the bit at the end......


New member
hay, I was thinking, the bit at the end when Aslan tells Lucy that its none of here bussness wether Eustce will get back into Narnia agian is a bit like when Jesus said Peter " if I want him to remian alive untill I return, what is that to you?" ( john 21 22) talking about John. Anyone agree?
Distinct similarity there - even the same theme. Aslan was telling Lucy and Edmund that they had to follow Him under differing circumstance, and they were balking a bit (at least Lucy was). Likewise Jesus was telling Peter how rough it was going to be for him.
There's a lot in that bit at the end of VDT. I agree it is similar to what Jesus said to Peter. It's a concept that I think most of us struggle with. We all want to know about everyone else and we want things to be "fair" from our perspective. All Jesus says is "follow Me"...He doesn't say what will happen in detail to each of us and it's not going to be the same for any of us. It's a great lesson in teaching us to worry about ourselves and our own walk rather than being discontented by looking at others around us. C.S. Lewis once said, "The surest way of spoiling a pleasure is to start examining your satisfaction." I think that this is true with our Christian walks as well. We get to be called children of God and the creator of everything actually cares about us. I'm hoping to learn to focus on Him and being with Him more than taking apart my walk mentally and rating each part to my own liking...or concentrating on the walks of others.

The whole bit at the end of VDT is my favorite part of all the Chronicles. I hope that it doesn't get changed in the movie!!!
I always thought it was more of the same thing that Aslan told Aravis and Shasta in Horse&HisBoy, that Aslan only tells the story of whom He is talking to and will not answer the question regarding anyone else. This would be like saying that someone else's personal faith and spirituality is no one's business but their own.

Without having the book in front of me: was it not in this very scene that Aslan said to Lucy something like, "The next time you see Me, we will never be parted again"?
Without having the book in front of me: was it not in this very scene that Aslan said to Lucy something like, "The next time you see Me, we will never be parted again"?

No, Aslan says that he will be telling Lucy how to find him in her own world all the time, but not that they'd never be parted again the next time they met. He just wouldn't tell Lucy anything about what Eustace would be allowed to do.
I think it's something more like, "the next time you come, it will be for good." I'll go check.

Edit: nope, it's at the end of Silver Chair. Aslan's talking to Eustace and Jill, and says "When you meet me here again, you will have come to stay. But not now. You must go back to your own world for a while."

This indicates that he was already thinking of the final ending of Narnia by the time he was wrapping up Silver Chair (in fact, he'd already written Horse, but held off publishing it so the three Caspian books could come out together.) There's good indication that when he wrote Dawn Treader, he was thinking that would be the last one.
Isn't it close to the end of VDT that they children encounter the lamb who speaks to them, and gives them breakfast. Is that lamb Aslan, as in the Lamb of God, Christ? Cuz you know, Jesus fed His disciples breakfast one morning after the resurrection, made fish for them ...
"Lucy has the right to know what will happen to Eustace!"

Edmundia, neither Lucy nor Eustace had the right to know what the future held. That is what Aslan was telling Lucy.

As for your other point, would you want just anyone to know everything about your life? The only person who has that right is you (and your G*d if you believe in One who is omnipotent). Only you get to choose who else gets to know information about your life. I think I understand where you are coming from, but if you can't get someone else to come forward to admit things to you or to others who can be of help, there is nothing else to do on your part.

And by the way, the "it's not for you to know" thing is not a Christian thing, it is a universal thing in nearly every society.

"when it's someone important to me, I most definitely want them to know. Secrecy breeds distrust. When people I care about hide things from me I start thinking I can't trust much of what they say."

Edmundia, the issue here is that there can be major differences between what two people want to keep secret from each other. You apparently believe that there should be virtually no secrets among close family and friends. I believe that there are legitimate reasons why people don't want to tell others things they consider private. I wouldn't even want to know that much about the people I cared most about.

But again, the issue at hand here regarding Aslan telling Lucy that she needn't know whether Eustace will return to Narnia is valid. She was asking about what will happen in the future. There was one more similar conversation between Lucy and Aslan in PC. It happened after Lucy first found and talked to Aslan, she wondered if had she gone to him the first time at the gorge, things would have turned out differently, Aslan told her she can not ever know what could have happened.

It should be noted, however, that while Aslan will not tell others of someone else's story, he does not forbid them to tell their own story to others.

"I wasn't thinking in terms of wondering about the future"

The issue, Edmundia, is that Lucy asking whether or not Eustace will come back to Narnia is the very topic of this thread. And by the way, Lucy does learn that Eustace goes back. He tells all of his cousins, hence the meeting of the Friends of Narnia, which included Jill.

"Otherwise, it's not "over sharing"; it's satisfying someone's concern."

Oversharing is when the recipient does not want to know all of the details that the person is sharing. Hence, the phrase TMI. However, there is also being overly curious. That is wanting to know too much about someone else's life, especially if they do not want to share it. Do you share every conversation you ever had with everyone else with your loved ones?
