Tomb Raider: Legend WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?!

Lady Larien


ok yes i know i left but i will only be here for a very short time so yeah we opened our game today and WE HAD A MEMOREX CD IN IT!!!!!!! so me and my brother are like what in the world!?!?! so can somebody please like help us cause we need to know who we should call if the store won't give us another game cause i mean thats just stupid and we read in the little book thing that comes with it to send it to the company but we have to pay for the postal stuff and write all of these things saying what is wrong and all of that so like no way are we gonna do that this is just making me mad though so can somebody PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
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You got screwed over mate, that's what. :eek: I dont' know what to do. I'd march into the store you got it from and demand a different one.
yeah lol thats what we are planning on doing but my brother sent them a pretty demanding e-mail saying if the store doesn't give me a new one i will not pay for shipping and handling so yeah but we plan on if they give us another one opening it when they give it to us cause if a lot of them are like this Tomb Raider might have come to an end completely cause they will lose lots of money

EDIT: ok we are going to Target right now cause my mom called them and they said that we can bring it back so YAY!!! we are getting the guide too cause that game can get hard and IT IS ON SALE!!!! and MY BROTHER IS RICH CAUSE HE GRADUATED!!!! lol he has like $1000 so yeah he is buying lots of stuff
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