The Which is Worse Game


New member
After searching, I could not find this game yet. If it already does exist, then please lock this thread. :)

The game is pretty self-explanatory. You give two scenarios and the person below you has to choose the worse situation and give two more scenarios.

Hopefully this thread takes off. :) I'll start!

Which is worse: Having your nose hairs plucked out one by one or having your eyebrow hairs plucked out one by one.

Have fun!! :D
Argh, I hate this question :rolleyes: I'm a musician so I need my ears, and I"m an artist so I kind of need my eyes too. I could never choose, ever!!

Having to run the mile in 95 degree (F) weather or 25 degree weather?
25 degree weather. I had to walk home from work when it was like -2 outside. I was soo frozen!

Being REALLY tall or being REALLY short

Not being able to watch movies for the rest of your life or not being able to listen to music for the rest of your life

^ I ADORE your siggie!!
Not being able to watch movies for the rest of your life or not being able to listen to music for the rest of your life

^ I ADORE your siggie!!

Music I could live without TV,but never music.:D

Having a long unhappy life,or a short happy life?

Yes, I love that movie!!

I'd have to go with long and unhappy life

Loving someone and them not loving you back or being in loving someone (and they love you back) but you can never see them....ever

"Better to have loved and lost,than never to have loved at all"..:p
I'd say them never loving you.

Hurricane or Earthquake?
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Not being able to excerize ever would deffinately be worse...cuz if you think about it, even walking at whatever pace, is an excercize, so if you couldn't ever excercize, then techically you'd be bedridden for the rest of your life, which is a heck of a lot worse then having to excerize everday and be healthy.

Tornado or Flood?
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Uhh...they're both terrible. Being too hungry because I start to shake really bad when I let it go that long......

Losing your favorite book or losing your favorite movie