
When I first read it I found King Tirian unlikable. He was going to kill Puzzle, without listening to Puzzle's side of the story. Tirian has this sort of smite first ask questions later kind of attitude.
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Oh, come on - remember what Tirian had been through, and what was happening to his people. All he knew that there was a fraud being perpetrated, and one of the perpetrators was right in front of him. That's wartime justice. Tirian was a great king - just and strong and wise.
Well, "the worst", at the time, was pretty bad. Besides, that's why kings have advisors like Jill and Eustace - to help them not make dreadful mistakes.
Ok, no one get offened. It's partually b/c he's a guy. Guys are more like that.

Also I don't blame Tirian mostly b/c of what PotW said. We all make mistakes, and aren't we glad for people like Jill who help us see the light through our anger and strife? :)
One thing that had been established about Tirian earlier in the book, was that he had a hot temper. 'Act first, ask questions later', as when he and Jewel killed the Calormenes who were abusing the talking horse. It made him a more developed character. But yes, lucky he had his friends there to make him see reason about Puzzle.
Puzzle dear said:
I said when I first read it I didn't like him, now it's just his stab first ask questions later thing that I don't like about him.
Yeah, I'd definately say it's his flaw. I didn't like that about him either. Good thing, too. I don't think Lewis wanted us to.
well, and remember what Aslan meant to the Narnians. All Tirian knew was that there was a false Aslan. To him, someone who had the gall to impersonate Aslan deserved instant death. And remember how people reacted to 9/11? They didn't want to ask questions they wanted to get the people who attacked us. And Tirian has it worse, his country is already being overrun. I say his biggest flaw is not being aware of the happenings in Narnia before.
You're right there, onlymystory. How did all those Calormenes get into Narnia without Tirian being aware of them? A lot was already coming down before he even got deeply involved. I'd never quite thought of it that way.
no, i meant why didn't Tirian realize there were invaders in Narnia? LWW comments on how the pevensies were busy cleaning up Narnia and Caspian does the same thing. I realize that there was considerable peace in Narnia during Tirian's time, but a king is supposed to be aware of the state of his country. Especially a small one like Narnia. My problem with Tirian is he has no idea about what's going on.
I think he was justified…not saying he was right…he is king of narnia and he loves his subjects…it’s unthinkable to even ride a talking horse unless it’s of great need… when he saw the talking horses being abused he acted quickly and decisively…aslan didn’t and never would have given that order so he was 100 persent right…but when he believed aslan did give the order he surrender him self to the justice of aslan…

He had very strong convections…he lived and breathed by aslan so when he saw a donkey pretending…a false gad…he acted in a justified manner…

i liked him from the start
Puzzle dear said:
When I first read it I found King Tirian unlikable. He was going to kill Puzzle, without listening to Puzzle's side of the story. Tirian has this sort of smite first ask questions later kind of attitude.

I seems that you're too black and white in how you determine how you like characters- if they like "Puzzle dear" then they're good, and if they don't like Puzzle, or do something "almost mean," like Tirian, they're bad.

I think you need to expand your horizons a little bit, if that's the proper term. :eek:
It's interesting that Shift had been in league with the Calormens for so long with no one noticing. I guess that Tirian had gotten contented with his kingdom (he was out hunting when the false aslan appeared). There was peace in Narnia for so long (six gereations) that I guess everyone just got so used to the peace and let their guard down.
i know that tirian is the king of narnia
but peter is still higher than him right?
who and how did he became king? does the book explain it..?
i havent read the last battle yet so i dont know...