Sweeney Todd (Stage & Movie)

I couldn't find a thread for either the musical or the film, so I thought I'd make one! I recently saw the film and fell in love with it and hope that Broadway (or someone, for that matter) will revive it soon! Anyone else a fan?
Wow, that'd be difficult to do on Broadway! I love the movie though! The only thing I didn't like was how FAKE the blood looked (If I'm not allowed to say that I'll edit)
Quite frankly I HATED what they did to the movie, Johnny should NOT have been cast.He wasn't powerful enough for the film, Helen couldn't sing, and they left out ALL the good stuff. The 80's filmed version with Angela Lansbury and George Hearn was FAR superior.Anthony and Johanna WERE better in the movie, but thats about the only thing...I mean, they LEFT OUT THE BALLAD OF SWEENEY TODD. How can you DO that? It had potential, and the filming was good, I didn't like the fake blood either, but if they would've picked a better cast it could've been good, as it was..I was severely disappointed as I'd been waiting for the movie to come out for about 3 years.
I did miss The Ballad - and I agree about Helena's singing. She's a phenomenal actress but I don't think she can sing very well. About Johnn Depp, though: I think there are two ways that he could have played Sweeney - very big, or very small, small in the sense that it was like when your parents are so mad they're quiet, they don't yell, you know?
I loved Anthony and Johanna (Jamie Campbell Bower and Jayne Weisner are great!), and so was Ed Sanders (as Toby). Sacha Baron Cohen was really surprising, for me. He was really funny singing
The Contest and was really quite good in subsequent scenes. I liked Alan Rickman - even though he can't sing, either, it worked for me, somehow. Timothy Spall was just as disgusting as ever, which was perfect for his role.

And the blood really was quite fake. :rolleyes:
I absolutely loved sweeney todd! I havent seen in on broadway, and truth be told I really don't think Angela Lansbury would make a good Mrs. Lovett; I could never see her as any sort of killer after seeing her in Disneys "Bedknobs and Broomsticks". I agree that Ed Sanders and Jamie Campbell Bower were incredible! I really enjoyed their singing and acting, and hope to see them in more films. As for Helena and Johnny...they aren't singers, they're actors. So I think they did pretty good considering. But I really loved the movie. I loved how the bodies landed right on their heads when they fell through that trap door, lol!

Oh, and the reason the blood looked so fake...Johnny Depp is squeamish, and apparently they made the blood look a bit brighter so that he had an easier time working with it. Or at least that is what I've been told.
I don't plan on seeing the play (I probably can't if it's on Broadway xD) but I really want to see the film.
You should definitely go rent it :D It's such a great movie, I have it on dvd and I bought the soundtrack on iTunes. What I found really awesome about the movie, was how when he slits throats, blood comes out all different sorts of ways. Some people, the blood squirts out, some it sprays out, some it pours out, and some it just kinda seeps out, lol.
Sounds...interesting? xD Haha. I should like it because

1) It's got Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter in it
2) I do love films with lots of blood X]
^gar....this (this rant isn't directed specifically at you, but more at half crazed immature girl fans) is why I HATE when they make musicals into "movies" they cast big names that can't do the part, then we get all the annoying fans who couldn't tell a really talented musical performance from a prairie dog, then get all upset when you bash their preciouses actors inability to SING. They only watch the film because they want to see their favorite actors...that ANNOYS MEEEE....I still say go find the 80's version.
lol, as I said, It wasn't directed specifically AT you, I've had one to many heated arguments with Johnny Depp fans so when someone mentions him in their reasons to see it I get my feathers ruffled.
^gar....this (this rant isn't directed specifically at you, but more at half crazed immature girl fans) is why I HATE when they make musicals into "movies" they cast big names that can't do the part, then we get all the annoying fans who couldn't tell a really talented musical performance from a prairie dog, then get all upset when you bash their preciouses actors inability to SING. They only watch the film because they want to see their favorite actors...that ANNOYS MEEEE....I still say go find the 80's version.

I totally understand what you mean. When it comes to Ben Barnes, I'm the half crazed immature fan girl, haha. But Ben hasn't made all too many movies yet, so I havent pissed anyone off so far :p I do agree with you somewhat though. Although I also think that alot of Tim Burton/Johnny fans would have been pretty disappointed if Johnny had not been in the role. They have made so many movies together, it just seemed kinda natural for Johnny to get the part.
I love Johnny Depp. But I'm not a crazed fangirl who thinks he's just the dreamiest. In fact, he's old enough to be my father. We-ird, it would be to think he was hot. But I don't. He's one of my favorite actors, and I think Johnny's a really, really talented actor and I admire his work, especially in Finding Neverland and Pirates.