The Sequel


New member
The sequel to the Death Dealer (which is linked in my signature). Two wars are being fought. One among the countries of Cesarnan and the Sun Kingdom and one among the rogues Ridley (Queen of Thieves) and Captain Albert (captain of the pirate ship the Fearless Dawn). While the countries fight for dominance and pride, the rogues fight to help the common man or to rip him down.

I'm starting out with a list of characters. As I write, some may be added, so look and see if I have added new names (I'll italize them).
The Sun Kingdom~

King Christian: The king of the Sun Kingdom, dragged into war to save his daughter and protect his interests in the Nareroc Islands.

Duchess Corine Huntley of Nadian: The last Motykain warrior, a knight and trusted adviser of King Christian, friend to the dragons.

Duke Scott of Lowry: The cousin to King Christian and a knight and trusted advisor to the king.

Duchess Alayna Fellner of Panderas: The adopted heir of the late Duchess Oneida, a brilliant general and strategist, King Christian’s foremost military leader abroad.

Duke Samuel of Nafing: Married to Princess Gwendolyn, Christian’s brother-in-law, provides the Sun Kingdom with a royal navy.

Duchess Wren of Salaias: The leader of the once independent Salais, Wren provides the calavry and her military expertise in battle, second general to Fillney.

Jack Keaton: Husband of Wren, scouting captain on the Nareroc Islands.

Jonathon Keaton: Husband of Corine, retired calvary captain.

Katarina Keaton: Daughter of Wren and Jack, lieutenant in the army of the Sun Kingdom.

Nicholas Keaton: Son of Corine and Jonathon, scout for the army of the Sun Kingdom, cousin to Katarina.

Princess Rachael: The daughter of Christian and Derica, taken prisoner by the pirates of the Fearless Dawn. Her capture pushed Christian into the war against Frederick.

Queen Derica: Christian’s wife, the former princess of Archon, wounded by the pirates of the Fearless Dawn.

Princess/Duchess Gwendolyn: Younger sister to Christian and wife of the Duke of Nafing.


King Frederick: King of Cesarnan, started the war by paying pirates to kidnap Christian’s daughter.

Prince Drake: Son of Frederick, knight and leader of Cesarnan’s forces.

The King’s Right Hand: Hired assassin employed by all kings of Cesarnan, lives to do the king’s bidding.

Count Henry of Egona: An old friend of Jack Anders and Grace Hilren, suspected of treason and kept under close watch by the king.

Calvin Hilren: Son of Leon Hilren, knight in Frederick’s court, cousin to Grace Hilren. Against the war and against Frederick, under suspicion like Henry.

Leon and George Hilren: Brothers who rule the northern province of Arganis together. They keep the port open to the Sun Kingdom, against Frederick and his policies.

Sir Benjamin of Salatia: The future duke of the province Salatia. The best knight in Frederick’s court, he plays the role of pawn, but he is not totally blind to the rough dealings his king uses against enemies.


Queen Peony: The queen of Otanna, trying to keep her forces out publicly, while secretly having sent a group of riders to aid Christian.

Captain Nikia Saldik: The captain of the riders Peony sent to aid Christian, unable to fly the Otannian flag and must pretend she acted rebelliously to keep Otanna from the war officially.


Ridley Hunewn: Once the princess of thieves after the death of the King she took the crown and became the first Queen of Thieves in over a hundred years.

Albert Quinn: The new captain of the Fearless Dawn, he is always looking to gain control of the title King of Thieves.

Kevin: Ridley’s right hand man and keeping of the peace at the Guild’s court in Glenbard. He was the first to back Ridley’s claim as Queen of Thieves.

Samantha Yuli: The watchdog of the Pirate King, once an aid to Kay and now a friend and ally to Ridley.

Max Yuli: The Pirate King, who backs Ridley and regards Quinn as a puppet to Frederick.

Mentioned/Minor Characters~

Grace Hilren: The former countess of Arganis in Cesarnan, also the former Death Dealer, killed by Tristan Anders of Escion.

Jack Anders: Former count of Escion before being dismissed from court, brother to Tristan, Grace’s love.

Myles: Monk at the Temple of Father Sky in the capital city of Bailor, one of Corine’s oldest and dearest friends.

Zane: Owner of the Dancing Duchess Inn in Bailor, one of Corine’s oldest and dearest friends.

Grace Hilren: The former countess of Arganis in Cesarnan, also the former Death Dealer, killed by Tristan Anders of Escion.

Jack Anders: Former count of Escion before being dismissed from court, brother to Tristan, Grace’s love.

Tristan Anders: Second son of the count of Escion, killed by Grace Hilren.

Kay Lansa: The former captain of the infamous pirate ship the Fearless Dawn. After retirement her former crew killed her as part of an agreement with King Frederick.

Sawyer: Kay’s daughter, staying in the care of her great aunt Bella.

Bella: Kay’s aunt and protector of her child.


Kitanna (Diggery): The half-angel deity who protects the lost and guides those destined by the Immortals. The last of the deities to still walk among men.

Colin: A dragon who owes a life debt to Corine Huntley. He had been human for a hundred years and that makes him more compassionate than most mystics.

Silver: A unicorn and the dearest friend to Colin. She had been transformed into a human as well and was Colin’s constant companion in that time of crisis.

Kamaria and Ciro: The twins, the sun and moon. They are recognized abroad, but Cesarnan worships them as their chief deities.

The Elements: York (water), Lothen (Fire), Pim (Earth), and Sonya (Air), worshipped chiefly in Archon, Otanna, Sera, and Mutar, with each country picking a patron among them. According to legend York and Sonya are the parents of Ciro and Kamaria. Also York and Lothen are the highest and are known as The Great Twins.

Mother Earth and Father Sky: Primarily worshipped in the Sun Kingdom, but other countries recognize them as the first and some even say they are the parents of The Great Twins.
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Is this a sequal to the Death-Dealer trilogy, or a second book running parallel to the last Death Dealer book? Either way it sounds cool. I may not be able to read it...i'm working on enough of my own stuff right now; but I'll try to check it out, at least.
Way to go!! =)

Great for you Nikia to keep telling and writing more stories, way to go!!:D

Of course, since you've finished Death Dealer, my comments will be quite delayed, but I promise to read it and reach 'The End' words. At least, I can make some comments when I've read each part of the Death Dealer series.

As for me, with Epic in Everdant, I'm not pressing others to post their comments, whatever the rhythm of reading you have, I just hope that you gather your words and post them into some useful words. Thus, perhaps I'll PM you or post more of my comments on your thread of Death Dealer.

And, now that you're writing the sequel, I feel as if I'm on the premiere of a most expected movie!!

It was good that you mentioned the cast of this new story, so that anyone who already followed your previous story becomes more eager to read the one you've readied for us.

Keep up the good work, Nikia!
Is this a sequal to the Death-Dealer trilogy, or a second book running parallel to the last Death Dealer book? Either way it sounds cool. I may not be able to read it...i'm working on enough of my own stuff right now; but I'll try to check it out, at least.

It'll be a direct sequel to Death Dealer, taking place a few months after the other one ended.
Chapter One:

There had been little activity on the road in the last two days. It seemed the enemy soldiers had finally stopped for the time being. The watchers in the trees now simply waited for darkness to fall before returning to their own camp for the night.

Katarina rested her head on the tree limb and fought against the cramp that had developed in her leg over the last two days. Not only was she cramped up in the trees, but sitting in the shade of Nareroc’s immense trees had done little to fight off the heat and humidity of the island. It was frustrating for the young knight to be wasting her training by sitting in a tree and the blinding heat did little to improve her mood. She thanked Father Sky as the sun slowly sank below the horizon.

Frederick’s army stationed on the largest of the islands had completely set up camp and only one or two scouts had come down the road in the last few days. With so little activity Katarina and her own band of scouts could finally get out of the trees and report back to their own camp. She looked forward to a real meal and a bedroll that was not among the trees.

There was a short and shrill whistle. Katarina heard rustling on all sides as her men began climbing down. The scouts up the road, the ones lucky enough to be out of the trees, felt it was time to go too. Katarina slid from the tree and landed stiffly on her feet. Her knees ached and when she awoke the next day there would be hell to pay for spending four days sitting on a branch.

The six who had been in the trees slowly moved up the road to meet their allies. The other four scouts were from Archon and had had the pleasure of moving stealthily along the road for the past four days. With the Archonian scouts were three other men. Katarina recognized them as men from Panderas.

“We have come to relieve you from your duties and to send you back to camp. The Duchess Alayna expects a full report upon your return.” The three bowed curtly and took up their posts along the road.

Despite their stiffness, Katarina knew they had to make haste to give Alayna Fellner a full report. She stretched quickly to loosen her muscles.

“Let’s move out,” She called and took off jogging back toward camp. It was a good three miles and needed to keep an even pace the whole time. If Katarina dared to slow down she knew she would drop where she stood and not move until morning. So, she fought against her aching legs and sore body and moved as swiftly as her body would allow.

* * * *

(There a few new characters up on the main list as well.)
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