The Phantom of the Opera

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New member
This is an rpg about what happens after the movie or play, which ever one you have seen. Here are the characters:
The Phantom:
Christine Daae:Me
Madame Giry:
Meg Giry: Celebrion Seregon
Monsieur Andre:
Monsieur Firmin:
Carlotta: Queen Artemis of Narnia
Please only join if you have wached the play or the movie.
I don't really know what the plot should be so tell me if you have any ideas.
Feel free to make up characters!
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I'd love to join this!!! I've always thought Meg Giry should end up with the phantom....and Megs character was always overlooked in the movie (although I don't overly like her in the book) Can I be Meg?
sorry:eek: theres always Madame Giry... or perhaps add in Carlotta's maid or one of the other chorus girls? Sorrel for instance?

Oh I forgot about Sorreli... that's ok though. :)
I can make someone up right? I can be another of Christine's friends or something... after she runs off with Raoul (ick) and joins 'society' or something... I don't know something to throw out there. :D
hmm....I definately want Meg to be with the phantom. :D always have, always will, no matter if I'm Meg or not.

how about Christine and Roul just getting back from their honey moon go back to the theatre to see Meg, who is now with the Phantom.She is preforming in a new Opera, that the Phantom wrote, in a new opera house. Christine is jealouse of Meg a bit (old lover and all that) and The Phantom and Roul get over their differences and are friends, while their gals are having would be incrediably amusing...just throwing it out there.
How about this:
Christine and Raoul are married (as much as I hate that), but Christine isn't enjoying high society too much. There's too much gossip, backstabbing, and scandals in that type of life, and she's only used to the quiet type. She makes friends with a girl living a similar life only is nice enough to pay her any mind. She still keeps in touch with Meg from the Opera and her new mystery guy (the Phantom, if you like, for Celebrion), and the various adventures that goes on.
That was something I came up in 5 minutes, so I don't know if you'll like it. Just something out there. :D
I think that all we need is the Phantom, Raoul and Madame Giry.
We don't really need Monsieur Andre and Monsieur Firmin.
Just to get this thing going I will play Raoul and one of y'all can play the Phantom until some boys join.
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