The Adventures of the Knight and the Squire

Sir Godfrey

Pelegrin Crucis
Once upon a time, in old days of the sword and bow, there was Knight and his faithful Squire. They travelled together in serach of glory and adventure. But what they didn't know was they were about to become apart of a legend...

Deep in the woods somewhere near Dublin

It was morning, and the sky was covered by a thick dark clouds. The woods were covered in wet dew, and standing near fire was Knight covered in shining chain mail armor. Next to him was Squire laying on the ground in deep sleep. Cracking his fingers the Knight went over to the Squire and prepared to wake him up.

*Kicks the Squire
Knight: Wake up!
*The Squire jolts, leaning upward to looknig around.
Knight: It's time to go, so get your things.
*Walking like a zombie, the Squire begins loading the horse.
Knight: Hurry it up, we need to het to Caveldell by noon.
*Squire groans as packs the last of their things.
Squire: Sir, if I may ask why are we traveling all the way to Caveldell?
Knight: Because I have business there.
Squire: Lute me guess another famer needs you to save hsi daughter again.
Knight: No, this happens to be real job.
Squire: Sure, you always say that.
Knight: This time it's the truth, now mount up.
*After a few tries the short Squire mounts his horse.
Knight: Oh and this time try to keep up.
Squire: Well maybe I could if you didn't ride so bloody fast.
Knight: Oh I'm sorry, does it make you feel uncomfortable?
Squire: Yes, because If I get lost you'l never be able to find me.
Knight: THat's the idea
*The Knight pulls on the reigns and kicks the horse with his sturups.
Squire: Hey!

Thus the Knight and his Squire were off to Caveldell the Village of Duke Edomel. There the Knight searchs for a job opportunity that would turn out to an adventure of a lifetime.
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After traveling for a ful lday through the woods of Burington, The Knight and his Squire stopped and prepared to set camp. As the Squire gathered wood for the fire, the Knight laided his back against a strong oak to rest. After gathering enough firewood the Squire sat at his master's side.

Squire: Master I was wondering if you tell me more about the Battle of Dwellington?
Knight: I'm really tired and it's a long story.
Squire: Please Sir, I've been wondering what happened after the lines were broken at Fort Mire.
Knight: Oh alright if it will shut you up.
*The Squire sits next to the started fire, waiting anxiously for his master to begin the tale.
Knight: After the lines were broken, most of are legion scattered breaking up into small groups. Most of them were surrounded and killed within minutes. But there was a few us, nearly thirty that bunddled up and began to force the enemy back. We used are shileds as one and at a command we attacked the enemy fierce and hard. After wiping out nearly a thousand of them, the nemy reinforced and came at us like hammer. Left and right we felt the blows of their swords and the cracks of their shileds. Covered in blood and sweat we push on, keeping are formation. Not one of us strayed, we all moved as one. At last we beated them back and with a comamnd we poured into their ranks, slaying each with the tip of are swords. The field became as red with rivers of blood and bodies. As victory seemed eminate, are Captain was slayed and the Men began to falter, leaderless. Thus I took it upon myslef to lead them foward. So I grabbed the Captian's sword and ran straight into their flanks shouting "Press foward". The Men fallowed my example, and with are few numbers we slaughtered the entire Army of Asher.
Squire: What happpend after the battle?
Knight: Many of us stuck together and continued in Burgingham, but unfortunatly we were defeated at Fort Bank. After that many of us parted, but a few of the strong stuck together including myself.
Squire: What happen to the others?
Knight: They all died in battle against some greedy and peity knights. With pause the Knight said: I was the only survivor.
Squire: Did you kill those other knights?
Knight: No
Squire: THen what happened?
Knight: I'm tired and the story you wanted to hear is over. So lutes get soem sleep.
Squire: But...
Knight: No buts, the tale is over now go to sleep.

As the Knight shut his eyes, the Squire laided down by the fire. His mind was consumed by curious thoughts about what happened and the Squire greatly wanted to know, but he knew hi Master wasn't going to tell him. So pondering it all the Squire drifted off into sleep.
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