Something that was so hilariously lame about the animated...

I got this impression from the animated version that they kept trying to stretch out certain scenes, like they didn't have enough material from the book to last for the 90+ minutes. Even more humorous when you consider the BBC live-action version was 3 hours long.
What i felt was hilarious, and painful, to watch was the fight scene with Peter and Maugrim (the wolf in charge of the Secret Police) it was more like a dance with some random jabbing. It really was pathetic.
*again she steps in to defend Aunty* - yes it was pretty bad, but that's what made it soo good!
Oh, hang on - sorry- I didn't read the thread title and just posted merrliy away - ignore me and I'll go away! I haven't even seen the animation version - I'm just too ready to defend the good old BBC1
I love that one lol the animated. Ya i thought it was funny when maugrim and peter faughgt when you think about it it does llok like a type of dance lol
I thought the animated film was great, but then again I'm biased. :p I first saw it when I was very young. The only issue I had with it was that the two boys had English accents, and the two girls sounded American. I heard there was another voice version where they're all done by British actors, and I WISH I could track it down...

I have to admit, though, the Mr. Tumnus crying scene was a bit embarrassing to watch. He almost sounded like he was laughing. "hee hee hee" lol Sorry, but it's true.
i grew up with it

Purple Shadow said:
I thought the animated film was great, but then again I'm biased. :p I first saw it when I was very young. The only issue I had with it was that the two boys had English accents, and the two girls sounded American. I heard there was another voice version where they're all done by British actors, and I WISH I could track it down...

I have to admit, though, the Mr. Tumnus crying scene was a bit embarrassing to watch. He almost sounded like he was laughing. "hee hee hee" lol Sorry, but it's true.
Ya like i practically grew up with that animated version. I love it so much and surelt will all my life