the apple tree


New member
ummm ok i have only read up to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader but i have been wonderin.....where did the apple tree in The Magicians Nephew go..did it fall since like they said the tree in "our world" did basically everything it did and the one in "our world" fell down does that mean the other one did too???? hmmmmmm i wonder.....

if the answer too this contains information from any book past TVOTDT than plz say "u will find out" if it doesnt than feel free to answer my question.!

plz & thnx

I have forwarded your request for information to Lord Bramblesnatch at the Ministry of Forestry, Agriculture and Mining. In the future you may contact him directly at or set your crystal ball to Flash / Aura / Aqua / Mystery / Forest / Contact Us. Feel free to step into the nearest wardrobe to visit us during normal business hours.
Regarding the fall of the tree planted from the apple core that Digory saved after his mother's healing, did it not fall at the same time the tree in Narnia fell? Would not the tree in Narnia still be standing if the lovers of life and Aslan had guarded the tree as he said? Truffle Hunter's Twin posed that question to me and I pose the same to you.

When life is so beautiful and wonderful, isn't that the time when we let our guards down and neglect that which made life so wonderful and beautiful?
Of Mice and Narnia said:
Regarding the fall of the tree planted from the apple core that Digory saved after his mother's healing, did it not fall at the same time the tree in Narnia fell?
I don't think there's any indication of that, and the question is made all the more difficult because of the disjoint in time between the two worlds.
Would not the tree in Narnia still be standing if the lovers of life and Aslan had guarded the tree as he said? Truffle Hunter's Twin posed that question to me and I pose the same to you.
An interesting thought, again about which there's no indication, though it's a good ground for speculation. Your point is well appreciated!
The reason I mentioned the trees possibly falling at the same time had more to do with spiritual analogy than timing. We have objective information from the Chronicles that the tree in Narnia would fall only when the "good" inhabitants failed to guard it, is that correct? Watching how subtlety C.S. Lewis weaves bibilical analogies throughout the stories, one wonders if he wasn't being a little prophetic about his own country when the "tree" fell because it was no longer being guarded by the "good" inhabitants.

I'm not criticizing England by that remark but stating what seems to have been the trend in the days of Lewis. Those same days of lax guardianship seem to be having the same effect upon my country.
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Chakal said:
I have forwarded your request for information to Lord Bramblesnatch at the Ministry of Forestry, Agriculture and Mining. In the future you may contact him directly at or set your crystal ball to Flash / Aura / Aqua / Mystery / Forest / Contact Us. Feel free to step into the nearest wardrobe to visit us during normal business hours.

I read this and had a most unworthy thought concerning Lady Bramblesnatch... ;) :eek: :p

...Okay, I'm going straight to Hell, do not pass Go... I'd better pick up a loaf of bread and a toasting fork on the way...