Terry Pratchett - Discworld

Lady Lasaraleen

New member
I haven't seen any thread on this fantasy world.
I've spent the summer reading as many of Pratchett's work as possible

I like the way each book literary pulls apart an idea, system belief.

Like Guards guards is about the law police fore
The truth confront the media/newpapers.
Small Gods Religion

My favourite character is Carrot and I love the Watch books:p
such asGuards, Guards! Thud, Night Watch, feet of Clay
It's clear that the writer doesn't believe in God and it's quite blatant throughout his books. But as a Christian I think it's great metal excercise to argue in my mind all the points Pratchett makes against God, Religion.

His work is enjoyable;)

Any one else a fan?
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I got some of the Discworld books after sampling a Pratchett short story. I think he has a rich imagination and an adept style, though at times the stories seemed to get a bit "pot-boilerish" (how's that for an adjective?) They were enjoyable for all that, thought a bit two-dimensional for someone accustomed to the depth of Lewis and Tolkien, or even Larry Niven (author of Ringworld and other works) or early Fritz Lieber. He certainly has a satirical streak.

I didn't find his in-your-face atheism offensive, particularly because he didn't seem to be out to skewer religious believers - at least no more than he sought to skewer anyone else. It may just have been the books I selected, though.
I really absolutely adore The discworld books, and I'm Christian, a fairly liberal christian...
That said the girl who introduced me to the series and is 8 million times the fan I am, she is a very conservative christian - and she adores them.
I love the Witches books the best. Granny Weatherwax is hands-down my favorite (although I also love Death and Susan).

Anyone else read Good Omens? It's Pratchett's collaboration with Neil Gaiman.
I haven't read good omens
I read the children's book Where is my cow? when I was in the library and recieved many strange looks - I couldn't stop laughing. It's genius! :D
You'ld have to read Thud! before hand though
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I didn't find his in-your-face atheism offensive, particularly because he didn't seem to be out to skewer religious believers - at least no more than he sought to skewer anyone else. It may just have been the books I selected, though.

I agree. His books are a parody of many things People take seriously.

Don't you think it's funny, although He writes from atheist world view. He has strong references to the after life, Death zobies ghosts etc. I never thought the two ideas could coincide:confused:
It's fantasy. He doesn't believe in gods, or magic, or zombies, or Death (obviously he believes in death), or an afterlife. They all appear in Discworld, which is totally understandable because the series is fantasy, not realistic fiction or Terry Pratchett's philosophical ideas.