The Tomorrow Series

Red Roses

New member
Hey, has anyone here read any of The Tomorrow Series books? I just finished the third book and I'm going crazyyyyy!! They are the greatest books ever!! I bought the first book last year in December at my school's book fair, and a couple of days ago I bought the second, third, and fourth book. When ever I read them I can't sleep at night because I keep thinking we're gonna get invaded. :rolleyes:
I've read them a couple of times. They are awesome books. There are some real twists coming up for you. The ending is great. Haven't managed to get around to reading the Ellie Chronicles yet though. I remember waiting for books 6 and 7 to be released. Book 7 was released just before x-mas years ago, and my cousin and I both got it for x-mas. We had a race to see who finished it first.
well i'm half way through the fourth book now and i can't believe Corrie died. i mean i was pretty sure she was dead but it was still such a shock :( and i feel sorry for Lee too.

whats kind of creepy is how much i'm like Ellie and how a lot of my friends are like the rest of the characters :rolleyes: