Star Trek v. Star Wars

Daughter of Eve

New member
Which is better? Why? And do notice I wrote the title in court case style.... ;)

Personally, I say Trek. Trekkies rule! I like SW, so don't blast me there... I can use a lightsaber... but I prefer Trek to SW. It's hard to say actually. 'Course, CoN beats both, and they only barely beat LotR... please, don't hurt me Ara....

Why? Well, Trek I think you can relate to more, and SW doesn't have the Enterprise, nor Spock, nor Kirk, nor Bones, nor Scotty. That's a start. :D

StarGATE. All the way.

course if I had to choose either ST or SW I'd choose SW. There's definitely things done better in ST, but I've grown up with SW and not with ST so that's a factor I guess. There are lots more factors, but in keeping this really short (I don't feel like going deep into my reasons yet), I'd say I enjoy watching SW better than Trek.

...and Stargate better than either.
StarGate- nooooo- i was subjected to hours of torture at uni and can no longer cope watching it, MacGyver on the other hand...
StarTrek- always induces sleep- Sunday afternoon, pop the telly on- oh there they are, zzzzzzz (or maybe it was just the one with Jayneway in?)
StarWars- HOORAY! My best friend looks, and behaves like an Ewok, R2D2 is a legend, and if I was 30 years older I'd be married to Harrison Ford! Der der, de de de, der der (it's the music donchyakno?)
true, LotR is definitely better in technical aspects, has better acting and better dialogue, but for this discussion, we are talking about "those space movies and shows." Yes, LotR is better made, but it seems wrong to say that it beats SW and ST especially since it's a different genre of film. Remember, if it weren't for the significant advancements in film brought to us through Star Wars, we probably wouldn't have LotR as films, at least not yet or at least not as good. And from what I hear, Star Wars producer Rick McCallum (of eps. I and II) was very helpful to Peter Jackson in the making of LotR. There is no "competition" between the two.

And a side thing I might mention: as good as it is, I'm not going to sit down and just watch LotR through just any given evening. I don't have that kind of time. What's nice about something like stargate is that it's just a quick 40-minute show and is easy to watch at any time. (for reference, one of those shows is nearly the same length as from the time the ring falls into Mt. Doom to the time the end credits begin scrolling.)

And as for Starwars, I actually like the computer games that come from them much better than the movies themselves, but I'll still watch them over Startrek. Not that Startrek is worse; like I said, I just never could get into the show or the movies. Just my personal taste, I guess.
Star wars! I've never been able to get into star trek. And lotr is different than star wars. Its really hard to compair the two. But overall lotr is better as in acting and stuff. I can't really pick between the two. But definatly star wars over star trek.! :)
Well, it doesn't seem like the very popular thing at the moment, but heck, I'm not the "go with the flow" kind of girl. I'm just gonna be bold and embarass myself here by saying...

I Vote Star Trek! :D
well lets put it this way now shall we. Star Trek is fine i guess if you love terrible acting, ugly props, and every alien has the form of a human biped body. Me i like STARWARS much more cause i have a variety of characters, and i'm gonna bring in the books too. the extended universe is pimpin. And you cannot beat down Han Solo. Hes just too kickin for star trek. I mean look at the uniforms on trek, those are just hideous. Starwars has a rugidness that works.

Now for LOTR thats fantasy, sorry but there are fantasy series i like more than it myself actually, but it started it all mostly. So it gets its props, but it really should not be in this, as its not in the title, so ha.

oh, if I may add a few quick reasons why Stargate is better than Star Trek ans star wars:

In startrek, you have the borg. In stargate, you have the replicators, which in my opinion can be pretty dang freaky. Plus, with the new Repli-Carter introduced in Season 8, it gets really personal.

In startrek, you have phasers. In stargate, you have zatn'ketels.

In startrek, you're countless years into the future. In starwars, you're countless years into the past. Stargate is now. (how many times has Picard or Han Solo made a reference to the Simpsons?)

In startrek and starwars, you have to fly to other planets. In stargate, you can just walk there. (and it is much cooler than warp, hpyerdrive, or whatever they use in startrek) Of course, in stargate, you can also go to hyperspace in the Prometheus, which is itself much cooler than the Enterprise or the Falcon.

In starwars, you have JarJar. In stargate, you got Thor.
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Go TREK!!!!!!! I like it. I've been raised a Trekkie. I was raised on SW too. But I love Trek even more.

Never seen Stargate. Trek does not have creatures like JarJar or Threepio. Trek has a variety of people. They are exploring, they are seeking out, and you really get a ton of character development. Take Tom Paris for instance, and look at him at the beginning of Voyager, and at the end. It's really neat.
that's true, Evie. That's a good thing about long running tv shows that movies can't do as well: the character changes. I guess I should back up. I don't hate startrek at all. It's just not my cup o' tea. I actually don't know too much about trek, and so I can't really say much against it. Never got into it. That last post was just a little bit of fun.

It's strange, I like stargate the most, and starwars 2nd, and startrek least, but I think that stargate is probably much closer to startrek as far as the way it's made and played out. Probably if I spent time and watched startrek from the beginning, I might like it more than starwars. I just don't feel like going through so many seasons of the originals then the spinoffs, etc. I've seen a few, plus all the recent trek movies, and the characters didn't seem like ones that I would love to follow for several years of shows. The movies satisfy my trek intake desire. Of course, if I watched the shows as they came out, it might be different. 'course, with stargate I joined in on the 6th season, got sucked in, and had to get caught up (by buying all the sets 1through7) and now I'm enjoying season 8 and Atlantis.
well, with Star Wars, you can do THIS!

It's just not as fun with Startrek. Hm, I'll have to do some Stargate pics...
lol, i never did that myself, though i can do stuff like that with an enlarger if i get back into it cause i've done it before, lol.


PS i want to live in the starwars universe
Hehe, that's great Drag- I'm gonna giggle everytime I think about it-the look of concentration on your face!
star wars is undisputedly superior to star trek. Though I enjoy both, star trek doesn't have the same fufillment Star wars offers. Star wars has so much more depth and excitement!
hey, has anyone picked up the new timothy zahn book or the labrynth of evil book? I'm curious cause i know the zahn one will be sweetness, but the other one is kind of more info on how anakin goes evil and all, so that could be cool. I've read only a few of the prequel age books, some are pretty cool.
