"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles"

Son of Adam

Pastor of Narnia
Knight of the Noble Order
Interested in hearing opinions of this new FOX TV show from any who have seen it. I really got into it from the start. Don't know whether that's good or bad right now, but I was surprised at how well done the show was and the special effects, in my opinion, were top notch.
Hey i'm new here but I saw this thread so I figured I would jump in. here's my quick thoughts, when I heard about it, I though alright cool, could be good, could suck, but then I saw Summer was going to be in it and I'm A HUGE firefly fan, so I jumped right on. So when I watched the first episode I was thinking, wow, this isn't so bad, it's pretty good. But then I saw the second episode and it was AWESOME, I was hooked after that one, :) so pretty much I can't wait for ever monday to come now.
Yeah, the show was ranked number 3 last week for the most watched show on TV. I just hope it stays on and doesn't get cancelled. The good terminator girl has some unusual abilities, especially that she can actually eat and can appear to have little problem with displaying emotion. I wonder if she is some sort of hybrid between human and cyborg.