Subjective or Objective?


New member
Okay, guys... I'm doing a project for school, and I need YOU! :p


(This really isn't a Duffer thread, but I'm nervous about putting it in The Socratic Club, so it's staying here, just in case. ;))

So, the project is this-- I'm supposed to give a test on whether you think the following statements are subjective or objective. (No right and wrong answers here, by the way... just what you believe is subjective or objective. ;))

Quick touch-up on terms:
-To say that something is objective does not mean that you know it for certain, only that it CAN be true or false, whether anyone knows it or not. If you are solving a math problem, you might not be sure if you have the right answer, but you know that there is a right answer, not just personal preference. ("That guy's shirt is blue.")
-If something is subjective, it is a matter of personal, individual preference or opinion. It is NOT a global fact. ("Blue is the coolest color.")

All clear? If not, I'll try to explain it better... :eek: One thing, just so there's no confusion, if a statement is objective, that doesn't mean that you believe it is true or false, but it means that there is a real answer to whether it is true or false, that is totally unaffected by whether you think it is true or not.

Now here are the statements... Subjective or objective?

-Relient K is the greatest band since the invention of popcorn.

-Popcorn tastes better with butter and salt (as opposed to plain popcorn).

-George Washington is no longer living on Earth.

-German shepherds are cooler dogs than poodles.

-Murder is wrong.

-The modern dating system of America is not biblical.

-William Moseley has better hair than Skandar Keynes.

-God exists.

-Relient K is the greatest band since the invention of popcorn.


-Popcorn tastes better with butter and salt (as opposed to plain popcorn).


-George Washington is no longer living on Earth.


-German shepherds are cooler dogs than poodles.


-Murder is wrong.

Many modern scholars WANT the answer to this one to be "subjective," because they don't want to admit that any binding moral law exists; but the true answer is OBJECTIVE.

-The modern dating system of America is not biblical.


-William Moseley has better hair than Skandar Keynes.


-God exists.



Relient K is the greatest band since the invention of popcorn.

-Popcorn tastes better with butter and salt (as opposed to plain popcorn).
-George Washington is no longer living on Earth.
-German shepherds are cooler dogs than poodles.
-Murder is wrong.
-The modern dating system of America is not biblical.
-William Moseley has better hair than Skandar Keynes.
-God exists.

Also, Copperfox, "God Exists" is subjective, because it is not a fact. Religion cannot be scientifically proven. It is almost purely emotional. So, even as I am a believer, it is subjective, and not objective.
Sorry for the double post...

-Murder is wrong.

Many modern scholars WANT the answer to this one to be "subjective," because they don't want to admit that any binding moral law exists; but the true answer is OBJECTIVE.

And what binding moral law is this?!
Murder is wrong, sure. But not everyone believes that. It is a subjective opinion.
-Relient K is the greatest band since the invention of popcorn.

Subjective (but really it's objective, they are the greatest band :D)

-Popcorn tastes better with butter and salt (as opposed to plain popcorn).
Subjective (and a bad taste too :eek: )

-George Washington is no longer living on Earth.
Objective (don't some people believe him to be still alive btw?)

-German shepherds are cooler dogs than poodles.

-Murder is wrong.
Objective (C.S. Lewis would be proud!)

-The modern dating system of America is not biblical.
This could be both. If you mean that we all have a clear standard that the Bible is setting, and that dating does not make that standard, it's objective. If we need to discuss which standard the bible is actually setting, then we don't agree on it, and it's subjective.

-William Moseley has better hair than Skandar Keynes.
Ugh! Subjective

-God exists.
As a christian: objective. But opinions differ, so then it would be subjective.

Objective (i first thought that you said minus five +five is 10, and i was like 'huh', but i get it now, lol:D)

King Peter Rox, the moral law thing is clearly explained by Lewis is his book Mere Christianity, and Abolition of Man, i suggest a read, they're well worth it! And i agree, some people don't think murder is wrong, then again: some people don't believe 2+2makes4, so...

Btw, krazynarniagirl, love the 'I WANT YOU' pic :D
K-P-Rox, you seriously need to read two books by Mr. Lewis: The Abolition of Man, and Miracles. Mr. Lewis foretold in the first of these exactly what would happen--what IS happening now--to Western civilization because of the denial of objective moral standards.
Oh, wow! :eek: You guys ROCK! Thanks so much!

-Murder is wrong.

Many modern scholars WANT the answer to this one to be "subjective," because they don't want to admit that any binding moral law exists; but the true answer is OBJECTIVE.

RIGHT ON, Copperfox! That's EXACTLY what this class I'm taking is focusing on right now. Thank you!

@king_peter_rox: Thank you for your input, I really appreciate it. It's making the results far more interesting. (Personally, I strongly agree with Copperfox, but that's beside the point right now.)

However, I don't want this thread turned into a debate thread, so if you, CF. or anyone else would like to continue this discussion somewhere else, please make a seperate thread. Thanks. ;)

-Relient K is the greatest band since the invention of popcorn.

Subjective (but really it's objective, they are the greatest band)

LOL! YEAH! *high five* :p

-George Washington is no longer living on Earth.
Objective (don't some people believe him to be still alive btw?)

Really? I didn't know that. Wow... that sounds interesting, I might look into that, haha.

-The modern dating system of America is not biblical.
This could be both. If you mean that we all have a clear standard that the Bible is setting, and that dating does not make that standard, it's objective. If we need to discuss which standard the bible is actually setting, then we don't agree on it, and it's subjective.

Good answer. I probably should've have made what I meant more clear, sorry!

Btw, krazynarniagirl, love the 'I WANT YOU' pic

Haha, thanks! :D
-Relient K is the greatest band since the invention of popcorn.
Subjective (The Monkees are ;))

-Popcorn tastes better with butter and salt (as opposed to plain popcorn).

-George Washington is no longer living on Earth.

-German shepherds are cooler dogs than poodles.

-Murder is wrong.

-The modern dating system of America is not biblical.

-William Moseley has better hair than Skandar Keynes.
Subjective :p

-God exists.
-Relient K is the greatest band since the invention of popcorn.

-Popcorn tastes better with butter and salt (as opposed to plain popcorn).

-George Washington is no longer living on Earth.

-German shepherds are cooler dogs than poodles.

-Murder is wrong.

-The modern dating system of America is not biblical.
Uh, not sure, depends.

-William Moseley has better hair than Skandar Keynes.
Subjective (and wrong:D).

-God exists.
Objective. Because whatever you believe (and I personally believe it is true) God either does exist or He doesn't. There are no other options.

-God exists.
As a christian: objective. But opinions differ, so then it would be subjective.

The OPINION of God's existence (by any group-- for or against) doesn't change the FACT of His existence, no more than my OPINION that Brett Favre no longer exists changes the FACT that he DOES still, in fact, live (how he lives with himself ... that's subjective. ;)). Therefore, if it is objective it STAYS objective and is not affected by another person's beliefs, opinions, wishes, desires, preferences, etc.

One of the very definitions of objective is:

"not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion."
( scroll down to "adjective")

I'm sure you knew that ... just had to say it in case somebody else didn't realize the difference. :)
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Relient K is the greatest band since the invention of popcorn.

-Popcorn tastes better with butter and salt (as opposed to plain popcorn).

-George Washington is no longer living on Earth.

-German shepherds are cooler dogs than poodles.

-Murder is wrong.
subjective.... ?

-The modern dating system of America is not biblical.
either and or both

-William Moseley has better hair than Skandar Keynes.

-God exists.


(feels like I was just foing a homework assingment, a fun one mind you.;):p)