The Producers!

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New member
Saw this movie yesterday and I think I nearly wet myself laughing (mainly because I drank a big drink really fast and was laughing so hard) :p One of the funniest movies evvveeerrr xD

This movie was great... But I don't think its the type to appeal to most audiences. The jokes were acctually FUNNY! I thought there would be a lot of young adults going to see this... Turned out I was wrong, I was the youngest in the theater (me AND my mom might've been the youngest ones in there o.o).

Its full of sex cracks and gay jokes that were overused but still pretty darn funny (a first that i've seen). The Nazi cracks left me lmao. The actors were great, and the storyline was a little more deep then most musical storylines are (which is a good thing.. in my opinion anyway). I was kinda dissapointed because all of the funny stuff was in the beginning and middle, and at the end it was all... :confused: Where did the funny go. I would've been more satisfied with it if there was a good laugh near/at the end but there isn't... Not the best of endings, but the zaniness of the rest made up for that. The movie starts out great and gets a little blah at the end which dissapointed me, but it wasn't an overall dissapointment.

.....Err... I would say "EVERYONE SHOULD GO SEE THIS MOVIE!" but this is not going to appeal to every audience. The easily amused and the ones not easily offended will enjoy this movie, but those with a short attention span and dislike of musicals probably won't xD

Well thats that.... Anyone else here see this movie yet?
The Producers is an excellent movie and the orignal with Gene Widler is even better than the Nathan Lane/Matthew Broderick remake. It's full of sarcism and so many jokes so few people would understand. When I saw it, and the joke about Oedipus and his mom came up, I was the only one who laughed at it. It's one of those movies that is for the easily amused and those who find the humor in take offs of literature or history. Much like the Simpsons or Monty Python.

Of course it's not for everyone. "Springtime for Hitler" is not the best of topics, but it's still funny.
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