through the tunnel


New member
hi people,
have any tips for the level "through the tunnel?"
the one when the wolves are trying to break through some sticks...and get Mr.Beaver.

thank you.
You have to kill the wolves before they break through, and you have to kill the boggles before they push down the big rock, and save mr.beaver from the goblin that carries him around.
Tips for Through the Tunnel

This is sort of obivious, but...
The wolves go WAY faster than the boggles. So your main priority is fending off the wolves.
And try to free Mr. Beaver from the Ghouls asap, because you can't get through the level with out him, no matter how many boggles or wolves you kill.

I hope that helped a little!
But every time we kill the boggles and the wolves we are then sent back to the beginning before we can free the beaver.
What i did is try and hit the wolf from a distance, that way you dont have to go over by the wolfs and hit them, that saves time. Hope that helps.
Try and get the Wolves mainly... and get Mr. Beaver back on the way to the other side of the tunnel...

Say, you have to do all 3... Go to the wolves first, then on the way to the boggles, get Mr. Beaver back, then the boggles :) hehe