Theme-Writing Contest

Hello all! :) I've decided to do a theme-writing contest. Basically, you write a small piece (no dialouge, no characters, just about the theme) about a theme and who ever gets the most votes, well, wins! And, like the Poet of the Month contest, this happens monthly.
There are 10 spots in total, but only 9 left because I've already chosen one. :)

March Theme:
1) You must have written it yourself
2) It can't be less than 200 words
3) You must discuss the theme(uh, obviously...)
4) No characters. No plot. This isn't a story.

5) When every one has posted theirs, I'll post the poll.

If you would like to participate, please post here. I will only take the first ten posters, but I probably won't be able to check until late tomorrow night, so don't get upset if you posted, like, five minutes before I checked but can't make it because there are too many people. I doubt this will happen - writing contests don't ever fill up that fast, usually, especially when they're posted, like, late (though I supppose this isn't late for some folk!).
Anywy, if you're interested...!! :)
I'll post mine probably next time I'm on.


1) QueenSusanofNarnia
2) xBella.MyEdwardx
3) Oxford Girl
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I think this is going to be unworkable. You should have ten people writing about ONE theme so the themes could be compared.

I would enjoy reading an essay on love more than reading an essay on revenge. So even if the tract on revenge is more well written, I'd vote for love because I like it better.

You might want to consider restructuring this before it's too late.
I will join... this sounds cool. Plus, I've been thinking about the topic of death a lot for the past couple days, so this will be a good exercise for my brain.