Things that make me smile.

Anaïs Nin

New member
As a person in this world who lives with depression and has a horrible self-esteem (on a good day), I've had to develop many different techniques and methods in order to counter my thoughts and emotions. With society as it stands today (economic hardships, political turmoil, and the strain of everyday life), I figured that I could share one of my ways of getting through the day. :]

I have a huge whiteboard stuck to my apartment wall where I used to scribble my "to-do" list or items that I needed to purchase from the store. Two months ago, I had an idea ... What if I forced myself to find one thing that makes me smile, or one thing that I am thankful for each day? Just one thing, though, I didn't want to run out of items after the first week. lol.

So here it goes:

One of my best friends and boyfriend, Jeremy, makes me smile. He's a very wise and strong man. He accepts me for who I am. I joke with him sometimes and tell him that if there was a God, then God sent him to me. (I'm agnostic, please refrain from quoting the previous sentence and telling me that there is a God. I'm working on it, okay?) Jeremy tells me that God doesn't make mistakes. Sometimes I want to believe him. I've never met a person who fills me in so completely. Where I lack, he achieves; where he lacks, I achieve. If everything goes wrong, I know that Jeremy will be around for me (even if something were to happen and we part ways). So, today, he's what makes me smile.
I think that is an excellent idea.:)

Today my new avatar/banner set made by someone special makes me smile.
Weekends make me smile. I didn't wake up until 1:30 pm and I feel awesome. haha. Not to mention that the cafe here serves breakfast until 2 pm on the weekends, so I also had the chance to eat breakfast with my Jeremy before he went to go play basketball. :D
I'm going to have to agree with the above posts about weekends. I slept till ten... the perfect time because it's not too late where you think, 'dang half the day's gone,' but still enough to get several hours of extra sleep.

I also smile when my puppy gets accidentally locked in the bedroom. You start hearing this whining and wonder where it's coming from.
The story that I am writing and getting lost in the world that I am creating through my writing is making me smile. Reading Inheritance is making me smile too!
Anaïs, what you wrote about your boyfriend makes me smile... it's so sweet!! He is a lucky guy. :)

Another thing that makes me smile is this picture that my little brother drew of the solar system.


I love my brother so much. He is so smart and puts a smile on my face every day.
Anaïs, what you wrote about your boyfriend makes me smile... it's so sweet!! He is a lucky guy. :)

Another thing that makes me smile is this picture that my little brother drew of the solar system.


I love my brother so much. He is so smart and puts a smile on my face every day.

That is so cute! It made me smile, too.:)
Anaïs, what you wrote about your boyfriend makes me smile... it's so sweet!! He is a lucky guy. :)

lol. He agrees with you.
Seriously, though, I'm the lucky one.

As of right now food makes me happy. I went over 24 hours without food and felt like I was going to die. haha. When I finally had the chance to eat, I ate everything. XD
My cat Dora has been making me smile recently. Since Missy.... disapeared, Dora has been my oldest cat and she has always, ALWAYS been the spunkiest and most unaccepting of other cats. Recently though, as winter is coming on and she is growing older (she's 8 or 9 now, but still extremely active) I have seen her curled up with the other, much younger, cats- particularly our poor little gray Smokey who almost all of the other cats pick on. Dora however seems to have taken a liking to the little gray she-cat, as I have seen her curled over/around/near Smokey several times. Its pretty funny to see Dora finally warming up to the others after so many years.:D

The music I'm listening to now is also making me happy.:D
My cat Dora has been making me smile recently. Since Missy.... disapeared, Dora has been my oldest cat and she has always, ALWAYS been the spunkiest and most unaccepting of other cats. Recently though, as winter is coming on and she is growing older (she's 8 or 9 now, but still extremely active) I have seen her curled up with the other, much younger, cats- particularly our poor little gray Smokey who almost all of the other cats pick on. Dora however seems to have taken a liking to the little gray she-cat, as I have seen her curled over/around/near Smokey several times. Its pretty funny to see Dora finally warming up to the others after so many years.:D

The music I'm listening to now is also making me happy.:D

That's sweet.:)
I'm happy for days when I don't have to force myself to feel happy.
I received all of 11 hours of sleep this weekend, and I've never felt so happy in my life. Physically, I might feel like I've been hit by a truck; but emotionally, I'm in the clouds. I couldn't ask for anything more at this point.

I had a slap in the face last night:

"To the rest I say this: If any brother had a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband."

- 1 Corinthians 7:12-13
That's actually 7:13-14. Verse 15 sheds a bit of light: "But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart. For a brother or sister cannot be made subject to servitude in this way. For God has called us to peace."

Why is that a slap in the face?

I'm glad you're feeling great. Things that make me smile my grandchildren.