The Meaning of lol

Laugh Out Loud...

even thought whenever I type it I actually dont laugh out its sorta like an instinct. I type it when something I say (yes..something that iiii is that ppl will get its a joke or something...and when something that someone else says is roariously funny. :rolleyes: :D I also tend to place this smiley>:rolleyes: instead of 'lol' cos..its a way to show that something that u said is sarcastic...which is funny..or a key to teh funny..>>>>>>>>>>lol<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<see?>>>>>>>>> :rolleyes:<<<<<<<<<<<again, ya see?


Also, LOL, written in the capital form (vs. lol in lowercase form) is written when the joke or comment is even slightly funnier than the one that is at a level of funninessness to write just 'lol' which is just an instinct, as i mentioned earlier, so LOL denotes more of a yes-this-is-funny..and it makes sense because....1] When typing in capital letters, it illustrates screaming..meaning if u type in capital, ppl, it means ur either a} talking loudly, b} talking very loudly, or c} screaming at the top of ur lungs, d} squeeling, e} squeeling at the top of ur lungs, f} are speaking in demanding tone, g} are speaking in commanding tone, h} are thinking loudly (most of us dont say what we type as we type it...thats just not normal..), i} thinking very loudly, j} thinking in a screaming-at-the-top-of-ur-lungs-voice, k} thinking in a squeeling tone, l} thinking in a squeeling-at-the-top-of-ur-lungs voice, m} thinking in a demanding tone, n} thinking in a commanding tone, o} choking so that u accidentally hit capslock, p} having a seizure so that u accidentally hit capslock, q} having a heart attack so that u accidentally hit capslock, r} are having a panic attack so that u accidentally hit capslock, s}like capital letters cos theyre big and pretty, t} feel like ur being ignored, u} wants to be read, v} feels like annoying people, w} are stupid, x} think its funny, y} never knew that it meant screaming in the first place, z} are a meanie, and 2] when u laugh..and its OUT the it should be LOL since its written in capital letters if written by an educated surfer (the internet-surfing kind..).
anyways i forgot what i was talking about so..
*SkandarsQueen* said:
Laugh Out Loud...

even thought whenever I type it I actually dont laugh out its sorta like an instinct. I type it when something I say (yes..something that iiii is that ppl will get its a joke or something...and when something that someone else says is roariously funny. :rolleyes: I also tend to place this smiley> instead of 'lol' cos..its a way to show that something that u said is sarcastic...which is funny..or a key to teh funny..>>>>>>>>>>lol<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<see?>>>>>>>>> :rolleyes:<<<<<<<<<<<again, ya see?


Also, LOL, written in the capital form (vs. lol in lowercase form) is written when the joke or comment is even slightly funnier than the one that is at a level of funninessness to write just 'lol' which is just an instinct, as i mentioned earlier, so LOL denotes more of a yes-this-is-funny..and it makes sense because....1] When typing in capital letters, it illustrates screaming..meaning if u type in capital, ppl, it means ur either a} talking loudly, b} talking very loudly, or c} screaming at the top of ur lungs, d} squeeling, e} squeeling at the top of ur lungs, f} are speaking in demanding tone, g} are speaking in commanding tone, h} are thinking loudly (most of us dont say what we type as we type it...thats just not normal..), i} thinking very loudly, j} thinking in a screaming-at-the-top-of-ur-lungs-voice, k} thinking in a squeeling tone, l} thinking in a squeeling-at-the-top-of-ur-lungs voice, m} thinking in a demanding tone, n} thinking in a commanding tone, o} choking so that u accidentally hit capslock, p} having a seizure so that u accidentally hit capslock, q} having a heart attack so that u accidentally hit capslock, r} are having a panic attack so that u accidentally hit capslock, s}like capital letters cos theyre big and pretty, t} feel like ur being ignored, u} wants to be read, v} feels like annoying people, w} are stupid, x} think its funny, y} never knew that it meant screaming in the first place, z} are a meanie, and 2] when u laugh..and its OUT the it should be LOL since its written in capital letters if written by an educated surfer (the internet-surfing kind..).
anyways i forgot what i was talking about so..

Wow. You really put some thought into that didn't you? :D
Yeah,. for my lol is habit too. If something is really funny, I tend to say rofl or, most commonly, lmao. I use lol if I'm joking aswell...infact, I think SOfi just stated the true use of 'lol' for everybody. :)
I don't use the word lol, I think it's a stupid thing to say. I only say lol when I actually laugh out loud, and not just to show something someone said was funny.

If you're wondering if you said something was funny to me (as most people do) then here is a short guide to my typed laughter:

= Kinda funny, but don't quit the day job
Hehe=My most commonly used expression of typed laughter, 'hehe' means what you said would get a wide grin if you had said it to my face.
Haha=Very funny, keep up the good work
HAHA!=I almost smile in realy life
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!= Ok, I smiled in real life, it was funny.
lol=I laughed out loud in real life. To have me say lol to you is a great honour.

I know none of that had anything to do with anything, but I felt like writing it.

yeah i use lol alot...just out of habit when something is funny and it makes me smile. i use haha and hehe too...just whatever i feel like!
I don't ever use it because I didn't know what it meant. (I'm blonde, so you'll have to excuse me sometimes) Now I know. Couldn't you have just p.m.ed Specter or one of the mods to find out what lol meant?
Aravis of Archenland said:
I don't ever use it because I didn't know what it meant. (I'm blonde, so you'll have to excuse me sometimes) Now I know. Couldn't you have just p.m.ed Specter or one of the mods to find out what lol meant?
The thread is about what does lol mean to you. And were you joking about the blonde thing or being serious?
hahaha. lol -i use it alot. recently though my friends made up a stupid thing LIH-laughing in head. yah its dumb are we!

*wow lots of thought...very deep, intellectual thughts*lih.
i actually have said "lol" in a real conversation, because now, sometimes when something is funny, and you dont feel like laughing, you say "omgsh LOL!!!" :D or "LOL" it just sounds right for the occasion...ya know?
I think 'lol' ought to be meaningless. It's not a real word. For you new peeps, ask an old Skandarnite about the Grammar Police and you will get answers that might frighten or scare you, or even terrorize your dreams at times. Yes, my grammar dominates my life... but away from that subject. I personally think I use
'teeheehee' more than 'lol'. Because I feel that it is incorrect, and I also feel that 'lol' is a lie, since technically most people don't laugh-out-loud. To add to that lie, I CAN'T laugh-out-loud. Just like I can't scream. I literally can't. I laugh silently... it's strange but true. So I tend to use 'teeheehee' more... or... there's the totally awesome version that goes 'teeheehahahohohoheheheheeheeheemuahaha.. ha!' That is without a doubt the best ever. :D
Tweetsie said:
I think 'lol' ought to be meaningless. It's not a real word. For you new peeps, ask an old Skandarnite about the Grammar Police and you will get answers that might frighten or scare you, or even terrorize your dreams at times. Yes, my grammar dominates my life... but away from that subject. I personally think I use
'teeheehee' more than 'lol'. Because I feel that it is incorrect, and I also feel that 'lol' is a lie, since technically most people don't laugh-out-loud. To add to that lie, I CAN'T laugh-out-loud. Just like I can't scream. I literally can't. I laugh silently... it's strange but true. So I tend to use 'teeheehee' more... or... there's the totally awesome version that goes 'teeheehahahohohoheheheheeheeheemuahaha.. ha!' That is without a doubt the best ever. :D

But, again, no one laughs like that. *_*
LOL. When i first read those letters i thought it meant lots of love. whats even more embarrassing is that I was talking to a friend on MSN and he was a boy. he said LOL after i said a jioke, and iwas 'EEEEWWWWWWWW!!'. then he told me whta it was.