The Last Battle (My Version)

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
I have written an attempted version of The Last Battle, which elaborates a bit more of the Calormene side. I know I've said that romance doesn't really belong in Narnia as a whole, but that's in the canon universe. This is a fanfic. Those of you that ship Tirian and Jill or Eustace and Jill, I actually don't ship them. Please send some feedback or your thoughts.


Female Star Soloist:
I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and leaves there grew
Of wind I sang, a wind there came and in them blew
In light I wove a secret land of timeless joy
A perfect forest no mortal can dare to destroy

Beyond the sun
Beyond the moon

Shine forever
Beacon of light
Blaze in the air
Vanquishing night
Live forever
Held like a breath
Deep at the core
Blossom in death

The golden leaves will fade and fall through branching years
Through sweet the song yet sweeter still shall be the tears
The night must come, the shadows grow, the dark descends
And all we love and all we know must reach an end

Though worlds will die and worlds will grow Out of death, life
Out of night, day, glory from sorrow
Out of grief, joy
Out of storm, comes strength for tomorrow
Out of dust, gold
Out of fire, air, comfort forsaken
Out of rage, calm
Out of loss, find, glory awaken

Master Cordell and his wife Madam Adela were visiting their home country in Archenland. They have both come from a noble family. Master Cordell's great-great-great grandfather started to run a Tavern in Narnia called the Dragon Inn, and was passed on from generation to generation. Master Cordell and Madam Adela moved to Narnia eventually and took over the Dragon Inn after his father retired. They welcomed guests from all over who needed a place of lodging. They were both born of noble family in Archenland as well.

"I know we've talked about having children", said Madam Adela, "It seems like we never will."

"I know you want to have a child", said Master Cordell, "I guess it's never meant to be."

While in Archenland, in a small town, they've learned about a terrible plague that was struck in the cold winter month. Many people have died from it. For a while, it was under a pandemic. They met up with a man with a great beard and wearing a long robe.

"Coriakin", said Master Cordell, "What are you ding here in Archenland?"

"I've helping those who are sick from the plague and comforting those who have lost their loved ones", said Coriakin, "Master Cordell, what brings you and Madam Adela back in Archenland."

"We were visiting relatives. Then we've heard of the terrible plague that was struck."

"I also have been looking after the orphans, those who've lost their parents during the plague. That is until they're found good homes."

"Madame Adela has been wanting a child. We never been able to."

"Who is this little girl?", asked Madam Adela, seeing a little girl with golden hair and blue green eyes

"Her name is Marietta", said Coriakin, "She's a beautiful child. Her parents are among those who died of the plague. I've been looking after her for awhile."

"Is there anything we can do?", asked Master Cordell.

"Perhaps if she is willing, she can stay with you. Raise her as your own."

Master Cordell and Madame Adela thanked Coriakin and took Marietta with them back to Chippingford, Narnia. Then to their tavern, the Dragon Inn, where she lived and worked when she grew into a young woman.

Years later-

It was a normal day in Narnia. It was a cold winter, but spring was here before time. The last king of Narnia, Tirian, called together his best friend, Jewel the unicorn, Bleakpond and Lilypaddle the Marshwiggles, Stonefoot the giant, Roonwit the Centaur, Farsight the Eagle for council. He was between 21 and 25 years old with a fearless, honest face, though his beard was scanty. His limbs were full of hard muscle and shoulders were broad. For a time Narnia was at peace. However, they had to be prepared for what is coming.

"Sire", said Jewel, "So what is to happen? We have not any invasion from the enemy."

"Yes", said Tirian, "We are at peace with Calormen."

"As I remember, you visited Tashbaan", said Bleakpond the marshwiggle, "And the Tisroc took you to the temple of Tash."

"Yes, Bleakpond. And Narnia has been at peace. My 7th great grand father King Rilian was stolen by a witch known as the Lady of the Green Kirtle."

"And a boy and girl came from beyond the world to rescue him", said Jewel.

Tirian knew well that the Calormenes have been wanting to enslave Narnia for centuries. It had been going on since the Golden Age. For centuries, Narnia and Calormen had a diplomatic relationship. Narnia's friend and ally was a country called Archenland, which is between Narnia and Calormen. However, for a long time, Calormen had wanted to enslave both countries and make them their own.

Far up into the west, there was an ape. He was old, no one knew how he came to live into those parts. His name was Shift, and he had a friend, a donkey named Puzzle. They said they were friends, but as things went on, Puzzle was more like Shift's servant. One day, the pair of them, walked along where the River Narnia flowed and the great waterfall. The pool was always dancing, churning, and bubbly. That's how it became known as Caldron Pool.

"Hey, look over there", said Shift, pointing with his dark skinny finger, "That yellow thing. It's floating."

"Where?", asked Puzzle.

"We must find out what it is. Now go in like a good fellow."

'Oh wouldn't it be better if you went into the pool, Shift? I only got hoofs. You'd be as good as a man or a dwarf."

"Really, Puzzle. You may not realize what weak chests apes have and can easily catch a cold. Very well. I'll go in. I'll possibly get sick and die."

"No, no. I'll go in. Promise me you won't do it, Shift."

"Alright. But you have to catch it before it floats away."

Puzzle went into the pond. There was some struggle, but was able to get the yellow thing. He brought out onto the shore. Shift held up it and knew what it was at once. It was a lion skin.

'Who do you think killed the poor lion?", asked Puzzle, "He ought to be buried.."

"It wasn't a talking lion", said Shift, "You don't need to bother about that. There are no talking beasts in these parts." Yes, it belonged to a dumb and wild lion. "I know, we'll use this lion skin to make a nice winter coat for you."

"Oh, I don't think it would be very respectful."

"Respectful to whom?"

"To the Great Lion.. to Aslan Himself."

"I'll tell you what. It's market day in Chippingford today", said Shift, "See if there are any oranges or bananas."

Puzzle went to Chippingford. Shift went swinging from branch to branch to his little house in the tree. He got out a pair a scissors and thread to sew the lion skin. He learned the skill of sewing from the dwarfs. Soon after, Puzzle came back, however with no oranges or bananas. Shift put the lion skin on Puzzle at once. There was some struggle and pulling, but was able to get it on. Puzzle might be mistaken as a lion if the lighting wasn't good and he didn't let out a bray.

"If anyone saw you now, everyone would think you're the great lion Aslan himself", said Shift.

"That would be dreadful", said Puzzle.

"But think of the good we can do", said Shift, "You have me to advise you. I can think of sensible orders for you to give. Everyone now will have to obey us, even the King. We'll set everything right in Narnia."

"Isn't everything right already?"

"What about oranges and bananas? There's sugar too."

"Yes, it would be nice if there was more sugar."

"Then it's settled. You pretend to be Aslan and I'll tell you what to say."

"Oh do not say dreadful things, Shift. What will become of us when the real Aslan shows up?"

"I think He'd be pleased. He probably sent the lion skin to us on purpose so we can set things to right. Besides, he never turns up."

However there was a thunder clap. Puzzle said he knew they were doing something very wicked. Shift said that it was Aslan who sent the thunder clap, showing his approval.

["Wonder" from Lord of the Rings (Musical) @A.R Rahim and Christopher Nightengale, all rights reserved.]
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Prologue (Continued)

A tavern in the town of Chippingford, Narnia was bustling with people running in and out. At times, some come to lounge there and some come for entertainment. Master Cordell and Madam Adela had always made sure things were running smoothly. There were different waiters and waitresses that worked there. Guests had come from all over- Narnia, Archenland, and Calormen. Marietta was one of the tavern maids that worked there. She was short and slender, a petite girl, and she had flawless fair skin with golden-hair and blue-green eyes. She wore a loose blouse with a teal bodice, pink skirt and sarong embellished with coins. She didn't wear a whole lot of jewelry, other than a pair of earrings that dangled down. She often went around bare foot. Another tavern maid was a friend of hers, Rhonda. She had brownish hair, and wore a loose blouse, skirt, and sarong with coins, like Marietta did. Master Cordell decided to have a talk with Marietta.

"Now, Marietta, you have bloomed into a beautiful young woman", said Master Cordell, "Most likely, you will be sought after by many men. Men would most likely be drawn to your beauty and singing voice."

"Well, it's about time we find for you a suitable husband", said Madam Adela, "Perhaps a lord of the Seven Isles or a prince of Terenbithia or the Duke of Anvard."

"You're the closest thing I had to a mother and father, Master Cordell and Madam Adela", said Marietta, "But whom I marry should be my decision, not yours."

"Is that even possible?", asked Master Cordell.

"Master Cordell, did you know right away that Madam Adela was the one?"

"Oh, it didn't worked like that. It took me a while to figure out if she really was the one. Then, of course, she was."

"And we have a very happy marriage", said Madam Adela.

"So suppose the right one did come along. I wonder if a lord from Archenland or a Tarkaan from Calormen would seek after me?"

"I think a Calormen Tarkaan would be drawn to your beauty, most likely. And you never know what they might be mostly interested in... from what I can understand, most likely not in you as a person."

"But suppose, what if they're not all like that?"

"Choose carefully, my dear", said Madam Adela.

The Tisroc was sitting on a cushion seat in his palace. He looked over a note he had gotten from Shift. For a time, Shift and the Tisroc were secret communication. For a long time, Calormen had been wanting to enslave Narnia and Archenland.

"Oh Tisroc (may you live forever)", said a Calormene soldier who seemed to be in command and was a Tarkaan with the gold ring on his arm, "Is it possible to take Narnia for our own?"

"Yes, Rishda", said the Tisroc, "However, it's been inhabited by demons in form of talking animals."

" they hold strong magic there?"

"It is what I fear. Perhaps if you were to take your men... wait? I have received word from Shift. He said to make ready the navy. Perhaps there is a way to take it peacefully."

"Perhaps if I was to take 30 men, we can disguise ourselves as merchants to Narnia."

"That might do. Blessing of Tash be upon you, Rishda Tarkaan."

"To hear is to obey."

Rishda was given a blessing as he headed out of the courts of the Tisroc. He would soon gather 30 soldiers and lead them to Narnia. Among the soldiers was a young man named Emeth. He was tall, dark, and beautiful in a rather dark, haughty Calormene way. He was the seventh son of Harpha Tarkaan of Teshibaan. His dear friend was Chlamash, the son of Levent Tarkaan.

"So we are marching to Narnia?", asked Emeth.

"It sure sounds like it", said Chlamash.

"I've been praying to Tash that one day I would meet Narnians in battle."

"I think we will have opportunity. But tell me, what seems to be troubling you."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, Emeth. We've known each other since we were boys. You're my best friend. You can tell me."

"My mother and father wanted to find a wife for me. It just doesn't seem right for a parent to choose a husband or wife for their son or daughter."

"And a Tarkaan has been known to have a younger wife. Yes... my mother is quite a few years younger than my father. And it was all arranged. I suppose your parents were as well."

"Yes, that's right. My father is set his way. My six brothers have their wives chosen by our mother and father. I do not wish to follow that same footsteps. Chlamash, do you suppose I could have the right to choose a wife."

"I can't say. Maybe not in Calormen, but perhaps in the Northern countries, no one is forced to marry against their will."

"Perhaps if I love someone... maybe if were to seek Tash, and perhaps meet Narnians in battle."

'Well, you might get your wish or you might not."

Rishda first went to the temple of Tash, and met with the high priest of Tash there.

"Ah, Rishda Tarkaan", said the High Priest of Tash, "Good for you to arrive. Are you ready to make your petitions to Tash?"

"I am, sir", said Rishda.

"You may proceed."

Rishda looked up at the golden Tash with solid diamonds for eyes, and the incense burn.

"I beseech you, O Tash the Inexorable", said Rishda, "to give me victory in my quest to overthrow Narnia, and to bring that land under the power and lordship of the Tisroc (may he live forever). Better, under my rule!"

"Enfold your black wings over Rishda Tarkaan", said the High Priest of Tash, "Protect him in the task that he undertakes in your name! Reach forth your mighty talons, that it may give the strength of Tash to his arm."

Soon after, Rishda shook hands with the High Priest of Tash and he stepped outside the temple.

"If I bring about the end of Narnia", Rishda thought to himself, it will be my own strength and cunning, not by any help of some gruesome vulture-headed god. But I will let Tash take the credit, since the Tisroc will need someone to rule the country for him. And who'd better than the servant of the devout believer in Tash?"

He gathered around 30 of his soldiers that he was to lead into Narnia. Emeth and Chlamash were among them. Before they left, he gave instructions to them-

"Now, warriors of the Tisroc (may he live forever)", said Rishda, "You may have hoped to meet Narnians in battle. However, we do not plan to engage in a war with them. Instead. we are to go disguised as merchants and work by lies and trickery there. Any questions?"

"My father", said Chlamash, "How will this work?"

"We are not to let the Narnians know that we come to take their land. Oh, we are taking Narnia... we're just doing it in a peaceful way. So for right now, get some rest. We'll leave for Narnia tomorrow."

They went to get some rest, and Emeth wasn't all that pleased. He was hoping to meet Narnians in battle. But who knows? Maybe this strategy could work as well.

One night, upon the Calormenes arrival in Narnia, they made a stop in the town of Chippingford. It was the town where markets thrive and there was entertainment in the streets. While there, Emeth and Chlamash saw a sign, which read The Dragon Inn in big print. At the bottom, it read, Weary from Adventuring? Drag yourself on in.

"It looks like a good place for rest and recreation", said Emeth.

"I'm with you, my man", said Chlamash, "Perhaps we should check this place out."

They went inside the Dragon Inn and saw it was bustling with people going in and out. There was a group of tavern butlers and maids waiting on tables. There was even a sound of tale and laughter going around. And what else? There seemed to be guest from all over as well.

"Oh, two Calormenes", said Rhonda, "Nice to meet you. I am Rhonda. Allow me to show you your seats."

"Thank you", said Emeth.

And Rhonda showed them their seat at a table. In the mean time, Rishda had followed close behind to see what they were up to.

"There you two are", said Rishda, "What are two of my soldiers doing in a place like this?"

"Come on, my father", said Chlamash, "Don't you need a little rest and recreation after a long journey from Calormen?"

"I suppose. But still, this Tavern is no place for high class Tarkaans like us."

"Oh, we have guests that come from all over, Sir", said Rhonda, "Archenland, Calormen, Galma, Terenbithia, the Seven Isles, the Lone Islands."

Rishda sat a table with Emeth and Chlamash, and decided to have a talk with them over a drink.

"Well, the other soldiers find a market place", said Rishda, "They have market day every few other day."

"Is that so?", asked Chlamash.

"Perhaps, here in Chippingford, as merchants, we can make them think we're selling goods imported from Calormen. Oh, and I've met with an ape named Shift. He says that Aslan is in Narnia."

"Oh, do we have to wait upon a monkey?", asked Emeth, rolling his eyes.

"That's what he wants.."

Next moment, they heard singing. They wondered where it was coming from. It sounded beautiful, that was for sure. Her voice was high, ringing and clear, and very agile. Rishda was struck by the beauty of the sound, but oh, wait. He knew came to conquer Narnia by peace, and was not to think of a young woman in such a way. Emeth was drawn to the singing as well. He had been hoping to meet Narnians in battle. But could this have changed, he wondered.
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Excellent! This belongs in The Professor's Writing Club.

I said earlier that the canonical Narnian stories are not ABOUT romantic love, but this doesn't mean romance WOULDN'T HAPPEN in that world.
I do like the notion of fleshing out Emeth.

There are, unfortunately, Christians who positively DESIRE as many souls to be eternally lost as possible. They gleefully invoke the first chapter of Romans, to claim that EVERYONE EVERYWHERE should be able to recite the Nicene Creed, just by looking at clouds and trees. But all of this is dependent on what was meant in Romans by "Men who by their wickedness suppress the truth."

Decades ago, I did a New Testament concordance search for the word "men" as used by Paul in Romans one. I found that this word for "men" is NEVER used to mean "the whole human race uniformly." It literally means "SOME men." Indeed, some men and women have enough understanding to make them fully accountable as they are. But if this were a uniform condition, Paul could never have said in First Timothy chapter one that HE had received mercy FOR BEING IGNORANT. Paul had possessed thorough knowledge of the Old Testament, AND had known the testimony of Christians; if HE could still have God cutting him slack for ignorance, he would have no business claiming that an Aborigine living in Australia in 400 B.C. supposedly knew all the truth just by seeing clouds and trees.
{Here is the first chapter. Hope you enjoy}

Chapter One

In the meantime, outside, Marietta was practicing on how to wield a sword. It was actually fitting for her size, and not as heavy as an actual sword would be. She also did some archery practice. Master Cordell would often tell her of the wars he fought. Coriakin came out to meet with her, and she was doing target practice.

"Were there any battles out on the Eastern Ocean?", asked Marietta.

"The Dawn Treader had got smashed by a thunder storm and by a sea serpent", said Coriakin, "King Caspian X and his crew took a sword, but Reepicheep the mouse insisted on using brains instead."

"Am I likely to participate in a battle?"

"Not very likely. Though you should use your sword and bow and arrow to defend yourself if you need to."

Marietta thanked Coriakin for coming by to check on her every so often. She went back inside and saw that Rhonda had wanted to talk with her.

"Marietta, what is it?", asked Rhonda.

"Rhonda, I just don't get it", said Marietta, "Master Cordell and Madam Adela were like my parents."

"Yes, I know. And they've raised you well."

"But...they've chose this job for me. It is to pay for my room and board. Madam Adela even chooses my outfit for my singing. Now they're choosing a husband for me."

"Is that what you want?"

"That's just it. They're trying to find for me a suitor."

"Oh dear. So it's almost like a parent picking clothing and job and suitor for their child."

"Yes, it should not be their decision whom I marry. It should be mine."

"Perhaps I could help you out in some way. You know I'm here to talk to, as your best friend."

Marietta gave Rhonda a hug and thanked her, being her best friend.

It was a sunny day in England. The year was 1949, and it has been about four years since WWII ended. It it seems that things were back to normal. Well, somewhat back to normal. A man named Digory Kirke who was a professor sent invitation to a group over for dinner as well as talking about how each would share about their time in Narnia. It included Polly Plummer who went with Digory to Narnia on the day it was created, the four Pevensie children- Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy- who went to Narnia for the first time through a wardrobe and reigned as kings and queens there, the Pevensie's cousin Eustace Scrubb and his school mate Jill Pole. It was going to be an exciting time to talk about Narnia. However, though, Susan was now acting like she's all grown up. Her siblings, her cousin Eustace, Digory, Polly, and Jill try to convince her to talk about Narnia.

"Hey Su", said Eustace, "Why don't we talk about our time in Narnia?"

"What wonderful memories you have", said Susan, "Fancy you're still thinking about those silly games we used to play when we were children."

Susan had lost interest in Narnia, and dismissed it as childish. She was now interested in nylons, lipsticks, and invitations (though that would depend on one's definition of "invitations"). She was keen on being grown up. Even when the others try to get to her to talk about Narnia, it was no use. So at the dinner, there would only be seven, and they would become known as "The Seven Friends of Narnia."

Rhonda and Marietta were waiting on tables once again with the others. Some time later, Emeth and Chlamash arrived once again at the Dragon Inn.

"Hello there", said Rhonda, showing them their seat.

"Hello", said Chlamash, "Rhonda, isn't it?"

"Yes, that's right. You two Calormene gentlemen seemed to stop by here often."

"Well, we like to come here for rest and recreation", said Emeth.

"Well, I'm glad you did."

Then they sat down for a drink and meal. Meanwhile, as Marietta was waiting on tables, she went to think out loud about how she wished her life was more than just a tavern maid. She also didn't want Master Cordell and Madam Adela to choose a suitor for her. But what choice could she have? She sang as she thought on this-

'Tis the last rose of summer
Left blooming all alone,
All her lovely companions
Are faded and gone.
No flower of her kindred,
No rose bud is nigh,
To reflect back her blushes,
And give sigh for sigh.

I'll not leave thee, thou lone one,
To pine on the stem.
Since the lovely are sleeping,
Go sleep now with them.
Thus kindly I scatter
Thy leaves o'er the bed
Where thy mates of the garden
Lie scentless and dead.

Ah ah ah ah

So soon may I follow
When friendships decay,
And from love'ss shining circle
The gems drop away!
When true hearts lie withered
And fond ones are flown
Oh! Who would inhabit
This bleak world alone?

Emeth heard her singing, and he was drawn to her voice. He thought it was the most beautiful thing he's ever heard. Then he saw her waiting on one of the tables.

"It's the girl that's been singing?", asked Emeth, "She has the most beautiful voice."

"Emeth, as your best friend, I should look out for you", said Chlamash.

Emeth was drawn to her beautiful voice, so much brightness and lightness and innocence. Though appreciated that Chlamash was trying to look out for him.

"Your majesty", said Bleakpond the marshwiggle to King Tirian, "Have you heard?"

"What is it, Bleakpond?", said King Tirian.

"Aslan has been seen in Narnia."

"Really? After all these years?"

"Well, that's word on the street. I haven't seen Him myself, but I've been hearing word on the street."

"It is certainly wonderful news. Jewel, did you hear that?"

"Aslan has been seen in Narnia?", asked Jewel.

"Yes, that's right", said Bleakpond.

Tirian and Jewel were eager to hear more of this news, that Aslan was in Narnia. And there was whispering and bustling going about in Narnia that Aslan was in Narnia.

The Calormene soldiers were going through the market in the streets of Chippingford. They made it as they were selling goods from Calormen.

"So you must be the merchants from Calormen", said a man selling jewelry.

"Why yes, sir, we are", said Rishda, "We've come here because we've heard Aslan has landed in Narnia."

"Is that so?"

"Why yes. His mouth piece, Lord Shift, says so himself."

Rishda was reasoning with the jewelry seller, and used trickery to buy them and other items as well. Emeth could not believe what he just saw. But what else could he do?

"Come on men", said Rishda to his soldiers, "We've got work to do at Lantern Waste."

Rishda was giving order to his soldiers. Some were to harness horses to a log, and some were to cut down trees. Meanwhile, Emeth went to scout out more of the Western Woods. Rishda began to sing a song to his men-

The gold of the Tisroc
The jewels of Tashbaan
seem like mere trinkets
The gold we find here
Oh, with all ya got in ya, boys
Dig up Narnia, boys

Mine, boys, mine ev'ry mountain
And dig, boys, dig 'til ya drop
Grab a pick, boys
Quick, boys
Shove in a shovel
Uncover those lovely
Pebbles that sparkle and shine
It's gold and it's mine, mine, mine

Calormene Soldiers
Dig and dig and dig and diggety
Dig and dig and dig and diggety

Oh, I love it!

Calormene soldiers:
Dig and dig and dig and diggety
Dig and dig and dig and diggety

My rivals back home
It's not that I'm bitter
But think how they'll squirm
When they see how I glitter!
The upper class at court
The Tisroc will reward me
He'll knight me ... no, lord me

It's mine, mine, mine
For the taking
It's mine, boys
Mine me that gold!
It's glory of the rock
My dear friend, the Tisroc
Will probably build me a shrine
When all of the gold is mine

Calormene Soliders:
Dig and dig and dig and diggety
Dig and dig and dig and diggety-dig

All of my life I've dreamed of a land like this one
Oh, a more beautiful country I couldn't design
A hundred dangers await and I don't want to miss one
A land I can claim, a land I can tame
The greatest adventure is mine

Keep on working, lads
Don't be shirking, lads
Mine, boys, mine
Mine me that gold
Beautiful gold

Rishda and Calormene soldiers:
Make this land
My land!

This land we behold

This beauty untold

A man can be bold!

It all can be sold!
And the gold is

Calormene Soldiers:
Dig and dig and dig and diggety
Dig and dig and dig and diggety

["The Last Rose of Summer" @Thomas Moore, all rights reserved. "Mine Mine Mine" from Pocahontas @Alan Menkan and Stephen Schwartz, all rights reserved]
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The very fact that you work in examples of classic literature is a plus here.

Do you know who E.R. Eddison was? Around fifteen years before "Lord of the Rings" began to be written, he wrote his own heroic epic, titled "The Worm Ouroboros." At the time I first saw this book, I thought the title meant that there was a thing call an "Ouroboro," and thatthe story would involve multiple Ouroboros who were of a wormy type.

However, as Mister Tolkien could have told me, "Worm" here meant a dragon, and "Ouroboros" was a Greek-derived singular name. The title of Eddison's novel was referring to a metaphor. No living monster named "Ouroboros" appears in the novel; rather, the metaphor is applied to something which happens in the story (no spoilers here).

I said that to say this: Eddison borrowed excerpts of old poetry, and put them in the mouths of his characters. Unlike you, he didn't invent new lyrics of his own, but he used existing verses to lend color to the narrative. You are doing what Eddison may have been too lazy to do: you are giving readers a taste of what past literature is like, and at the same time adding your own creativity to enhance your story.
(another chapter awaits).

Chapter Two

Rishda and his Calormene troops decided to check out once more the town of Chippingford. However, it seemed to be crowded, even for after night fall.

"Is that a throne there?", asked Chlamash.

"Oh, that's where the King of Narnia would usually sit", said a dwarf with red hair and beard named Poggin, "But for some reason he's not here."

It gave Rishda an idea. He decided to take a seat on the seat that was usually reserved for the King of Narnia. This gave him idea: one day he would rule Narnia when Narnia became a Calormene province. Then he saw an ape was also there. Shift, who looked ten times uglier than when he lived by Caldron pool, was now dressed up. He wore a scarlet jacket which didn't fit him very well, having been made for a dwarf. He wore jeweled slippers on his hind paws, which didn't fit on properly, because an ape's hind paws are really like hands. He also wore a paper crown on his head.

"Come one, come all", said Shift, "This is for your entertainment."

A fire was lit, and they looked on. They saw Marietta from the Dragon Inn who was dancing. Chlamash and Emeth stood at another
section and watched.

"Is that her?", asked Emeth, "The tavern maid?"

"I believe it is", said Poggin.

Rishda tried to turn away, but he could not keep his eyes off of her. If her singing wasn't mesmerizing enough, then her dance was as well. Emeth couldn't keep his eyes off her as well, but he sense there must be something more to her. He enjoyed watching her for entertainment. He also noticed that some of the other Calormene soldiers were impressed by her as well.

"A flower that dances with fire!", Rishda thought to himself, "She must be a goddess!"

"She dances like a nymph with fire", Emeth thought to himself, "Her beauty illuminates the universe."

She finished her dance, and there was applaud from the crowd, including the Calormenes. Even Rishda was impressed, even though he tried hard to look away. While Rishda was struck by the tavern maid's beauty, he tried hard to look away. But he couldn't help himself when he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. They decided to head back to Lantern Waste, and Shift led them there.

A midnight meeting was happening at a hill. There was a hut with a thatch roof, like a stable. For a moment the door was shut. Shift was there as the crowd of Narnians gathered around. Shift bowed before the stable three times. Then the door opened, and there came out a yellow thing. It was Puzzle in the lion skin. However, he walked or waddled stiffly. Narnians were at a distance when they saw it.

"Aslan, be angry with us no more!", wailed the Narnians.

Shift whispered in Puzzle's ears, and Puzzle turned to the crowd of Narnians. Soon after, Puzzle turned, and waddled stiffly back into the stable. And the door was shut again.

"So, Emeth, any thoughts on Narnia?", asked Chlamash.

"It's a beautiful country, I'll admit", said Emeth, "I thought we were going to meet Narnians in battle as I have been praying to Tash about. It isn't what I anticipated, though... having to wait upon an ape. Though the Dragon Inn seems like the place for rest and recreation.”

“It sure is. I wonder how many of a follower of Tash stay there?”

“Oh, I’ve been seeking Tash. I wonder if he’s real. However, I think there’s something about that Tavern maid, the one that was singing and dancing in the streets of Chippingford.”

“Oh, a cursed but beautiful barbarian of the north.”

“Emeth, Chlamash”, said Rishda, stepping in, “What is going on here?”

“Oh, Emeth is talking about his interest in the young woman from the Dragon Inn, my father”, said Chlamash.

“Oh, a barbarian, huh? The Tavern Maid? I’d be careful, if I were you! She may be an enchantress! Narnia has been known for Northern witches! She may have been put before us… to tempt us!”

“I don’t think she’s the sorceress type", said Emeth, "… at least not from what I’ve seen at the tavern… and even her singing. She has the most beautiful voice.”

"Ah, see where you are. Alright, everyone! Back to work!”

Eustace and Jill arrived at the home were Digory and Polly invited them. It was going to be exciting time.

"I wish Susan could join us", said Jill.

"Oh, whenever you try to get her to talk about Narnia", said Eustace, "She thinks their games we played as kids."

"She's been so keen on being grown up."

They gathered around and share about their time in Narnia. They each told their own story. Digory and Polly shared about how when they were in Narnia, it was newly created. Peter told his story of how he killed the Chief of the Secret Police, and when he was the High King, he fought the Northern giants. Edmund shared how he was a traitor, and how he broke the White Witch's wand at the Battle of Beruna. Lucy shared how she was the first to discover Narnia through the wardrobe. Peter, Edmund, and Lucy shared about the second time when they visited Narnia, when they felt something was pulling them at the train station. Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace shared about their voyage on the Dawn Treader with King Caspian, and how they discovered different islands. Eustace and Jill shared about how they, along with a marshwiggle named Puddleglum, went on a quest to rescue Prince Rilian.
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Chapter 2 (Continued)

King Tirian and Jewel were sitting by the hunting lodge, away from Cair Paravel. Tirian often liked to go there for a vacation, during the pleasant spring weather. They were speaking of wonderful news that Aslan was in Narnia. Meanwhile, Roonwit the Centaur arrived.

"What news do you have of Aslan?", asked King Tirian.

"My lord king", said Roonwit, "You know how long I've study the stars. We centaurs live longer than you men, even longer than your kind, unicorn. The stars say nothing of the coming of Aslan, nor of peace nor of joy. By my art, there's never been any disastrous conjunctions in the planets for many of years. It was in my mind to warn your majesty that some great evil hangs over Narnia. The rumors that Aslan is in Narnia is now abroad. I do not believe such thing. The stars never lie but man and beast do."

"So it's all a lie!? What man or beast in Narnia or in all the world would have the nerve to lie about such thing!?"

"I do not know, lord king!"

"I wonder whether that Aslan might not come", said Jewel, "The stars would have foretold otherwise. He's not the servant of the stars but their Maker. Doesn't it say in the old stories that he's not a tame lion?"

Then they heard wailing coming from the thick woods. It was crying out- "Woe! Woe my brothers and sisters! Woe the sacred trees! The axe is loose against us! Great trees are being fell! Trees are falling!"

The speaker came in sight. It's hard to explain if you never seen a dryad before. It was quite obvious once you have. Tirian and the two beasts knew at once that she was a nymph of a beech tree.

"Justice, Lord King!", she called out, "Come to our aid! Protect your people! They are felling us at Lantern Waste! Forty trunks of my brothers and sisters are already on the ground!"

"Felling Lantern Waste!? Murdering the Talking Trees!?", asked Tirian in rage, "Who'd dare to do such thing!?"

Meanwhile, the beech-dryad felt something painful beneath her feet. She fell sideways and was in sharp pain. They looked, and saw she had died. Right then, she vanished. It was obvious: her tree had been cut down. Tirian was determined to find out what was happening. Roonwit tried to talk to him out of it, assisting he should wait. However, Tirian wouldn't wait. He told Roonwit to gallop to Cair Paravel and gather a leopard, 10 dwarfs as archers, a score of men well at arms, Stonefoot the giant, and a score of talking dogs. Roonwit galloped a way.

Meanwhile, Tirian and Jewel rode to where the River Narnia was. They crossed the river, and Tirian hardly noticed the cold, being filled with anger. They stopped when they noticed a raft. There was a water-rat steering.

"Hey water-rat!", King Tirian called out, "What's going on!?"

"Taking logs to sell to Calormenes, sire!", answered the water-rat.

"Calormenes? Who order for the trees to be fell!?"

"Aslan himself!"

Tirian and Jewel looked at one another as the water-rat steered away. What happened? How could it be? They decided to see what's ahead of them. Finally, they reached Lantern Waste at the top, and stopped. They were shock at what they saw. Right down in the middle of the forest, a broad lane was open. It was raw gash in the land, filled with muddy ruts. There was a crowd of people at work, cracking of whips and horses tugging and straining as they were dragging the log. What struck the king and unicorn that these were not talking beasts, but men.

"Calormenes!", said King Tirian, "What are they doing to Lantern Waste!"

King Tirian grasp the hilt of his sword tighter, and the unicorn's horn went down. They saw two Calormenes driving a horse. It was harness to a log, which got stuck in a bad muddy place. Tirian thought that the two Calormenes were driving one of their own horses. It would have never occurred to him that Calormenes would enslave a talking horse, much less to use a whip on it. As the savage flow fell, the horse reared up its head.

"Fool tyrants!", said the horse, half screaming, "Can't you see I'm doing all I can."

When Tirian realized it was one of his own Narnian talking horses, he was in such a rage. Tirian and Jewel charged at the Calormenes, and next moment, they both lay dead. Tirian hastily cut the horse's bonds.

"How came these Calormenes to enslave you?", asked Tirian, "Is Narnia conquered? Has there been a battle?"

"No, sire!", said the horse, "Aslan is here! It's all by his orders."

Jewel saw Calormenes coming towards them, with scimitars drawn. Tirian and Jewel decided to get away, since they were outnumbered. Tirian climbed onto Jewel's back. They went as far as they could. They turned twice or thrice. Then they stopped, and Tirian got off of Jewel. He realized what terrible thing he had done.

"The horse and water-rat both said it was all by Aslan's orders", said Tirian.

"But sire", said Jewel, "How can Aslan be commanding such brutal things?"

Tirian decided he would give himself to the hands of the Calormenes, and ask them to bring them before Aslan. Jewel thought he should go as well. They were close friends, much like Emeth and Chlamash were. They each sang about their friendship-

King Tirian:
And I never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe, I love you

And if I should ever go away
Well, then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today
And then if you can remember

King Tirian, Jewel, Emeth and Chlamash:
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Well, you came in loving me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way
I thank you

Oh and then for the times when we're apart
Well, then close your eyes and know
The words are coming from my heart
And then if you can remember

King Tirian, Jewel, Emeth, and Chlamash:
Keep smiling and keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
In good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
Cause I tell you, that's what friends are for
Whoa, good times and the bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

After awhile, Tirian and Jewel walked back together, shedding bitter tears. Finally they reached the Calormenes.

"There he is!", said Rishda, "It's the murderer! Kill him!"

The Calormenes try to rush towards them, but Tirian stopped them. He said he gave himself up. They wanted to know if it was a trick. Tirian proved to them it wasn't.

"I who was King of Narnia am now a dishonored knight", said Tirian, holding his sword with the hilt towards them, "I give myself up to the justice of Aslan. Bring me before him."

"I also give myself up", said Jewel.

"If that is so", said Rishda, "Then bind them- his hands and a rope around the unicorn's neck!"

The Calormenes circled around Tirian and Jewel, smelling of garlic and onion, and bound his hands. They also put a rope around Jewel's neck. Rishda even snatched away the sword from Tirian.

"Now, what is that upon your head?", asked Rishda.

"A golden circlet!", answered Tirian.

"I'll have that as well!", and Rishda snatched the circlet away from Tirian's head, putting it away somewhere among his clothes, "Now come with us!"

["That's What Friends Are For" @Dionne Warwick, all rights reserved]
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[A third chapter]

Chapter Three

The Calormenes led Tirian and Jewel uphill to where there was a clearing. This is what they saw: on top of the hill, there was a hut, like a stable, with a thatch roof. The door was shut. And in front, there sat Shift himself. Tirian and Jewel were expecting to see Aslan, though I haven't heard anything about an ape. There was also big pile of nuts in front of him. He kept cracking the nuts and spitting out the shells. A great crowd of talking beasts looked very confused.

"Oh, Lord Shift, Mouthpiece of Aslan", said Rishda, "We bring to you prisoners. By our boldness and skill and by permission of the great god Tash, we've taken alive these two desperate murderers."

"Give me that man's sword," said Shift to Rishda, and Rishda handed him Tirian's sheathed weapon. Shift hung the baldric of the sword around his neck, which made him look sillier. "How does it look, Captain?"

"Very impressive, Lord Shift."

"We will see about those two later. I've got some other business to attend to first."

"Yes, Lord Shift", Rishda bowed in a pompous Calormene way.

"Now listen to me everyone!", said Shift to the crowd, "The first thing I want to say is about nuts! Where is that head squirrel?"

"Here, sir", said the squirrel, approaching Shift.

"Now attend to me! I want, ah, Aslan wants some more nuts! These you've brought are not like enough! You need to bring twice as many! There are to be here by sunset tomorrow, and there must not be any bad ones!"

"But wouldn't Aslan himself speak to us about this?"

"He'd be very kind to come out for a few minutes tonight! But he can't have you all crowding around him and pestering him with questions! Anything you like to say to him will be passed on to me if I think if it's worth bothering him about! So in the meantime, you squirrels better go see about the nuts! Make sure they are here by sunset tomorrow or oh my word, you'll catch it!"

The squirrels went their way, looking frightened. They had to give the Ape all of their precious nuts. They've already given him their supply they have stored for the winter.

"Excuse me", said a boar, "Why can't we see Aslan properly and talk to him?"

"He doesn't have time for a boar like you", said Shift.

"When he appeared Narnia in the old days, everyone could talk to him face to face."

"Don't you believe it! Even if it was true, time has changed! Aslan said he's been soft with you before! Well, he's not going to be anymore! He'll lick you into shape in time! That will teach you to think he's a tame lion! Now here's a another thing: I hear some of you say I'm an ape. Well, I'm not. I'm a man. If I look like an ape, that's because I am so very old, hundreds of years old. And it's because I'm so old, I 'm so wise. And it's because I'm so wise, I'm the only person Aslan is ever going to speak to. He can't be bothered talking to a lot of dumb animals. He'll tell me what you got to do, and I'll tell the rest of you."

The crowd was confused at what Shift was saying. He quiet them down again.

"Here's another thing", said Shift, "I hear some of the horses are saying, 'Let's hurry up and get this work of carting timber as over as quickly as we can, then we'll be free again'. Well, get that idea out of your heads at once. Anyone who can work will be made to work in future. Aslan has made a deal with the King of Calormene, the Tisroc as the Calormenes call him. You horses and mules and donkeys will be sent down to Calormen to work for your living- pulling and carrying like they do other countries. You digging animals- rabbits, moles, dwarfs- are to work in the Tisroc's mines and-"

"No, it can't be", said one animal in the crowd

"Aslan would never sell us as slaves to the King of Calormen", said another.

"Non of that", said Shift, quieting them down, "Hold your noise! Who said anything about slavery? You won't be slaves! You will be paid, and very good wages. That is, what you're paid will all go into Aslan's treasury! He'll use it for all that is good! Isn't that right, Captain Rishda?"

"Most sapient, Mouthpiece of Aslan", said Rishda, bowing in a pompous Calormene way, "The Tisroc (may he live forever) is wholly of one mind in this judicious plan."

"It is all arranged and it's for your own good. We'll be able, with the money you earn, to make Narnia into a country worth living in. There will oranges and bananas pouring in! There will be schools and offices and roads and big cities and whips and muzzles and saddles and cages and kennels prisons and- oh everything!"

"But we don't want all that!", said a bear, "We want to be free! And we want to hear Aslan speak for himself!"

"And don't you start arguing for it's a thing I won't stand! I'm a man, but you're only a dumb old bear! What you know about freedom! You think freedom is doing what you like! Well, you're wrong! Real freedom is doing what I tell you!"

It didn't make sense. The a lamb approach.

"I can't understand all this", said the lamb, "What do we have to do with the Calormenes? We belong to Aslan. They belong to a god called Tash. They say he has four arms and a vulture's head. They even kill men on his altar. I don't believe there is such person as Tash. If there is, how can Aslan and Tash be friends?"

"Go away!', Shift hissed at the lamb, "Go home to your mother and drink milk!" Then he turned to the rest, "The rest of you, listen! Tash is another name for Aslan! The old idea about Narnians being right and Calormenes being wrong is silly! We know better now! Tash and Aslan are two different names for, well. That's why there can't be any quarrel between them! Get that into your heads! Tash is Aslan! Aslan and Tash!"

Everyone in the crowd had a long face. How could this be that Aslan and Tash were one and the same? Then a ginger Tom cat approached the ape.

"This interests me", said the cat, "And does your friend from Calormen say the same?"

"Oh yes", said Rishda, "The enlightened ape, ah, man, is in the right. Aslan means neither more nor less than Tash."

"Is that good enough for you, Ginger?", asked Shift.

"Yes, I think I'm beginning to understand", said Ginger.

"Good, good."

All this time, Tirian had kept quiet. He thought there was no use to interrupt unless he was given permission to speak. But hearing Shift say that Aslan and Tash are one and the same, it could not be.

"You lie!", shouted Tirian at Shift, "You lie like a Calormene! You lie like an ape!"

"Silence that man!", said Shift.

The Calormenes knocked out Tirian. He was about to ask, "How can the terrible god Tash who fed on the blood of his people be the same as the good Lion by whose blood all Narnia was save!" But it was no use. Shift went on to say-

"Take him away to where he cannot hear us nor we hear him! Tie him to a tree, and I'll, ah, Aslan will do justice of him later!"

Tirian was taken, and was tied to an ash tree. He could hear that the ape was still going on, but he couldn't make out the words. Soon, the crowd broke up. Tirian became thirsty then hungry. There came by mice, a mole, and rabbit.

"We untie you", said the mouse, "But we can't go against Aslan."

They gave him wine to drink, then bread to eat. They told him that Aslan came out of the stable the night before.

"Is it really Aslan that is selling you as slaves to the Calormenes?"

"He must have come back angry this time!", said the mouse, "Maybe we did something wrong without knowing about it."

Soon, they left. Tirian became in despair. Soon, a group of children from Chippingford, each holding a candle, arrived. He sang a song-

Close every door to me,
Hide all the world from me
Bar all the windows
And shut out the light
Do what you want with me,
Hate me and laugh at me
Darken my daytime
And torture my night

If my life were important I
Would ask will I live or die
But I know the answers lie
Far from this world

Close every door to me,
Keep those I love from me
Children of Narnia
Are never alone
For I know I shall find
My own peace of mind
For I have been promised
A land of my own

Children of Chippingford:
Close every door to me,
Hide all the world from me
Bar all the windows
And shut out the light

Just give me a number
Instead of my name
Forget all about me
And let me decay
I do not matter,
I'm only one person
Destroy me completely
Then throw me away

If my life were important I
Would ask will I live or die
But I know the answers lie
Far from this world

Tirian and Children of Chippingford:
Close every door to me,
Keep those I love from me
Children of Narnia
Are never alone
For we know we shall find
Our own peace of mind

For we have been promised

Tirian and Children of Chippingford:
A land of our own

"Close Every Door" from Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat @Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, all rights reserve
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Chapter Three (Continued)

Marietta decided to go check out Stable Hill. She went behind the stable and saw Calormene soldiers kicking Jewel who was held prisoner. She was horrified to see him torture like that. After the Calormene soldiers left, she went over to him.

"There, there", she patted him on the head, "I'm sorry." And she gave him a bucket of water to drink.

"Thank you, fair one", said Jewel.

Then she went to give some water to the lamb. She thought of setting them free, but didn't want to raise suspicions. She heard of rumors about the anger of Aslan falling upon Narnia, but it could not be! She never thought of him to be cruel and unjust. Emeth had watched her from a distance, and was actually touched by her compassionate nature. Afterwards, Marietta went where in front of the stable was, and saw the ape and the Calormene captain.

"Hey, hey, Missy", said Shift, "What are you doing here at Stable Hill?"

"I have to give water to the unicorn and lamb", said Marietta.

"Now you shall see what your so called compassion will cost you!", said Rishda.

"You mistreat these beasts the same way you mistreat your slaves! You speak of the justice of Aslan yet you are cruel to the beasts and look down upon the slaves!"

"Perhaps you will face the justice of Aslan himself!", said Shift.

“Arrest her, warriors!”, said Rishda.

However, before they could, she was a quick thinker. She got out her sword and cross blades with the soldiers. After dueling with them, she ran off quick.

Marietta was a little further away from Stable Hill. In the meantime, Emeth appeared before her, not knowing that Rishda was following close behind.

“Hello, there”, said Emeth, though Marietta got out her sword and pointed towards him, "Whoa, easy there!"

“What, you, a Calormene merchant, speaking to me, an Archenlander, a Tavern maid?”, asked Marietta.

“Whoa, easy there! I'm not what you think! Our captain, Rishda Tarkaan, who is a very powerful man, assisted that we disguise ourselves as merchants. It is a dishonor of a son of a Tarkaan, though.”

“Oh, so you’re a Tarkaan, one of the most prestigious men of Calormen.”

“Yes, and you’re a Tavern maid. I wish not to cross blades with you, my lady."

“I thought you came here to arrest me!”

“Oh, no! I won’t hurt you!”

“Then you’re not like the other soldiers!”, then Marietta put away her sword.

“Thank you. My name is Emeth. What is yours?”


“Beautiful”, and Emeth took her hand and kissed it.

“Well done, Emeth”, said Rishda, who suddenly walked over to them.

Emeth and Marietta stood there. Emeth knew at once that Rishda had come to arrest her. However, Emeth decided he was not going to let him do that.

“I’m sorry, my father”, said Emeth, “I cannot let you arrest her.”

Coriakin and Emeth decided to have a talk, and stepped aside. Rishda stopped in his tracks, but couldn't keep his eyes off of Marietta. He wasn't far wrong that she was a beauty. Her golden hair, flawless fair skin, and blue-green eyes have caught his attention.

"You may be a barbarian, maiden", Rishda said to Marietta, "Though you seem to be a goddess. Perhaps I can transform you to my tarkheena. That is, if you will marry me."

"I see the way you look at me", said Marietta.

"You're a clever one, aren't you? Perhaps you should reconsider your decision", said Rishda as he was getting closer to Marietta, "A beautiful barbarian, so delicate as a flower, should be very careful!",

"Rishda", said Coriakin as he and Emeth stepped forward, which made Rishda to stop.

Soon, Rishda walked away from Marietta, and went back to his post. Emeth stepped aside for a moment. She could not believe what he had told her.

"It's alright, my child", said Coriakin, "From what Emeth told me, there was quite a stir at Stable Hill. Though you should not instigate ape and the Tarkaan captain's anger any further."

"Have you seen how the ape and the Tarkaan captain mistreat the talking beasts?”, asked Marietta, “From what I can understand, the Tarkaan captain mistreats his slaves! I thought I had to stand up to them! What do the Calormenes have against those who are different from than them?"

"You cannot undo the wrong on your own."

"Is there anyone who will help?"

"Perhaps there is Someone."

Coriakin stepped aside. Marietta thought on this. Who could he possibly mean? She begin to wonder if Aslan was real. As she thought on this, she sang-

I don't know if You can hear me
Or if You're even there
I don't know if you would listen to a peasant's prayer
They say I am just an outcast I shouldn't speak to You
Still I think of You and wonder were You once an outcast, too

Aslan help the outcasts hungry from birth
Show them the mercy they don't find on earth
Aslan help the lost and forgotten
They look to You still
Aslan help the outcasts or nobody will

Chippingford Citizens:
I ask for wealth
I ask for fame
I ask for Aslan's glory to shine on my name
I ask for love I can possess
I ask for Aslan and His stars to bless me

I ask for nothing, I can get by
But I know there so many less lucky than I
Aslan help the poor and downtrod in this land
I thought we were all were the Children of Aslan
Aslan help the outcasts, the Children of Aslan

Emeth heard her song, and was spellbound by her beautiful voice. He had heard the name of Aslan before, though he was a believer in Tash. He was touched by her asking Aslan for help, though. It help him feel sorry for her, as her being of low birth would not have been accepted by the upper class society in Calormen. From a distance, Tirian heard her song, asking Aslan for help. He remembered about what the ape said that Aslan and Tash were one and the same. He began to wonder she was asking Aslan to help who were considered to be outcasts: those who live in the streets, orphans, slaves. He even wondered if she was asking Aslan to come and help all Narnia.

["God Help The Outcasts" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame @Alan Menkan and Stephen Schwartz, all rights reserved.]
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[Fourth Chapter. It may seem get dark, but there is hope]

Chapter Four

As Marietta was on her way back to the Dragon Inn, she overheard some Calormene soldiers:

"So we are to lead a group of dwarfs to the salt mines", said one.

"Yes, 30 at the least", said another, "Which salt mines."

"The salt mines of Pugrahan."

Marietta was horrified to hear that the dwarfs were to work in the salt mines of the Tisroc. Then she remembered that the ape claimed it was the doing of Aslan. No, it could not be. Aslan would never do something like this. She had to think of how she would save them or stop this from happening. But what was there to do?

Meanwhile, Tirian looked beyond at where the stable was. He saw that a bonfire lit. The fire blazed up. A crowd of talking beasts gathered around though were a distance from the fire. Shift bowed low three times before the great stable. Then the stable door opened. There came out a yellow thing, walking stiffly. Tirian had never seen the Great Lion before. He had never seen a common lion. He would have never thought that Aslan would walk so stiff. It could not be Aslan. He knew this whole thing was a cheat. Then he heard voices-

"Aslan! Aslan!", wailed the talking beasts, "Be angry with us no more!"

Shift whispered into the yellow thing's ears. Then the yellow thing spoke to the crowd. The talking beasts cried out the same thing. Soon, the yellow thing turned around, and walked stiffly back to the stable. The door was shut again. Tirian could not believe what he just saw.

Another midnight meeting happened. After it had broken up, Poggin had gone away home for a bit. He realized he left his pipe behind. He went back to look for it. He saw that nearby stable hill, it was pitch black. He heard two voices-

"Miow", said one. It was a cat, Poggin guessed at once.

"Speak softly", said another. Poggin figured it must be a Calormene's voice.

From the side of the stable, Chlamash sat to listen in as well. He knew at once that the two were Rishda Tarkaan and Ginger the cat.

"Noble Tarkaan", said Ginger in his silky voice, "I like to know what we both meant exactly today when we've said that Aslan means no more than Tash."

"Most sagacious of cats", said Rishda, "You have perceived my meaning."

"So you think there's no such person as either."

"Wouldn't you like to know that?"

"We can understand each other. Are you, like me, getting tired of the Ape?"

"That ape is such a dumb and greedy brute! But we'll use him for the time being. You and I will provide for all things in secret and make the ape do our bidding."

"How would it be to let some more of the enlightened Narnians- one by one- as we find them. Those who believe in Aslan will turn at any moment, once the ape's foolishness gives away the secret. But what about those who care for neither Aslan nor Tash but just have an eye for their own profit?"

"Oh, such as reward the Tisroc will give them when Narnia is a Calormene province."

"Oh yes, and that will be firmed."

"Excellent, Cat. But choose which ones carefully."

Meanwhile, at Cair Paravel, the Calormene navy had arrived. Many Narnians were flying here and there at Cair Paravel. Many were fleeing to the woods. An eagle watched from above. It was larger than the eagles of our world. The Narnians tried to fight the Calormenes back, to no avail. After a fierce battle, the Calormenes raised the Tisroc's banner at Cair Paravel.

"I must get word to the King of Narnia at once", said the eagle.

The eagle flew from Cair Paravel as this happened. Now it was taken by the Calormene navy. What was next? Now Narnia is being conquered by Calormen. Calormen have been wanting to enslave Narnia for years, now they have seized the opportunity. And would it be possible that Rishda would make himself Tarkaan of the province of Narnia? It would seem like that.

It was late at night, and Chlamash went over to where Emeth was after overhearing Rishda and Ginger. He could not believe what he just heard: that Rishda, his own captain didn't believe in Tash at all.

"Chlamash, where you've been?", asked Emeth.

"I've just overheard Rishda and a cat named Ginger talking", said Chlamash.

"Is that so?"

"Would you believe that Rishda, our own captain, doesn't even believe in Tash?"


"That's not all. They even said that they got tired of the ape that we've been waiting upon. Rishda even says that the ape will have to do what he and Ginger tells him to do."

"So the monkey we've been waiting on is now going to be used by Rishda..."

"There's more. I've also overheard Rishda and Ginger planning to rally up any Narnian who don't believe in Aslan or Tash to join them. If they do that, the Tisroc will give them a reward when Narnia becomes a Calormene province."

Emeth could not believe such thing about Rishda. He doesn't believe in Tash!? Emeth was angry, but decided to hold in his anger and not say anything. He was not going to even question Rishda's commanding authority.

The eagle that have watched Cair Paravel being attacked by the Calormene navy soar through the Narnia sky. Meanwhile, he he saw in the woods not far from Cair Paravel a centaur who was laying there. He had a Calormene arrow to his side.

"Roonwit", said the eagle.

"Farsight", said Roonwit, barely able to talk.

"You're hurt. We need to get help for you right away."

"No, it will not do. Please, if you see the King of Narnia, I have a message for him."

"I am on my way to see him to bring the news of Cair Paravel. What is your message?"

"Noble death is a treasure that no one is too poor to buy."

"I will be sure to give it to him."

Roonwit breathed his last breath and died. Farsight the Eagle knew at once he must give the news to King Tirian. He soar on in searching for the king.

While Tirian was tied up to the ash tree, began to remember what had happened in Narnia's past. When things were at their worst, things turned out alright in the end.

"My seven times great grandfather King Rilian", said Tirian to himself, "He was stole away by a witch, and kept him underneath rocks and caves. It came out alright in the end. Two children came from beyond the world's end, and help free Rilian and return him back to his kingdom. Rilian's father King Caspian X had trouble of his own. His wicked uncle Miraz try to murder him. Caspian fled to the woods and live among dwarfs. It came alright in the end. Two boys and two girls came from another world and help Caspian fight a great battle, and help restore the old days. The same children came at another time, where they defeated the White Witch and ended the 100 years winter. Then they reign as kings and queens at Cair Paravel during the Golden Age of Narnia."

Tirian realized how it seemed hopeless in Narnia. Calormenes had come to his land without his knowledge. He wondered if Aslan could come at all at end.

"Aslan! Aslan!", Tirian called out, "Aslan! Come and help me now! Let me die then! Come and save all Narnia! If you won't come, then sent those children you've sent often from beyond the world! Let me call them! Let my voice be carried across the world!"

Tirian closed his eyes, and called out-
"Children! Friends of Narnia! Quick, come to me! From across the world I call you, I, Tirian, King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, and Emperor of the Lone Islands!"

Tirian was plunged into a dream or vision. Whichever it was, it was more vivid than he had in his life.

Digory was at the head table. Polly, Peter, and Edmund were at one side of the table. Lucy, Eustace and Jill sat on the other side. They were sharing about their tales about Narnia. They were eating a meal.

"I wonder if we could ever go back to Narnia", said Jill.

"I feel that you and Eustace are both still needed there, Jill", said Digory, "A wise advice I've shared with Peter, Edmund, and Lucy here that it's best when you're not looking for it."

"Perhaps if Aslan needs us there", said Eustace.

Next moment, they stood up, and saw what seems to be a phantom or a ghost. They gave a fright. Digory told them to stay calm. Lucy told Peter to speak to it.

"Speak, if you’re not a phantom or a dream", said Peter, "You have a Narnian look about you and we are the seven friends of Narnia."
They saw that he was trying to tell them something.

"Shadow or spirit or whatever you are", said Peter, "In the name of Aslan I charge you to speak! I am Peter, the High King."

Soon, the figure faded away. They knew at once that Narnia was in trouble. The question was, who were Eustace and Jill to get to Narnia. One couldn't get there just by wanting to.
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Chapter Four (Continued)

It was morning in Narnia. Marietta and Rhonda were in the market place in Chippingford, since it was market day that day. Marietta had a lot on her mind.

"Marietta, what's on your mind?", asked Rhonda.

"You know the Calormenes have been here, right?", asked Marietta. Rhonda nodded. "Well, you might have heard of a man named Rishda Tarkaan."

"Yes. I believe he's the Calormene captain."

Then Marietta proceeded to tell Rhonda of all how Rishda had asked her to marry him or to become his Tarkheena. She even mentioned how she turned him down. Meanwhile, Rishda arrived in the town of Chippingford to stop by at the market places. Shift told him that it was market day that day, so he decided to check it out. However, when he saw Marietta in the streets, he decided to have a talk with her.

"Here comes trouble", said Rhonda.

"Fair Marietta", said Rishda, "You get more beautiful every day."

"Rishda Tarkaan", said Marietta, "You're just wasting your flattery, aren't you?"

"I trust you have reconsidered your decision."

"My answer is still no!"

"Oh, but it would be wise of you to accept."


"Think of it, what a better life I could give you."

As he got closer to her, she felt nervousness. However, Rhonda stepped forward, and a couple of Calormene soldiers approached, which made Rishda stopped in his tracks.

"She's not giving you the pleasure of being your wife, no matter how many times you've asked her to", said Rhonda.

"I trust you will reconsider your decision, sweet one", said Rishda to Marietta, "It will be wise of you to say yes."

Soon after, Rishda and his soldiers headed back to Lantern Waste. After awhile, Marietta and Rhonda headed back to the Dragon Inn. Then Marietta realized it was not likely that Rishda was going to take "no" for an answer.

"I wish that man would come to his senses", said Rhonda, "No wonder he stops by Chippingford so often now."

Digory told the rest that he and Polly used magic rings to get to Narnia. He even said that the rings were buried at his aunt and uncle, Letitia and Andrew Ketterley's backyard. However, the house had been sold.

"I know", said Peter, "Edmund and I can dress up like workmen. We can make it look like we're checking on the drain."

"Oh yes", said Edmund, "But when really, we're digging up those rings. We'll have to wear gloves, of course."

"Right", said Digory, "Then the rest of us can board on the train, and take Eustace and Jill to school. They can use the rings on the way."

Everyone there thought it was a great idea. Peter and Edmund, dressed up like workmen, went to London. They went to the Ketterley's home, and said they were going to check on the drain. As they were doing this, they dug up the rings. Peter sent a wire that he and Edmund had got the rings. Peter and Edmund waited on the platform at the train station for the rest of them. Meanwhile, Digory, Polly, and Lucy were on the train with Eustace and Jill, making it look like they were taking them to school. Eustace looked out the window for a moment. Suddenly, there came a jerk. The train may have been going too fast.

Rhonda and Marietta were helping Master Cordell and Madam Adela wrap things up at the Dragon Inn.

"So I've heard you've been interacting with a young Calormen", said Cordell.

"Is there a problem with that?", asked Marietta.

"Marietta, don't you see what you're getting yourself into? In Calormen, a Tarkaan has been known to treat his wife and daughter more like property. I'd hate to see that happen to you."

"He doesn't seem to be that type. He was nice to me. Not only that, he told me he loved to listen to me sing."

At that time, Shift stopped at the Dragon Inn. He requested for a drink. Marietta brought it to him.

"Hey, about another?", asked Shift.

"Don't you have enough?", asked Marietta.

As this went on, while she couldn't understand why an ape would be at an Tavern or even dress up like a man, Shift broke out into a song-

Now I am the king of the swinggers, oh, the Narnia VIP
I've reached the top and had to stop
And that's what botherin' me
I wanna be a man, man
And stroll right into town
And be just like the other men
I'm tired of monkeyin' around!

Oh, oobee doo
I wanna be like you
I wanna walk like you
Talk like you, too
You'll see it's true
An ape like me
Can learn to be human too

["I Wanna Be Like You" from The Jungle Book @robert and Roger Sherman, all rights reserved .]
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[A fifth chapter. Let's just say it will get interesting. Hope you enjoy]

Chapter Five

Tirian had been asleep for a while. He thought it was morning since he woke up from the dream or vision he had. Then suddenly there appeared a boy and a girl.

"We came the moment you've called for us", said the girl, "About a week ago."

"Oh, I thought it was seconds. It could have been weeks since I was asleep."

"No matter", said the boy, getting out a pocket knife to cut the cords, "It's the thing about time. Time in our world is different than Narnia time."

Once Tirian was free, he felt sore and stiffed. He rubbed his knees with this hands. He and the two children decided to move quickly, as far away from where Stable Hill was. He told them who he was and all that had happened to him.

"I am Eustace", said the boy.

"And I am Jill", said the girl, "We've been here before."

"Yes, ages ago, about four years ago our time. There was a chap named Prince Rilian, who was kept underneath rocks and caves. There was a marshwiggle named Puddleglum who stamped his feet on the fire..."

"So you're the same Eustace and Jill who've rescued King Rilian from his long enchantment", said Tirian.

"Yes", said Jill, "So he must be King Rilian."

"No. I am seventh in descent from him. He's been dead for over 200 years."

Eustace and Jill realized so much time has passed since they were last in Narnia. And things were fine between now and then. And why they were called into Narnia that time? Well, they've rescued the king. Eustace and Jill told Tirian of everything that had happened, of how they got to be in Narnia. They headed for a tower, where Tirian's great-great-great grandfather had built when outlaws started living in the Western Wild.

Chlamash had informed Emeth that Rishda didn't believe in Tash. At one of the midnight meetings, when they saw Marietta dancing in the streets of Chippingford, Chlamash was able to see the way Rishda was looking at her. While Emeth was angry, he decided to withheld it and keep silence.

"So you have feelings for Marietta?", asked Chlamash.

"I love her", said Emeth.

"Have you told her? Perhaps if you did, it will ensure that Rishda will not have her."

Emeth said he wanted to. However, he had been in a devoted follower of Tash. Now he was conflicted about his devotion to Tash and his feelings for Marietta, it almost scared him. He wasn't sure what scared him more- whether or not she would feel the same way about him or if Rishda would claim her as his bride before he could admit his feelings for her. He sang-

My friend we are closer than brothers
We've laughed and played together for so long
Running through our youth through our shoulders
But suddenly, passing by in a shadow
And it leaves behind a sign
I, Emeth, stand her and see
The shadow of the unknown is coming

I'm scared, I'm scared
I'm afraid of what I will choose
My choice between devotion to Tash and my love for a girl
I'm scared, I'm scared
I'm scared, I'm scared
Will she feel the same for me
Or will she turned away from me

So listen to yourself
Now I foresee
Now spending my life seeking Tash with devotion
But now my love for a girl awaits
I can fore see my choice to be made

I'm scared, I'm scared
Of the tone of the voice inside
Of her rejecting me and disappearing
I'm scared, I'm scared
Those who summon the wrath of Tash
Will be driven away

As for my understanding
Something is about to end
I'm scared, I'm scared
["Jai Peur from Romeo et Juliette @Gérard Presgurvicall rights reserved]
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Chapter 5 (Continued)

Tirian and the children arrived at the tower. He wore a chain of keys around his neck. He took it out, and unlock the tower door. They had a place to lodge for a while.

"Look at this", said Tirian, showing Eustace and Jill a set of clothing, "This was made for a Calormene paige. We will dress up like Calormenes."

"A disguise", said Jill.

"Yes. And this juice will make our skin as dark as the Calormenes. It only takes oils and ashes to rub it off and return our skin back to normal."

"How nice", said Eustace, "What kind of swords do they use?"

"A curved sword called a scimitar."

They decided to rest at the tower. The next day, the put the juice on to make their skins dark. Jill started practicing with a bow and arrow, since she learned since her last adventure. She also used a knife. Eustace was learning how to use a scimitar, since he only have learned how to use a long straight sword. First they thought they would head for a tavern.

Well, we need to see what was happening at Stable Hill. Shift and Ginger were standing in front of the stable. Ginger was walking by the ash tree, and saw that Tirian was gone. Later that night, he stood in front.

"As I was passing by", said Ginger, "The King of Narnia was howling and cursing Aslan. Strong language I wouldn't like to repeat. Suddenly, Aslan himself appeared light lightning! He swallowed the King up whole!"

"So that's what Aslan does to those who don't respect him!", said Shift, "Let that be a warning to you all."

The talking beasts trembled and some fainted. They could not believe such word.

Marietta had gone to Lantern Waste to see Emeth. They've both been taught that Calormenes and Narnians and Archenlanders were not like one another.

"I've been taught that Northern barbarians are cursed", said Emeth, "Rishda even mentioned that you might be a witch, since the Northern countries are known to have such thing."

"I was told that the Calormenes, especially the upper class Tarkaan, were known to be proud and cruel", said Marietta.

"You've been taught that?"

"Maybe I should look at you. Let's see, you are a devoted follower of the chief Calormene god, Tash. You see the good in all things. You treat women prisoners with respect. Ah, now I realize something."

"What is it?"

"You're not proud and cruel, like the rest of the Calormenes. Now perhaps you should look at me. You think I am an evil sorceress?"

"On the contrary. You are kind and gracious... and..."

"Yes, and a Northerner. So what we've been taught have been wrong. So we've be taught to label one another not like one another."

You think you own whatever land you land on
The earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know that every spring and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name

You think the only people are people
Are the people who think and look like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew

Have you seen the magic under Narnia's moon
Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grins?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

Come run the hidden pine-trails of the wasteland
Come taste the grapes of the vines
Come roll in all the riches around you
And for once, never wonder what they're worth

The trees and the rivers are my sisters and brothers
The talking beasts are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hop that never ends

How high does the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know

And you'll never see the magic under the Narnia moon
Or wonder why we're fair or dark skinned?
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountain
We need to paint with all the colors of the wind
You can own the earth and still
All you'll own is earth
Until you can paint with all the colors of the wind

"I have something tell you", said Emeth.

"What is it?", asked Marietta.

"I love you"

"You really mean that, don't you?"

"Yes, I really do.

"Then I love you too."

"I have something for you"

Emeth revealed a necklace to Marietta. She thought it was so beautiful. Then he put it around her neck. Then next thing, he took her into his arms and kissed her. It was a beautiful moment. Then they broke way.

"I was wondering... if we could get married", said Emeth.

"I thought you never ask", said Marietta, "But wouldn't that be your parents decision?"

"In Calormene yes. In the family of a high class Tarkaan, the parents are the one who chooses a husband or wife."

"Master Cordell and Madam Adela have been hoping to find me a suitor. But it's not what I want. Whom I marry should be my decision as it should be yours."

"Oh, I should go before Rishda raises suspicions."

"Yes, I should get back to the Dragon Inn. Shall I see you again?"

"I hope so", and Emeth kissed her on the cheek.

Soon, they went on their way back to Lantern Waste and the Dragon Inn.

["Colors of the Wind" from Pocahontas @Alan Menkan and Stephen Schwartz, all rights reserved.]
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(A Sixth Chapter)

Chapter Six

Marietta arrived back at the Dragon Inn. She met up with Rhonda there.

"Marietta, where have you been?", asked Rhonda.

"I was showing Emeth around Narnia", said Marietta, "We even admitted our feelings for one another."

"Is that so?"

"Are you angry?"

"Marietta, you're my best friend! It makes me happy to see that you're in love."

However, Cordell and Adela have heard of it. They were not all too happy with it. Her being in love with a Calormene was the last thing they've wanted.

"Marietta, don't you realize what you're getting yourself into?", asked Master Cordell.

"Why can't you see that not all Calormenes are as what you think?", asked Marietta.

"We were hoping to find a suitor for you", said Madam Adela, "And this Emeth doesn't seem to be that type."

"I'd hardly approve of your involvement with him", said Master Cordell, "And it's likely your own parents wouldn't have either. You are a Tavern maid, born in Archenland, and he's a Tarkaan soldier from Calormen."

Emeth met with Chlamash at Lantern Waste in the meantime. They embraced one another.

"Marietta and I have admitted our feelings for one another", said Emeth, "I told her that I love her, and she said she loved me as well."

"I am happy for you my friend", said Chlamash, "Oh, Rishda wishes to see us in his headquarters."

"What for?"

"That I do not know."

""Emeth", said Rishda as he and Chlamash came into his headquarters.

"I was scouting out in Narnia", said Emeth, "I... I've fallen in love with the Tavern maid."

"The tavern maid, who I must have as my wife! But first, she must learn a sharp lesson!"

"Whoa, there, my father!"

"She is as a subject to a well-known king who crowds to his presence with untaught love."

"I don't see her as such. I love her and she loves me."

"Now, I do love her too. Not out of absolute lust. I stand accountable for as a great sin."

"What do you suggest, my father?", asked Chlamash.

"I propose that we go to the Dragon Inn", said Rishda, "Once Marietta steps foot outside, I will capture her and head back to my headquarters."

"No, you can't do that!", said Emeth.

"I think this barbarian has bewitched you!", said Rishda," Your father would be the one to choose a wife for you, with him being a Tarkaan."

"In Calormen, yes. But no one should be forced to marry against their will."

"I hardly approve of your involvement with a barbarian. Your mother and father would not approve of your involvement with a barbarian as well."

"I wish it wasn't my mother and father's decision. It should be mine."

"My father", said Chlamash, breaking in, "Wouldn't it be best to sort this all out? Perhaps there is a way to take Narnia without going to war."

"I suppose that your barbarian tavern maid told you of how to take a hand in the Northern countries, Emeth", said Rishda.

"Yes, she did", said Emeth.

"A land filled with barbarians and demons in form of talking animals is not fit for our kind of society!"

"But this is their land!"

"This is the land of the Tisroc's, and I am the one who makes the laws here! Now I'd advise you to rid your mind of the Tavern maid. I will have her, even if I had to burn down all of Chippingford! Now we must make way for the Dragon Inn in Chippingford."

Tirian, Eustace and Jill, now disguised as Calormenes, were walking along the streets of Chippingford. Tirian saw a throne, and knew it once it was reserved for him.

"What is that?", asked Eustace.

"This seat is reserved for the King of Narnia", said Tirian.

Next moment, they saw Marietta performing a dance. Tirian was actually quite impressed with it. There was no denying she was a beauty, but he was not one to let himself get distracted. He watched her as he was being entertained. Soon, she headed back to the Dragon Inn.

"Who was that girl dancing?", Tirian asked the nearest merchant.

"Her name is Marietta", said a merchant, "She's actually one of the Tavern maids at the Dragon Inn."

Tirian knew the name sounded familiar. The day before, he heard her sing, asking Aslan to help those who are not accepted by society, especially in Calormen, and looked down upon. After awhile, Tirian, Eustace, and Jill saw a sign at the Dragon Inn.

"Look, at what it says on the sign", said Eustace who read the following, "Weary from Adventuring? Drag yourself on in."

They decided to check it out. They saw the waiters and waitresses busy as usual. Marietta was busy with her waitress job as ever.

"Fair maiden", said Tirian, "You're Marietta, aren't you?"

"Yes, but I don't know who you are", said Marietta, "I thought you would be with the other Calormene soldiers."

"I would recognize that voice anywhere", said Cordell, "It's Tirian, the King of Narnia."

"Yes, it is I, good Master Cordell", said Tirian, "I still remember the wars we fought in together."

Marietta knelt down at once, being in the presence of the king of Narnia himself. She had heard of him, but never met him in person. Then she got up at once.

"And who are these two?", asked Marietta.

"I am Eustace", said Eustace, "And this is Jill. You may have heard of us before."

"We've been here long ago", said Jill, "We've rescued a prince named Rilian long ago."

"I remember reading stories about that", said Cordell, "Eustace and Jill, the same children who came to rescue Prince Rilian who was under the spell of an evil witch, the Lady of the Green Kirtle. But how...?"

"Well, as we were strolling", said Tirian, "We saw the sign and decide to check this place out."

"Well, we're glad that you did. Anyhow, how is Jewel?"

"I don't know what has become of him."

"He's being held prisoner", said Marietta, "I went to Stable Hill. I saw Jewel there, and I gave him water to drink. I also overheard some Calormene soldiers..."


"Yes... they're taking a group of dwarfs to work in the salt mines of Puggrahamn."

Tirian thought on this. Was this information they needed? They each took their seat at a table, and she gave them all the information they need. During that time they got to know her. Jill went with Marietta outside to do some target practice. Marietta gave Jill some tips and advice on how a bow should be used, and not to miss the target. While there, Jill noticed the necklace around Marietta's neck.

"Emeth gave it to be", said Marietta, "He's a young Calormene soldier."

"I see", said Jill, "When Eustace and I were here hundreds of years ago, I only had to carry a knife. Though I'm glad I get to use a bow and arrow."

"I only use it as well as a sword to defend myself. I'm not likely to participate in a battle if there is going to be one. Though I don't think Calormen has any intention to declare war on Narnia or even my home country of Archenland."

"How so?"

"I'm sure King Tirian must have told you that Narnia has a diplomatic relation with Calormen. Well, Master Cordell, the owner of the Dragon Inn, was a nobleman from Archenland. He and Madam Adela raised me. Somehow they had prejudice against Calormenes for reasons i don't quite understand."

After awhile, Marietta and Jill went back inside and joined Tirian and Eustace, who were sitting at a table. They were talking of their plants on how to rescue Jewel.

"I'm glad to see Jill getting some tips on the bow from the Tavern Maid", said Tirian, "So you enjoy dancing."

"Well, yes", said Marietta, "I do so to entertain."

"But you're a wonderful dancer. And is that a necklace around your neck?"

"Emeth, a young Calormene officer, gave it to me. Though there is something more pressing. The Calormene captain has been asking me to marry him so many times."

"So two Calormenes who rival for your affection", said Eustace.

"So you've said no?", asked Jill.

"I'm impressed that you've did so", said Tirian, "But I fear he may not give up that easily. He may make you his wife by force."

Tirian realized that perhaps she gave them all the information they needed. He tells her that he, Eustace and Jill needed to get back to the tower.

"Thank you", said Tirian, "I wish the best for you and the young Calormene officer."

"Thank you", said Marietta, "You are welcome to stop by the Dragon Inn any time. But as for what you've said that the Calormene captain may force me to marry him..."

"Please, be careful, and do not give in."

Marietta thanked Tirian, said farewell to him, Eustace, and Jill and they headed back to the tower. Once they've gone, she reflected on her feelings for Emeth.
[A Seventh Chapter]

Chapter Seven

Bleakpond and Lilypaddle arrived at the Dragon Inn in Chippingford

"You might have heard that the Tisroc is sending the Calormene navy to Cair Paravel", said Bleakpond.

"We haven't", said Cordell.

"Yes, and we feel that Narnia is longer safe for us", said Lilypaddle.

"What is to become of the Dragon Inn", asked Adela, "And what about Marietta?"

"That we don't know", said Bleakpond.

"We are concerned as well for the Dragon Inn", said Lilypaddle.

But there is another matter. Marietta had told Rhonda of how she and Emeth admitted their feelings for one another. Then Cordell heard of it, when he saw the necklace around her neck. He did not approve of her involvement with Emeth, a Calormene and son of a Tarkaan.

Emeth and Chlamash wondered if Rishda had gone into insanity or was there something. They wondered if his obsession with Marietta was causing him to turn away from Tash. At the Dragon Inn, Marietta wondered if admitting her feelings for Emeth was the right thing to do. Chlamash was supportive of Emeth admitting his feelings for Marietta. He was also horrified that Rishda would think of forcing Marietta to marry him. Cordell of heard of this, and he was concerned for Marietta's well being. Rishda even wondered if Marietta had bewitched Emeth. They sang as they thought on this-

Chlamash, more than now I need a friend
You've been closer than a brother
Why does the captain condemns what he can't comprehend?
I've sought Tash, but beyond is there some other?

Why are you question my motives here?
Is it really worth the price?

My father this is beyond what I hold dear
You're choosing to ignore our advice

You think of her and nothing more
Is she the prize to be possessed?

I never done this before
But have I lost the fire I built my dream on?

Is there something wrong?
Do I see a change in you like when a dream dies?

But I, who have serve Tash for so long
I can see the glow in her eyes

There is a time I live my life/Has she/Have you
And no one live the way I did/Become/Become
I have a plan! I have found a wife/A prize/A prize
I see this land as very few did/And nothing more/And Nothing More

Do you have it all? The overall?/I know/I know
Do you even know what to live for?/that's not/That's not
It seems you don't at all!/what she's/What' you're

Rishda and Emeth/Chlamash/Rhonda:
You think of her, nothing more!/Meant for/Meant For

Master Cordell, you know that Emeth has not been mislead
We know that the way is straight ahead

Marietta, have you heard a single word I've said?
My fear that Emeth could go over his head!
This could get out of hand! This what I dread!
How far will he go? He's an upper class soldier and you're an Tavern maid
He would treat you more like property!

Emeth doesn't look at me that way!

He thinks of you and nothing more
This is not what you're meant for!

All I ask is to give us time
Is falling in love the worse of crime?

But how long will this last?
You are moving way too fast

That's not all! Don't be unkind!
The problem's all in your mind

He thinks of you and nothing more/It's time to awaken/Has she/Have you
This is not what you're meant for/Before it's too late/become/become

All I ask is to give us time/Before you forever/a prize/a prize
Is falling in love the worse of crime?/Determined your fate/and nothing more?/and nothing more?

But how long will this last/But my father, I will prove/I know/I know
You are moving way too fast/If I'm ever permitted to/that's not/that's not

That's not at all! Don't be unkind!/Our love is not wrong/what she's/what you're
The problem's all in your mind/It is because it is new/meant for/meant for

Cordell and Rishda/Marietta and Emeth/Rhonda and Chlamash:
Still I pray every day/I pray/I pray
That you will find your way/We may/You may
I pray you will find your way/Find our way/find your way

Cordell and Rishda/Marietta/Emeth/Rhonda and Chlamash
I will pray every day/I pray--/ I pray/I pray
That you will find your way/---/we may/you may
I pray you will find your way/our way---/Find our way/Find your way

"Perhaps we should head for Aslan's Howe", said Cordell, "Marietta and Rhonda can run things in here for the time being."

"Alright", said Adela, "You two young ladies can run this place, can you?"

"Oh yes", said Rhonda, "Thank you Madam Adela."

Master Cordell said farewell to Rhonda and Marietta. He and Madam Adela packed up what they needed for Aslan's Howe. Bleakpond and Lilypaddle decided to come along with them as well.

Emeth and Chlamash had come out of Rishda headquarters. They even wondered if he had gone mad. Emeth wondered if he could get to Marietta in time before Rishda could get hold of her. Then he had an idea. He met with Coriakin at Lantern Waste.

"Coriakin, isn't it?", asked Emeth.

"Emeth", said Coriakin, "I am well aware that you and Marietta admitted your feelings for one another. I actually somehow knew you would."


"I am a star... you may not know that stars are actually humanoid beings."

"Then you must know that Rishda plans to catch hold of her and take her back to his headquarters."

"Ah, and force her to marry him."

"Coriakin, could you do me a favor? Could you please send her this note that I have for her. It says that she needs to leave the Dragon Inn at once. If it is possible, she will have to leave the town of Chippingford."

Coriakin took the note from Emeth, and reassured him that he will give it at once to Marietta. Emeth thanked him for everything.

Coriakin arrived at the Dragon Inn in time to reach Marietta. He gave her the note that was sent by Emeth, informing her that she must leave the Dragon Inn.

"If I have to leave", said Marietta, "Then I will."

"Marietta, will I ever see you?", asked Rhonda.

"Should anything happen, you've been a good friend, Rhonda."

Marietta said farewell to Rhonda and gave her a hug. Rhonda told Marietta to be careful, on whatever happens. Then Marietta left the Dragon Inn at once.

Rishda and his soldiers, including Emeth and Chlamash, arrived at Chippingford. Emeth only hoped that Marietta got out of the Dragon Inn in time.

"I wonder if the captain has gone mad, my friend?", asked Chlamash.

"I do not know", said Emeth.

Meanwhile, Rishda and the soldiers, including Emeth and Chlamash, arrived at the Dragon Inn, with torches at the ready. The soldiers went inside. However there was no sign of Marietta. Then they came outside. Rhonda come out to see what was happening.

"Sir", said a soldier to Rishda, "The tavern maid must have escaped."

"And you", said Rishda turning to Rhonda, "Do you know where the lovely Marietta might be?"

"I'm not telling you!", said Rhonda.

"We'll see about that."

Once everyone had gone out of the Dragon Inn, Rishda and the soldiers set fire to it. It was ablaze. Emeth had a conscious look on his face as he saw it happened.

"I will have her as my wife!", said Rishda, "Even if I had to burn down all of Chippingford!"

Chlamash and Emeth looked at one another. Could Rishda have gone mad or would he go that far in showing how much authority he has!

["His Work And Nothing More" from Jekyll and Hyde @Frank Wildhorn, Leslie Bricusse, Steve Cuden, all rights reserved.]
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If I were in Rhonda's place, I think I would have hurried out the BACK door and kept running.
I haven't thought of that.

It's like Rhonda is looking out for her friend. Would she want to tell Rishda, a controlling suitor, where Marietta, his target or victim, was?
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