Soccer Academy


New member
Ah...All the soccer players come here to train and learn and compete.

Name: Kara Niches
Age: 14
Looks: She has black hair with blood red highlights. She has icey blue eyes, dark red lips, light skin, and flushed cheeks like she had finished a 3 hour soccer game.
Team: Blue Waves
Position: Forward and also captian of the Blue Waves
Bio: She has been playing soccer sceince she was a toddler. She is THE best at the whole acadamy. She is really modest though. Her team has been winning for the past two years. She is sweet and always speaks her mind
Sure...what the heck, right??:p

Name: Kiera Nalasco
Age: 14
Position: Captian/Forward
Team: Sparks
Bio: Friends with almost everyone. She is Finnish, and is a foreign exchange from Finland. Her father is pretty big in the USA now, but she can speak English, though she has a heavy accent...She loves to watch football on the TV.
Appearance: Curly brown hair. Very long. Hazel eyes. about 5'7 feet tall. Ver ystrong, mentally and physically.

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name- Courtney Hamilton
age- 14
position- forward
team- Thunderbolts
bio- Courtney is the prettiest girl at the academy and the most popular her dad is a professional soccer player he played in the world cup too she even knows david beckam shes really rich everyone at the academy knows who she is and shes one of the best players shes also captain of the thunderbolts
apperence- long wavy light blond hair side swept bangs light blue eyes naturally tan a cute tiny button nose shes thin and muscular
Name: Will Jacobs
Age: 15
Looks: He has wavy dark black hair that is a bit past his ears and light blue eyes.
His height is about 5'9 and he has fair colored skin.
Team: Blue Flames
Position: Team Captain
Bio: Will has been playing soccer in his hometown of London, England since he was 6 and now had worked himself up to team captain.
One of the main reasons he plays soccer is to escape his home life... his parents are divorced so he lives with his father and rarely sees his Mum.
His father is also very cruel and uncaring to Will.
Will has a kind and caring personality and is usually shy and quiet at first, until you get to know him.
He also loves to write song lyrics and melodies on his guitar, which he brings with him almost everywhere.
Name: Kirna Jones
Age: 15
Looks:she have short spiky black hair and ocean blue eyes and light tan skin she is 5'4''
soccer game.
Team: aqua
Position: Forward and also captian of the Aqua
Bio: she all ways been playing soccer since she was in sixth grad her mother is the coach on her team her father is allways cheering on her to do the right thing.
Kara pulled her black and red hair into a ponytail. She popped a bubble from her bubble gum. Kara picked p her bag and walked to the Academy. THe Acamey was for olny he best soccer players. She was wearing plain blue jeans and a soccer shirt that was from last year. She checked the list and saw she was in room 499. She started to climb the stairs to her room. Then Kara began to unpack 'I wonder who my rooom mate is' AShe thouht

ooc: Anyone wanna bemy room mate
ooc: I will....:)

ic: Kiera looked at the piece of paper, then up at the numbero nthe door. 499 (?). She opeend it, and already found who must have been her roommate unpacking. "Hey. She said, setting her stuff on her bed, her voice thick witha Finnish/ English accent.
Kirna walk to her room she look at the piece of paper says room 450.
she walk into the room placing her thing on her bed then started to look around for abit.
Will smiled as he reached the door of the soccer Academy.
He had worked long and hard to get here and now he had finally did it.
He slowly pushed a strand of black hair from his light blue eyes as he entered the large hallway. Boys and girls of all different ages scurried around busily, and Will slowly look down at the small paper he had recied in the paper.
Room 450. ,read the large print.
Will now looked around the halls, until finally he came to the room he had been looking for. He now stepped inside and set his luggage down on the hard floor.
Will now noticed another girl in the room. He then said quietly to her,
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Kirna look up at the boy with a smile.
' hi there I'm Kirna I'm guessing you my room mate?," she said getting up were she was to shake his hand.
Will smiled at her then answered while shaking her hand,
"Yes I suppose I am your room mate."
He then added after a pause,
"I'm Will. So.... Kirna, where are you from?"
She sat back down on her bed.
" I'm from England my dear," she said pulling her hair back,
she look at him thinking I got a guy for a room mate how on earth did that happen?then smiled at him.
Will smiled,
"I'm from England as well. London, actually. What city are you from?"
He now also sat down on his soft bed.. also wondering almost the exact same thing as her.
Was this some sort of mistake?
She smiled.
" the same here my father is the duke over there so my mother and I came here to start foot ball she my couch you know," she said watching him as he move.
Will gazed at her a moment,
"The duke? Wow. That's pretty neat."
He now diverted his eyes to a nearby window,
"Your Mom is your couch? That must be pretty nice. How long have you been playing foot ball?"
She laugh.
" oh when I was in six grade," she said still keeping her eyes on him for awhile,
she got up and unpick her things.
" yea you know the Americans call foot ball Soccer odd," she told him sitting back on her bed.
Will now pulled out a soccer ball from his small suitcase then replied,
"Yeah.. I've been playing for almost as long as I can remember."
He then laughed and said while shaking his head,
"I know. It's so very percular that they call it 'soccer' in America. When that title really makes no sence at all."