Son of Adam, Daughter of Eve...


New member
I was wondering something.....if Aslan is supposed to be God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, then how can the Pevensies be ancestors from Adam and Eve (who were created by "God", who Aslan is)?? Does Aslan ever make the claim that he created Narnia and Earth?? In another thread it was said that Lucy could find Aslan from her world, under another name, so it must be that Aslan & Jesus/God/Holy Spirit are one in the same, yes?? HELP! :confused:
Yes, in Lewis' books, Aslan is the Jesus, God, etc.(mostly Jesus) of Narnia. Aslan tells the kids that he wants them to know him by a "different name" which is, Jesus or God. And yes, the Pevensies are descendents from Adam and Eve... I'm not sure if you're familiar with the "Adam & Eve Bible Story" but in the beginning the God of our world created the universe and Adam and Eve. So, from those two people we can say that we are all "descendents"from Adam and Eve. Now the God of Narnia, or Aslan, created Narnia... You see, they are "two different 'people'" in one! Aslan wanted the kids to have a Christian relationship with him outside of Narnia so they can go to heaven... which thy did! Hope this helps!!! (Also, try to remember that it is a fantasy and sometimes confusing, so don't feel bad if you are confused!)
Son of Adam, Daughter of Eve

The title "Son of Adam" or "Daughter of Eve" means human.

Yes, at the end of The Last Battle, Aslan did "come out" as Jesus.

Haha! I am very familiar with the Adam and Eve story from Genesis. I haven't finished the entire CofN, so I did not know that Aslan claims in the end that he was the creator of Earth too. I know God created Adam and Eve, and Aslan created Narnia (per MN), but I didn't know that Aslan was said to have created Humans. If that makes sense?? I was just wondering why humans were created in the other world, and not in Narnia, where they were needed. So Aslan made the Calormenes and the Telmarines too, b/c they are humans?? I guess I'm just trying to figure out why Adam and Eve are singled out from our true bible, but now any other biblical character. Thanks for all the suggestions tho. :p
Welcome, TolkienGoddess.

As you read the other books, you will find an explanation of Telmarines, and we can only assume the Calormenes arrived in the Narnian world the same way, as no humans seem native to Narnia.

Also, keep in mind that Aslan doesn't "represent" Christ, so there is no need for anyone to "represent" Adam and Eve -- Aslan is Lewis' supposal of Christ in another world, under another name, but still the same Person ...

Does this make any sense? Did you read MN yet? No, I think you say you haven't. You will see there how humans came first into Narnia, and so who Narnians would know of Christmas and Adam and Eve.
When Aslan says that he is the Son of the Emperor-over-the-Sea, is that like Jesus being the Son of God? In which case, is Aslan a personification of God who appears in Narnia as Jesus was God appearing in flesh on Earth?
It's safe to say that Aslan was the incarnation of the 2nd Person of the Trinity in Narnia in the way that Jesus was the incarnation of the 2nd Person of the Trinity in our universe.

I have read MN, LWW and HHB, finishing up w/ PC now. I guess when the cabbie and Helen came to Narnia and ruled, they brought Christmas b/c they had it in England??

Since they didn't know Aslan until then, would you say they were not Christian, or not religious at all, before that or they knew God/Jesus, but not Aslan, in his lion form??

I also often wondered, you know how Helen was just brought into Narnia to be queen when Narnia was first made, so why didn't he just bring the Pevensies instead of them having to go thru the wardrobe. He does that later in PC, from the train station, but why do they "happen upon" Narnia, instead of just brought there, like Helen, if they were needed to bad in the first place. I mean, Jadis ruled for 1,000 years before they showed up, and his people were suffering. Why didn't he just make them appear as well??

One more thing, I have seen somewhere that the Tisroc represents Allah, but some people say (not strict Christians, but some) that Allah is God/Jesus/Christ by another name, so if this were true, wouldnt that make Aslan, Allah and Jesus/God the same person in the books? Which would mean that Tisroc cannot be Allah.

Just throwing some things out there! :p
I thought the Tisroc referred to the ruler of Calormen and not a divine being of any sort. The Calormenes did make me think of Muslims (I don't intend any offence here at all) so I thought Tash may be similar to Allah but having read LB, I know this is not the case.

Maybe it was Tash that I meant to say. :D I just read HHB for the first time. I know it was mentioned that the Tisroc or Tash (now that you say that) was a representation of Allah. Ooops...tee hee! :p
I think there's a whole thread on that ARE THE CALORMENES METAPHORICAL? You can read all about people's opinions there.

As for why Aslan didn't bring the Pevensies to rescue Narnia earlier when the WW had ruled for a hundred years ... they weren't born yet? And when you consider the strange way the time runs in Narnia compared to our world, it could be that they were being born just as the witch's 10 years of winter began, and they just now became old enough to come and help?

Yeah, I'm in that thread too! :D That's true, they weren't born then. I just wonder why sometimes there is an "entry" (hole/pool in MN w/ Digory & Polly and the wardrobe in LWW), but other times they are just pulled there (train station in PC and MN w/ Helen)?
Actually, there are all manner of interesting questions as to why Aslan did or didn't do things. Where was He when the Telmarines overran Narnia? Why did He have His people enslaved for 100 years before breaking the Witch's spell? Why plant a tree to guard Narnia when He could have just hung around? Why send some flaky, unreliable human kids with a grumpy guide to find and rescue a lost prince when He could have just gone Himself? Good questions all, but it's hard to find answers other than "He likes to do things that way."
TolkienGoddess said:
Yeah, I'm in that thread too! :D That's true, they weren't born then. I just wonder why sometimes there is an "entry" (hole/pool in MN w/ Digory & Polly and the wardrobe in LWW), but other times they are just pulled there (train station in PC and MN w/ Helen)?
Perhaps it's just that he's unpredictable and doesn't like to do a thing the same way twice?
Perhaps it is more self-satisfying or of greater merit and worth if children, or the Narnian people liberate Narnia instead of Aslan doing everything for everyone. Then again, maybe he was seeing how everything would turn out and see some creature's reactions so as to make the correct judgements at the end of LB.
if i remember correctly towards the end of LWW mr. tumnus said that aslan likes to let the people live their lives without interfering. i think that answers several of the questions on why, and if you are into the christian parrallels suggestion is some of it fits, in particular why did god wait several thousand years to send a savior? i think its just that Aslan wants to stay out of the way unless he needs to interfere.
Just to clarify...

I tried explaining my original question to my boyfriend (who hasn't read any CofN, but saw the movie, and knows the bible and how to think logically), but he didn't understand what I was asking either. LOL I guess I'm going to try and simplify things....

Ok, Earth was made before Narnia....

Aslan in the "form" of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit created the world (like in Genesis), and in the LB He claims it....

Aslan created Adam and Eve, and that's how he knew they were sons and daughters of A&E....

At the time of asking the question, I didn't know that Aslan tells the humans that he created Earth in the LB (someone here filled me in)

I guess another question I have is does anyone else in Narnia know about any other people from the bible?? (Noah and the Ark, Moses and Egypt, etc.) The bible, and all its events, were over, done with, and written by the time the Pevensies visited Narnia in LWW, right?

So...if the Pevensies didn't know "Aslan" until visiting Narnia, does that mean that they were not saved or Christian until AFTER they visited Narnia and met Aslan? Or did they know "Jesus/God/Holy Spirit", but not "Aslan" in his lion form??

I do hope this all makes sense! haha! It does in my head... :rolleyes:
TolkienGoddess said:
So...if the Pevensies didn't know "Aslan" until visiting Narnia, does that mean that they were not saved or Christian until AFTER they visited Narnia and met Aslan? Or did they know "Jesus/God/Holy Spirit", but not "Aslan" in his lion form??

I do hope this all makes sense! haha! It does in my head... :rolleyes:

I'm sure they believed in God and Jesus on Earth, as in Britain at that time they no doubt would have gone to church every week as they were growing up.

However sometimes as a child we can go through the motions and not completely understand that which we are worshipping. Sometimes we need to grow up before we completely learn to believe. (And sometimes it happens in reverse; sometimes we believe as kids and then forget how to. ;) ). But I like to think that when they went to Narnia they really "got it" and understood enough about Aslan/God to have a proper relationship with him.

Also keep in mind that Narnia and Earth are not the only two worlds in you saw in MN with all the different pools there are dozens and dozens of worlds, and Aslan/God is in each of them. He just has a different name or form. As the Bible says, "Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever", I believe the "same old story" would have happened in each of these worlds. ie. it would have been the same thing - a wonderful place created, evil creeping in, people being rescued from a tormentor, God sacrificing himself to redeem those he loves, and then eventually the ending of each world and the gathering up of all those faithful to the "new" places.

I don't wanna spoil too much, but as you'll read in LB, at the end they see that each world pretty much has it's own Heaven (ie. "new" places) but they are all joined up in a series of peninsulas and promontories so in reality Heaven is one place. Meaning that if a person dies in Narnia, they will be able to wander round the coastline and eventually meet up with all the people who died in Earth, and all the other worlds. (This fact is very important and essential to the Pevensies, and I won't explain why. ;) ).
TolkienGoddess said:
Ok, Earth was made before Narnia....
Hard to say this, because "before" implies an earlier position on the same time line, and Narnia and Earth have different time lines. The most accurate thing you could say would be that the earliest human visitors to Narnia were pulled from late 19th century England. One could, conceivably, have a story about a mid-21st century person somehow getting into Narnia three generations after King Frank, and nothing would be violated - that would just be the point in Narnian history where they were dropped.

TolkienGoddess said:
Aslan in the "form" of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit created the world (like in Genesis), and in the LB He claims it....

Aslan created Adam and Eve, and that's how he knew they were sons and daughters of A&E....
Correct - though the Sons of Adam/Daughters of Eve issue seemed to be common knowledge in Narnia, as one would expect given their first reigning couple.

TolkienGoddess said:
At the time of asking the question, I didn't know that Aslan tells the humans that he created Earth in the LB (someone here filled me in)
Don't know what you're asking here.

TolkienGoddess said:
I guess another question I have is does anyone else in Narnia know about any other people from the bible?? (Noah and the Ark, Moses and Egypt, etc.) The bible, and all its events, were over, done with, and written by the time the Pevensies visited Narnia in LWW, right?
Right - but that doesn't mean any of those people or events would be relevant to the Narnians. Like the species of Malacandra in Lewis' Out of the Silent Planet, they had a different story, and were only told their story.

TolkienGoddess said:
So...if the Pevensies didn't know "Aslan" until visiting Narnia, does that mean that they were not saved or Christian until AFTER they visited Narnia and met Aslan? Or did they know "Jesus/God/Holy Spirit", but not "Aslan" in his lion form??
I don't think you can infer that. How the Pevensie family in general, and the Pevensie children in particular, is never explored. I think you can safely assume they were good, possibly pious, English Christians, as pavender goes into. It's also important to remember what Aslan says to Lucy and Edmund at the end of Dawn Treader - that one of the reasons the children were drawn into Narnia and met Aslan there was so they could get to know Him better under His earthly name when they returned to earth.