained what happened to the Witch's body, though it was probably burned or "flung into a pit", as was done with the bodies of the hag and werewolf in Caspian. And for about the hundreth time, the Emerald Witch was not the same person as the White Witch! Jadis was killed at Beruna and never revived, recesutated, resurrected, recalled, or in any other way brought back. The only time the possiblity was even discussed was in Aslan's How, and the ceremony was never performed because those who intended to perform it were killed.
Well we don't really know what happened to the knife after Aslan was resurrected. So that would be the first mystery to solve.

I believe that the knife symbolized the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament--as the Ark was the symbol of the Law, which required sacrifice, and was fulfilled by Christ. Some theorize that when Christ died and was resurrected the Ark of the Covenant was taken into heaven. I honestly don't know what happened. It could be here on the earth, and it could be in Heaven. The ark isn't mentioned after the original Temple of the Lord was destroyed by the Babylonians, some believe it is in Ethiopia---because the Queen of Sheba took it after she stayed with Solomon. Like I said I don't know.

Since the Ramandu's Island was very far away, the Knife could have been a symbol of the Ark, which was a symbol of the Law, which was fulfilled by Aslan(or in our world Christ.)

Hope this makes sense.
I believe the knife was put in a place where it would work no mischief on anyone.
Srob said:
Well we don't really know what happened to the knife after Aslan was resurrected. So that would be the first mystery to solve.

I believe that the knife symbolized the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament--as the Ark was the symbol of the Law, which required sacrifice, and was fulfilled by Christ. Some theorize that when Christ died and was resurrected the Ark of the Covenant was taken into heaven. I honestly don't know what happened. It could be here on the earth, and it could be in Heaven. The ark isn't mentioned after the original Temple of the Lord was destroyed by the Babylonians, some believe it is in Ethiopia---because the Queen of Sheba took it after she stayed with Solomon. Like I said I don't know.

Since the Ramandu's Island was very far away, the Knife could have been a symbol of the Ark, which was a symbol of the Law, which was fulfilled by Aslan(or in our world Christ.)

Hope this makes sense.

But we know where the Ark of the Covenant is! It's in a big vault somewhere in the United States, under lock and key, a cloak of anonymity, and a seriously large armed guard.

You have seen "Raiders of the Lost Ark", surely? :D
PrinceOfTheWest said:
And for about the hundreth time, the Emerald Witch was not the same person as the White Witch! Jadis was killed at Beruna and never revived, recesutated, resurrected, recalled, or in any other way brought back. The only time the possiblity was even discussed was in Aslan's How, and the ceremony was never performed because those who intended to perform it were killed.

Thank You!!! I don't understand why it is so hard to grasp that the White Witch and the Emerald Witch are two different people! :) Uh, oh, now I feel guilty for saying that in a mean way... sorry everybody!
Elvess_Leawyn_Greenleaf said:
Is the lady of the green kirtle and the white witch the same or is she just like a daughter or something? I always thought she was like a daughter or something like that! :confused: Oh, I love your Avitar!!!
mine? thanx! If not, :eek:
Srob said:
Well we don't really know what happened to the knife after Aslan was resurrected. So that would be the first mystery to solve.

I believe that the knife symbolized the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament--as the Ark was the symbol of the Law, which required sacrifice, and was fulfilled by Christ. Some theorize that when Christ died and was resurrected the Ark of the Covenant was taken into heaven. I honestly don't know what happened. It could be here on the earth, and it could be in Heaven. The ark isn't mentioned after the original Temple of the Lord was destroyed by the Babylonians, some believe it is in Ethiopia---because the Queen of Sheba took it after she stayed with Solomon. Like I said I don't know.

Since the Ramandu's Island was very far away, the Knife could have been a symbol of the Ark, which was a symbol of the Law, which was fulfilled by Aslan(or in our world Christ.)

Hope this makes sense.
I think that makes alot of sence! And I never thought of that!
DeplorableWord said:
Thank You!!! I don't understand why it is so hard to grasp that the White Witch and the Emerald Witch are two different people! :) Uh, oh, now I feel guilty for saying that in a mean way... sorry everybody!
I didn't think they were! Gosh people are confusing me!!!! And He-ather, yes I meant your's! It's awesome!
I definitely didn't think they are the same person, although the Walden books have the Character Cast in the front of the book and say that they are the same. PROBABLY why people think that. So we need to be a little nicer to the newbs that believe that they are the same., because the books mistake her as the same.

Thanks ELG---It made since to me and I am glad that it did to you.
Srob said:
I definitely didn't think they are the same person, although the Walden books have the Character Cast in the front of the book and say that they are the same. PROBABLY why people think that. So we need to be a little nicer to the newbs that believe that they are the same., because the books mistake her as the same.

Thanks ELG---It made since to me and I am glad that it did to you.
LOL, it's ok, you'll get it eventually! :D
Malacandra said:
But we know where the Ark of the Covenant is! It's in a big vault somewhere in the United States, under lock and key, a cloak of anonymity, and a seriously large armed guard.

You have seen "Raiders of the Lost Ark", surely? :D
that is very funny!(if I knew you better I would say you were bad but I dont so I wont)

and I do not think that WW and LGK were the same person, there is no evidence to support this! And there is really none to say otherwise....however to each his own...(or her..heheh) the fact of the matter is does it really matter? NO!
Reepicheepfan said:
the fact of the matter is does it really matter? NO!

Actually, yes, to some it could really matter. If, say they were wondering how the White Witch could have possibly come back to life and killed people after Aslan killed her... I could very easily see how that would be important to people... you can't?
I agree, it is important. I personally believe that they are different people, mainly because this is hundreds, maybe thousands of years in the future and the fact that i think that CSL would have explained it a little more if the largest villian in the books who we all thought was dead, came back to life only not reveal herself as the real White Witch, but change her color, lock up a prince and live underground. I think that Jadis was killed in LWW and that's the end of that. I think that's one of the points that CSL tries to make. There are always villians, you can't get rid of them. This is a new villian that the main characters have to face just like Jadis, Rabadash, Miraz, Pug, and many more.