The Hunt for Gollum

Son of Adam

Pastor of Narnia
Knight of the Noble Order
I don't know if this has ever been posted here, but it's been a while since I was last here, but I was wondering if anyone has seen the totally amazing fan film called, "The Hunt for Gollum". Here is the link:


It's a wonderful 35-40 minute film about the search for Gollum after he escaped from Mordor. The actors who play Aragorn, Gandalf, Arwyn, and Legolas are really good, but the film is primarily about Aragorn who meets with Gandalf and offers to go in search of Gollum and capture him before he can reach the shire in an attempt to steal back the ring from Frodo, although Gollum still thinks Bilbo has it.

The acting is good, the costumes are amazing, and the whole thing is just an excellent production. The film has garnered awards from different places for short films, amateur filmmaking, etc. The actor who plays Aragorn looks a lot like the original and sounds like him too. Volunteers from all over came to do this production. No one connected with the film received a penny for doing including the actors and the crew. It was designed to be released online for Tolkein fans and LOTR fans to enjoy. It's a great way to spend some time and relive a bit of Middle Earth once again.
I've already watched it. And indeed, it deserves the awards and the fans' respect.

Since the wait for The Hobbit is going to be long, though.

And, as amateur as it could be seen, they put lots of effort into it, and gave a most cherished treasure for the the Tolkiendili out there.

I'll have to see it again to give a better opinion.
The film won't load for me,but I watched the trailer and it looks quite impressive.:cool: Plus,it did bring back lots of memories of the first time I saw LOTRs.:D
I believe that group has done Berin and Luthien and one of the Lost Tales, as well. Beren and Luthien was pretty good, I haven't seen the other yet. They're both earlier films, so the acting and effects aren't as good as the Hunt for Gollum, but they're dece.