The letter you never wrote me


New member
Something else i wrote during my club meeting - Promt: The letter you never wrote me; please enjoy and comment.
WARNING: pretty sad


In the letter you never wrote me, I bet you forgot to mention I was the apple of your eye. That my absence has left a gaping hole in your chest and no amount of alcohol can fill it. I bet you said I was a dismay to society, and not worthy of anyone’s respect, oh I bet you did. I bet you said I was the reason for your problem, for all your problems. I bet you denied the love that once existed between us. A love that was nothing but pure when I first arrived on your front door step, twenty - three years ago.

In the letter you never wrote me, I bet you forgot to mention how much you loved the color of your room when I painted it orange and yellow and red that fall. And I would have replied, I would have told you that I don’t think you ever realized the impact of your actions in my life when you left me, when I left you. When we left each other. I would have said, I never loved you, but that’s a lie, I did love you. In fact I still do. Why wouldn’t I? You were everything and you will always be everything for me, you were my mother, you were my father, you were my best friend.

In the letter you never wrote me, you would have admitted that you never believed I was schizophrenic and those hours I spent in my room, talking to myself, was not to people called Mildred, or Henry or Harry, but my own conscience. You would have admitted that you enjoyed my crazy paradoxical songs about the holidays. You would have crossed those lines about hating me, about no one respecting me, cause by the end you would have realized, you still love me too. You would have realized that there was no need for this hate. You would have asked me where it came from and I would replied I don’t know, even though we both know it started from the alcohol and the fights late at night.

And then finally in the end, you would have forgiven me for all the mistakes I made, and asked for my forgiveness in all the mistakes you had made, and I would have replied, that I forgave you. In the letter you never wrote me, you would have asked me to return. But you never wrote that letter, cause you succumbed to your worst fears, and as you lie here alive but dead, I wonder what would you have told me?
This grabbed my attention instantly, but left me with unanswered questions. Above all: are we to understand that the person being spoken TO is now in a coma?
I read this and remembered of a news story of a couple who writes to each other notes and letters even though they're very much together. But I have to say, that in the moment of great sadness of the loss of those that are dear we must look toward the ones who have stayed through it all. My grandparents have been together 50 years. My parents have gone together for 25 years.
That was quite good. Weird I think and sad, but good I think.

Somehow I guess I couldn't help picturing Susan while reading this. I don't know why. I mean in the books she loses her entire family, and I do hope she finds Aslan again and maybe someone and has her own family someday, but somehow reading this makes me think she could never be happy even if she did find someone. Of course that's something we'll never know...