The Reflection Room (A SHORT story)


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The Reflection Room

Have you ever gone through a time where you feel like you’re supposed to be doing something every minute of every day? Have you ever been so busy or caught up with life that you can’t even analyze yourself anymore? That place you get when you finally stop and think about how you’re living your life and where you want it to go, what you want to do or be in the future. You want to know, and you try, but you can’t.
It’s happened to me, just recently. I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep when I realized my mind was so restless I couldn’t close my eyes. So I tried to concentrate on one thing; me. Who am I? Who do I want to be? Where do I want my life to go? Am I proud of the way it is? What are my weaknesses and worries? What might be holding me back?
You know what? I couldn’t answer the question! I was so caught up in studies and friends and activities and past times that I enjoy and friend and family and money and work and just life in general that it had been such a long time since I pulled back and tried to see the big picture. I couldn’t answer the questions, and it bothered me. I got to the point of such frustration that I wanted to get out of bed and throw something and then sit at my desk with a pen and paper until I could write out all the answers.
But; before I could, something happened. Not an ordinary something, a something that might happen in a novel or a film, but not in reality. There was a light, a bright glowing coming towards my window in the dark. It was like a star coming from the sky, growing bigger and brighter all the time getting closer, and closer. I wanted to jump back in my bed and hide under the covers. I wanted to scream and run out the door. I wanted it to be a dream and wake up. But I couldn’t do anything. I was riveted, with my feet firmly planted on the ground and I was curious and began to wonder more than fear.
The light engulfed me and I could feel we were flying through the air! I felt like a child, huddled in the arms of a loving father, for the light, I now understood was a being, but a mighty, powerful, unearthly being. I thought I should be frightened but I wasn’t, for I knew in my heart that there could be no evil in a being that could poor out so much love in such a simple embrace.
I didn’t want the ride to end. I could have stayed there forever in the creatures arms, but once again I felt something solid beneath my feet. Solid and yet not so solid. It was like the sand under the water, soft and cool to the touch.
When I opened my eyes and let go of my guide I found myself in some sort of room. It seemed to my human eyes a place in heaven but I knew it was not. Everything seemed so peaceful and soft. Like the walls and the floor were of clouds. There was a very bright glow to nearly everything and a white wispiness about the place.
I could see my guide better now. He was wearing white robes and seemed human in features but had an immortal glow and I knew he was not.
“Where am I?” I asked in a whisper.
“You are in the reflection room.” I can’t say that this was an answer because that would imply that he spoke, and I don’t know that he ever did. I just… knew.
“It seems so much like a dream.” I said.
“It is.”
“So none of this is real?” I was disappointed.
“Real enough for it’s purpose, do not be discouraged, you will find here, what you were looking for.”
“What am I looking for.”
My guide turned from me and gestured at a mirror. It was the only thing without a glow or white wisp. It was very plain, made of basic oak, and still somewhat resembling a tree.
“I want the mirror?” I asked.
He only smiled at me and nodded toward the looking glass. With a hand on my shoulder I was gently pushed forward to see my own reflection. I had mirrors back home. One on the wall in my bedroom, the one in my bathroom, and many smaller ones for different tasks. I thought I knew my reflection. I was shocked and upset to find how wrong I was.
Never before have I seen such things in a mirror, or any reflection for that matter. I saw more than a dull face. I saw what was behind the face. I saw all the answers to my questions.
“This is what you were searching for. Tell me what you see.”
I obeyed. “My weaknesses. Selfishness, being undisciplined, materialistic, jealousy, there is so much.”
“What do you fret about?”
“I didn’t know before but I see it now. I’m afraid of losing out. Afraid of failure as a daughter, a sister, a Christian, as a person. I’m afraid I won’t live the life y-” I stopped and looked at my guide.
“I’m afraid of disappointing you. Of representing your name in a way that is wrong. I am afraid I will live without this, reflection and a walk with you.” I realized so many things at that point. “I’m afraid of being arrogant, and worldly. I’m afraid that my wants and my hurts will keep me from you. I’m afraid of the future and who I might become.”
“Are these fears wrong?”
“No, I suppose not. I guess if I use them to keep me in check and don’t let them take over my life, they are good fears.”
“And your heart is in the right place, is it not.”
“I … yes it is.”
“Who do you want to be?”
I turned back to the mirror and looked.
“I want to be an adventurer, I want to follow my dreams. I want to sing but I want to do it to your glory. I want my songs to be tools, I want you to speak to people through me. I want to be a tool. I want you to use me. I want to be a person of confidence but without arrogance.”
“That is a worthy life.”
I smile and blushed. “But how do I get there?”
He turned me around and on the other side of the room there was a bright and shining, gold mirror in all it’s beauty and glory. I knew right away that this mirror would show me all the answers to life’s most difficult questions. My hear raced as we stepped closer. I was going to know everything I would ever need to know about life. I was going to find out the answers to the questions I always wanted to know. The questions that no one was able to answer. The questions that stumped, parents, teachers, and scholars.
I stepped into the glowing light of the mirror and saw my reflection for a moment. I was happy and I was content. I was ready for anything, and I was just so glad to be where I was with my guide, my friend, at my side.
My reflection faded away like it would in the water when it is broken by a stone. It seemed to wash away gently in the ripples. Then I saw it. The answer to ever question I could ever have. I was surprised but not so surprised at the same time.
I smiled and looked up at my guide, who looked down at me lovingly.
“Why, … it’s you.”
nope, it is a SHORT story.
Honestly,, I never thought I'd be able to do it. I'm a longwinded person when it comes to stories... I'm more of a story teller and I can like NEVER write short stories so this really is my first (Madison bridges was made to be a longer story)
Oh willsgirl its really good....The first mirrior she (you?:confused: ) looked in reminded me of a mirrior in a series of books (I cant remember the name of the series though)
Wow, I'm SO glad... yes I wrote this story and yes I'm the girl. I wrote it because I was confused and couldn't answe the questions I wanted and I was getting so frustrated and couldn't think! and then God gave me this image so I put it into a story... :eek: I'm hoping the movie will be entered into a Christian Film contest. The cool thing is, I only have to cast two people! LOL
WillsGirl said:
Wow, I'm SO glad... yes I wrote this story and yes I'm the girl. I wrote it because I was confused and couldn't answe the questions I wanted and I was getting so frustrated and couldn't think! and then God gave me this image so I put it into a story... :eek: I'm hoping the movie will be entered into a Christian Film contest. The cool thing is, I only have to cast two people! LOL
I've read that the surest way to overcome sin/spiritual doubts is to write a book about it! I can't begin to tell you what a great job you did! :)
And YES! I'd watch the movie! (So would NARNIANKNIGHT my brother!)
The Christian Film contest, is it Vision Fourm's? Awesome!
and then God gave me this image

was it like it really happened, or you just saw it in your mind? thats really amazing WillisGirl...thats the kind of thing i'd expect to find in Stories for the Extreme Teen's Heart. you shoudl send it to them! i think thier making another one. its really good. eveyr time i see someting by Willis Girl i think :eek:h, that'll be good. :)
Wow thanks everyone!
Narnia Princess, I TOTALLY forgot NARNIANKNIGHT was your brother! LOL
And YES it is the Vision Forumfilm competition I'm thinking about... IF I can get the movie done and IF I can edit it properly so don't get your hopes up.
Adelyna-Small Winged One said:
was it like it really happened, or you just saw it in your mind? thats really amazing WillisGirl...thats the kind of thing i'd expect to find in Stories for the Extreme Teen's Heart. you shoudl send it to them! i think thier making another one. its really good. eveyr time i see someting by Willis Girl i think :eek:h, that'll be good. :)
Thank you! No it didn't REALLY happen but I saw it in my mind and FELT like it hapened though I was fully awake
oh. thats still cool. seriously, u should send it to Extreme Teens! its awesome; like that one guy, oh, whats his name..*snaps fingers* i cant remember; he wrote i kissed dating goodbye anyway, he wrote that story about the room with the file cabinets containing eveyrthing about his life...i wonder; are there really those rooms? mauybe in our heavenly mansions...okay, i g2 stop im rambeling.
good short story!
Adelyna its "Joshua Harris" muhahahaha! I am brilliance!

WILLSGIRL! You aren't ugly! Besides if people can't look past physical appearence then are they really worth your time?