the Faerie Path


New member
while "The Faerie Path" is actually a trilogy, and a good one too hehe....i'm creating this thread to be based, not on the books, but actually the "path between our world and Faerie" and to see if anyone else in interested in the world and idea of faerie (which technically, for those who don't know, is a parallel world of britian really, except pure, natural, clean and..well...full of faerie...which isn't just fairies..but includes all of them, pixies, brownies, elves, sprites, goblins, trolls...all of them). the idea of such a place just amazes me so much! Faerie makes for the best stories and imaginative games ever .. in my own opinion. hehe. anywho...any other "faerie" fans out there? ^_^
I haven't read the books,but I love fairies!:D Esp. Tinkerbell.;):p
And Cicely Mary Barker's drawings.:D
Tinkerbell? *Pssst! I think we need to introduce DDB here on Faeries.* ;}
I've yet to go indept on Fearie stories. And no I'm NOT intending to read th spiderwick chronicles. Should've read them when I was like 9 but naaah, im into dark fantasy so it wouldn't appeal to me. Oh I wish I could read more. So frustrating.
I've read Holy Black's OTHER faeire books, the Tithe trilogy. That's darker fantasy for young adults :} Much more like it.
So who is "the faerie path" written by?
I haven't read the books,but I love fairies!:D Esp. Tinkerbell.;):p
And Cicely Mary Barker's drawings.:D

hehe..yes yes..i like to believe tinkerbell is my alter ego. haha. and i LOVE cicely mary bakers books!!! she is fascinatins and so talented. i actually have a good collection of her stuff. i loovee fairies so much!

and the author of Faerie Path is Frewin Jones or something like that :p

what's DDB? .. i actually don't mind dark's certain KINDS of dark fantasy that i dont' like....i'm actually reading a trilogy right now called Faerie's fascinating and totally dark.....i can't explain what type of fantasy it is that i dont like. but i did almost get the Tithe Trilogy off amazon a little bit ago....but i didn't.. are they really good?
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DDB = DaydreamBeliever. :) what type of fantasy you don't like?
tithe and them, they're good, and like all faerie tales, when you read them you get this magical feeling, i just feel like the author got bored in the end so she kind of slacked off in "Iron Side", which is the third book in the trilogy. But fearies are awesome, and i mean the dark ones :D well all of 'em
I have the first book of that series... I've never gotten around to finishing it, but it's pretty good so far.
^^^ sould read them! THE LAST TWO ARE THE BEST!! The first book is just the beginning!! lol

unbrella: the kind of fantasy i don't like is like...Lord of the me that type of fantasy is just's TOO fantasy is serious..but .. it's different's almost impossible for me to explain what i mean....i guess...if i'm going to watch/read a fantasy story..i want to enjoy picturing it in my mind...i creat vivid images.....smells, feelings,...all of them...and i don't like the scene i come up with for things like lord of the rings...i'ts almost like it lacks fantasy creativity...i don't know how else ot put it..and i'll probably be mobbed now for saying that :p lol...go easy on me Lord of the Rings fans!!