The new story about Robin Hood and his Merry men

Gentle Voice

Active member
One day when the girls got bored and wanted to do something fun, Anna asked them if they want to go fishing in the park.

So that was where they went. They had barely gotten started, and one of the girls was just playing around with her fishing rod, when to her own surprise she caught a huge one. The other girls looked at it with wide eyes. "Wow, that's so huge!" exclaimed Anna. "I never saw one that big outside an aquarium!" She came up for a closer look. Her friend, holding the fish, remarked, "And it's really heavy, heavier than it looks."

"You know, we could eat this for lunch," said the youngest in the group. "Let's go cook it!" The girls nodded and went to Anna's house.Ty , the girl who had caught the fish, cut it open to start cleaning it, as Anna watched. The girls were startled to see that inside the fish's stomach there was a leather bag, the kind people might have carried long ago, in the days before clothes had pockets. "Oh wow, now what did we find?" asked Anna, picking up the bag. "Hey, this is what made the fish heavy." So she started to open it. She now didn't say a word and the others got worried. "Is everything all right, Anna?" asked her friend Elyssa. "Yes, I'm all right now; but look what we got here--it's gold!" Anna laughed, and placed the gold on the table with a loud clank. Looking at Ty who had caught the fish, she said, "This rightfully belongs to you."

"No, I'll split with all of you," replied Ty .

"We're rich now!" Said Lee, who was the youngest one from the group.

Hours went by (after they ate the fish itself) and the girls looked at each other and started to count how many coins they had lying beside them. Anna saw something shiny in the the gold and it looked like it was rings. "Oh, how pretty!" Said Ty, placing one of the rings on her finger.

When she did this, she vanished!

The other girls all jumped up with screams of fright. Anna stepped back from the table with a faraway look on her face. "Ty is gone; how did this happen!?" Coming back to the table, she took one of the rings and did the same thing that Ty had done. In an instant she went missing as well. The rest of the girls were left wondering what the rings were and why they had been inside the fish.

Meanwhile, Anna and Ty found themselves in what seemed to be a forest. Anna walked around to see where they were; then they heard something coming behind them. "Shh, don't move, Ty," whispered Anna; "you never really know what it is. It might be a lion or something that we don't want to mess with." Anna was breathing fast. Then before they knew it there were five young men stanbding in front of them, wearing very old-fashioned clothes. One, carrying a bow with an arrow on the string, looked like he was the leader of the group. "Now, Now what do we have here?" said the man with the bow. "Do we have some spies in our woods?" asked the man. Anna took a deep breath or two. "No, sir, we are not spies we are, well, kind of lost," said Anna, now moving were the tallest one was. "Oh, oh man, you can't be!" screamed Anna. "Ty, I think we are in a book!" Anna told her friend. "This is Sir Robin Hood, and the tall one is Sir Little John," Anna told her, now bowing to them.

By this time, the other girls had also tried on rings, and they landed in a different part of the same forest. But they were next to someone you don't want to be around: Prince John, the man who wanted to steal the throne of England from his brother King Richard. And with John was the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham. "Oh, look, Sheriff," laughed Prince John; "it looks as if some foreign children have come into the forest!" The Sheriff laughed back "I think I know what we can do with them, sire." At a nod from Prince John, the Sheriff placed his sword near Lee's throat. "Now, now don't be scared. I won't hurt you yet," said the Sheriff with a loud laugh.

Not yet knowing that Elyssa and Lee were in danger, Robin Hood and his Merry Men took the girls to their hideout and asked them where they were from. The two girls frowned and told them they were not from this time, and they found some rings which took them here. Robin laughed at what he heard. "No wonder why you don't dress like we do! Hmm, Ty, may I see the rings please?" Robin placed his hand out. Ty nodded and gave him the ring she wore, and when she did, she was gone again. "Oh man, now what happened?" asked Anna, now looking at Robin and his men. "I think this is getting pretty weird now." She closed her eyes with tears rolling down her cheeks. "I think I want to go home now," said Anna. She was about to take off her own ring, hoping this would send her home, when one Merry Man who wasn't with them before came in their hiding place, and told Robin that he hadspotted two girls with Prince John and the Sheriff. Robin told the others to stay there and he would save the other girls.

Not long Prince John and the Sheriff where back at Nottingham Castle, wondering what they should do with the girls. But before they had decided anything, a bow twanged from a window, and an arrow shout into the room out of nowhere, followed by a shout. "You shall not harm those maidens, Prince John!" shouted Robin Hood, tossing a rope with a hook onto a rafter from where he was at the window. "I think I should have them, because they not yours to do anything!" Robin Hood now swung down to catch the girls, telling them to hang on to him so he could climb back up quickly. Prince John yelled for the guards; but before anyone could get close to Robin Hood, he was gone with Lee and Elyssa.

Back in the woods, one Merry Man had turned out to be a woman. She was the sister of a man who had died in the Holy Land, and she was taking his place in Robin Hood's band--even using his name, Jack. As the only woman from the group, she tried to calm Anna down for awhile. Luke, the one who had told Robin about seeing Elyssa and Lee, was falling in love with Anna, but he didn't know why. All he knew was she was pretty and he wanted her to be happy like Robin and Maid Marian. Then Robin came back and had the rescued girls with him. "Elyssa, Lee, you're all right!," said Anna, now running up to her friends to give them a hug. " I thought you were dead by now," said Anna, now looking around " This is Robin hood and his Merry Men; they are taking care of us for now until we find out more about our rings," she told them. "Ty took off her ring and vanished again; I hope that means she went home."
Let me guess: Since the rings get left behind in Robin Hood's time when the girls take them off, one or more of the Merry Men will try putting on the left-behind rings, which will take _them_ forward to _modern_times!
Night in Robin Hood's England came with no noises of automobiles or television. With two of Robin's men taking a turn on guard duty in the forest hideout, girls fell fast asleep on the piles of leaves and grass and straw provided for them. Anna, however, was still wondering what the rings were, why they appeared where they did in modern times, and what they had to do with Robin Hood.

Anna wasn't the only one awake; the young one named Luke was also awake at this time. He should have been sleeping, so he could go on guard duty later, but he seemed restless. Anna walked over to him, sat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder. "Tell me what's on your mind," asked Anna, now taking his hand and starting to play with his thumb.

Luke looked at her with a smile on his face. "All manner of things pass through my mind this night, sweet maiden. Persons appearing and vanishing certainly make food for thought; but it is more pleasing to think about you, who are still here. I am at a loss to know what a lovely girl such as you finds interesting in me. But I confess that I enjoy your attentions. You need not fear any trouble coming to you among us, by the way; Robin, and Little John, and Friar Tuck, and Jack, all enforce the rule that we are to behave with courtesy to every woman or girl. So hold my thumb as long as it pleases you to do so."

Here Luke sighed, and Anna was sure the sigh had a meaning. "There is something else, isn't there?" she asked, now with a thoughtful frown. "I bet I know what it is, too. Is it me going back home soon?" Anna gently let go of Luke's thumb, stood up and waited for his answer.
Before very much more happens in Robin Hood's time, I hope you'll show us how Ty arrives back in the 21st century. What happens with her next will depend on how you are imagining time travel.

If the changes back and forth work like entering and leaving Narnia, then no matter how long Anna, Elyssa and Lee are in the Middle Ages, when they do go back to modern America they will be right where they left off in the passing of time. But you could instead say that if they spend one day in the past, when they get home it will be one day later in OUR time.

It's up to you.
After awhile, Luke finally told Anna what he was thinking, but didn't know what she would say. Anna took a deep breath or two and told him how she felt about him, but explained that she didn't know if she could allow herself to love him because they lived in different times. Luke frowned, and then walked away from her to settle down and sleep.

Meanwhile, back in the 21st century, TY was wondering how she got back to the present. She looked around enough to be sure that the other girls had not returned; then she walked outside. The weird thing was that here it was still light out and when she left the past it was nightfall. " Weird," said Ty; "would that be because of the different time zones between America and England, or for some other reason?" Pulling out her phone, she called home and told her mother she was all right; but she noticed that her mother didn't sound worried the way she would be if her daughter were missing a long time. Going back inside the house where she and her friends had first seen the magic rings, Ty waited to see if someone or something else would come.

In medieval England, when day returned, Anna and the others were now wide awake, so they started asking their outlaw friends what would happen next. Luke didn't say a word to Anna, because after what happened last night, he didn't know what to do but sigh. Robin told them that Prince John would be coming with troops, and there where gold in the back of the carriage. Anna came up to Jack and asked if she could stay with her and not fight; even if Anna had been used to real battles, she wasn't feeling so well.

And in the modern world, Ty was now wondering if she ever would see her friends, and should she tell all their parents they went off and got killed? No, she could never do that; no one would believe the truth, and anything she made up would only get her in trouble. She had to wait and see if anyone would come back or not.
Hannah, I'm happy for you that interesting things are going on in your real life, but I hope you won't forget to finish this story!