The Passion of the Christ

the town hippie

New member
OK, Easter is coming up and I bought the Passion to watch when the time is right. But the Passion is rated R, for graphic violence. Anyone seen the movie? If you have, what senes might I want to turn my head on?
Don't worry about watching it - the graphic violence is simply the portrayal of the scourging and crucifixion as it probably actually happened. It is neither gratuitous nor intended to entertain, but an attempt at an honest portrayal. Watch it with plenty of tissue - if you're like me, you'll gain a much deeper appreciation of the price our Saviour paid to ransom us.
PrinceoftheWest, I heard somewhere, I don't remember where, but Mel Gibson said that the scourging of Christ in this film didn't even come halfway to the way it really would've happened. But, I have to agree with you, it does show how gruesome it was. I've been wanting to see it ever since it came out in theaters, but since it has an R rating, my parents are still hesitant to allow me to see it.
Didn't they make another version of the movie, yet with less graphic violence? 'Cause I remember being at the movie theatre a couple months after the movie had left, yet it was still there. When I asked my mom about it, she said that they made a cleaner version...who knows.