The White Witch


New member
I've seen it mentioned on a few narnia websites that Jadis is the daughter of Lilith (adams first wife) but i have seen no evidence of this in the books, can someone please point out where it says this.
I'm not sure if she's Liliths daughter, but she is of some relation to her, it's mentioned somewhere in the Magicians Nephew, i shall have a look as i've time on my hands today!
it's not MN it was in LWW - when the children are with the beavers:
"..she is no daughter of eve. She comes of your father Adam's... first wife, her they called Lilith. And she was one of the Jinn. That's what she comes from on one side. And of other side she comes of the giants"

I don't much about Lilith - anyone care to enlighten me?
i dont no much either its in the muslim scriptures i think
Lilith was designed to be adams first wife, but she did not want to be dominated or ruled by adam or anyone else (another version says she resented being underneath during intercourse as she found it derogatory) so she was either banished or left eden herself. Acording to some legends she bears a thousand hidious monsters every morning as punishment for turning her back on god. In other stories she is a horrible vampire, and the most ungodly thing ever created.

I have a fascination with religious stories but this is all i have managed to find out about her so far as i dont read arabic and can't refer to the original texts and so some of the above may be wrong so dont trust me fully on it.

EDIT: Just found a site all about lilith if you're intrested
thanks for the link i feel much more educated now! Until then the only Lilith i knew anything about was in 'Frasier'!
This is an old posting, but I have some input that I think should be considered on this one! Lewis openly acknowledged George MacDonald, who wrote a book entitled Lilith as his "Master." MacDonald is often called the grandfather of many modern writers. I think it was Madeline L'Engles who said this. To really learn about Lewis's perspective on Lilith, this book is a necessity. It has been a while since I read this book, but I remember her as a temptress of a great, though cold beauty.