What do you hope to see in the movie/trailer?


Active member
I am really looking forward to this second installment in the Chronicles of Narnia films. I'm interested in knowing what everyone hopes to see in the movie and the trailer. Consider that the London air raids, a reference contained in one sentence in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," served as a powerful introduction. Do you hope to see anything that is not part of the present tense narrative of "Prince Caspian," such as the pirates from the South Sea of our world, any events in Telmar, or Miraz killing his brother?

I composed a shot-by-shot teaser trailer for Prince Caspian that includes some references I hope to see included in the film. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

"Prince Caspian" Teaser Trailer by tirian_son_of_erlian

Standard green background "the following preview" announcement. (5 sec)

Golden Disney logo appears accompanied by the sound of Queen Susan's horn. (4 sec)

<From "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"> London. Int. The Pevensies look out the window of a departing train. (3 sec)

Walden Media logo and accompanying music. (3 sec)

<From "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"> Cair Paravel. Int. Extended shot of the crowned Pevensie siblings at throneside. (3 sec)

Fade to black, the words slowly appear: "ONCE A KING OR QUEEN OF NARNIA..." (3 sec)

The Island. Ext. Waves drawn by eastern winds break against the sandy beaches of a tranquil island. (2 sec)

Ruins of Cair Paravel. Ext. The Pevensie siblings walk through a gleaming sunlit apple orchard in the ruins of an old castle. (2 sec)

Ruins of Cair Paravel. Int. Cut to a musty corner of the old castle from within heaped with ancient treasure, including gold, silver, various gems, crowns and swords. (2 sec)

Fade to black, the words slowly appear: "ALWAYS A KING OR QUEEN" (3 sec)

Prince Caspian's Chambers. Int. Fade in to a warm room with gentle firelight; Cornelius kneels at Caspian's bedside. Doctor Cornelius: "You have never asked why," as Prince Caspian looks upward with interest and concern, "being the son of King Caspian, you are not King Caspian yourself." (8 sec)

The Island. Ext. Edmund clashes swords with Trumpkin. (1 sec)

Aslan's How. Int. A Werewolf suspends a circle of blue fire in a cave (1 sec)

Prince Caspian's Chambers. Int. Doctor Cornelius: "Miraz is a usurper." Caspian begins to look afraid. "When your royal mother died, he declared himself Lord Protector." (4 sec)

The Island. Ext. As young Queen Susan releases an arrow from her bow, the camera tracks its path and target: a squabbling Telmarine standing in a rowboat. (1 sec)

Beaversdam. Int. A kind-faced old woman embraces a young man. (1 sec)

Prince Caspian's Chambers. Int. Caspian throws clothes and materials into a sack. Doctor Cornelius: "Now the Telmarines have made him their King..." (2 sec)

(Voiceover of Cornelius continued: "...and he has begun to destroy what is left of Narnia.") Beruna. Ext. Trees set ablaze burn in the aftermath of an attack by Miraz's army, troops of whom emerge effortlessly from the clouds of smoke. (3 sec)

Fade to black [Heartbeat drumbeat enters gradually], pause, fade into Dancing Lawn. (3 sec)

Dancing Lawn. Ext. The creatures that lived in hiding are gathered at bonfire. [Drumbeat ends] Glenstorm the Centaur: "The time is ripe." Close up on Glenstorm's face. "I watch the skies." Camera slowly tilts up toward the night sky to reveal many stars and bright mass distinctive of two planets. "Tarva and Alambil have met in the halls of high heaven." (8 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Glenstorm fits a helmet on solemn Prince Caspian. (2 sec)

Beruna. Ext. The Lords Glozelle and Sopespian accompany King Miraz to the battlefield. (1 sec)

Aslan's How. Int. Trumpkin: "We are no match for their army." (2 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Hundreds of cavalry race along the outskirts of Beruna bearing the flag of Miraz. (2 sec)

Aslan's How. Int. Caspian, Trumpkin, Nikabrik, Trufflehunter and Cornelius gather in the depths of the caves. Nikabrik: "Either Aslan is dead, or he is not on our side." (1 sec)

Glasswater. Ext. A nearly camaflouge lion and a magnificent roar resound in the depths of a woods. (1 sec)

Aslan's How. Int. Dr. Cornelius: "If your majesty is ever to use the horn, the time has come." Prince Caspian pauses, turns to an opening in the rocks and blows Queen Susan's horn into the sky. (8 sec)

England. Ext. The four Pevensie children arise from a train station. (1 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Caspian parries a Telmarine in battle. (1 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Lucy and Susan approach the outskirts of the battlefield. (1 sec)

King Miraz's Castle. Ext. Fireworks ignite the midnight sky. (1 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Peter charges Miraz. (1 sec)

Southern Narnia. Ext. Young Prince Caspian, cloaked on horseback in the pouring rain, races through the night woods of Narnia. (1 sec)

King Miraz's Quarters. Int. Queen Prunaprismia holds her newborn infant boy. (1 sec)

River Rush. Ext. In the morning fog, Miraz draws his sword upon his brother, Caspian IX. (1 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Both armies fight to the death in the battlefield. (2 sec)

Against the background of the battlefield the camera zooms out and the words "The Chronicles of Narnia" appear followed by "Prince Caspian." (12 sec)

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That would be awesome! That's a perfect trailor. It's kinda sad that it's coming out in 2008, but it'll be worth it...^_^ I can't wait to see the part when Miraz and Peter fight. O_O
tirian_son_of_erlian said:
I am really looking forward to this second installment in the Chronicles of Narnia films. I'm interested in knowing what everyone hopes to see in the movie and the trailer. Consider that the London air raids, a reference contained in one sentence in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," served as a powerful introduction. Do you hope to see anything that is not part of the present tense narrative of "Prince Caspian," such as the pirates from the South Sea of our world, any events in Telmar, or Miraz killing his brother?

I composed a shot-by-shot teaser trailer for Prince Caspian that includes some references I hope to see included in the film. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

"Prince Caspian" Teaser Trailer by tirian_son_of_erlian

Standard green background "the following preview" announcement. (5 sec)

Golden Disney logo appears accompanied by the sound of Queen Susan's horn. (4 sec)

<From "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"> London. Int. The Pevensies look out the window of a departing train. (3 sec)

Walden Media logo and accompanying music. (3 sec)

<From "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"> Cair Paravel. Int. Extended shot of the crowned Pevensie siblings at throneside. (3 sec)

Fade to black, the words slowly appear: "ONCE A KING OR QUEEN OF NARNIA..." (3 sec)

The Island. Ext. Waves drawn by eastern winds break against the sandy beaches of a tranquil island. (2 sec)

Ruins of Cair Paravel. Ext. The Pevensie siblings walk through a gleaming sunlit apple orchard in the ruins of an old castle. (2 sec)

Ruins of Cair Paravel. Int. Cut to a musty corner of the old castle from within heaped with ancient treasure, including gold, silver, various gems, crowns and swords. (2 sec)

Fade to black, the words slowly appear: "ALWAYS A KING OR QUEEN" (3 sec)

Prince Caspian's Chambers. Int. Fade in to a warm room with gentle firelight; Cornelius kneels at Caspian's bedside. Doctor Cornelius: "You have never asked why," as Prince Caspian looks upward with interest and concern, "being the son of King Caspian, you are not King Caspian yourself." (8 sec)

The Island. Ext. Edmund clashes swords with Trumpkin. (1 sec)

Aslan's How. Int. A Werewolf suspends a circle of blue fire in a cave (1 sec)

Prince Caspian's Chambers. Int. Doctor Cornelius: "Miraz is a usurper." Caspian begins to look afraid. "When your royal mother died, he declared himself Lord Protector." (4 sec)

The Island. Ext. As young Queen Susan releases an arrow from her bow, the camera tracks its path and target: a squabbling Telmarine standing in a rowboat. (1 sec)

Beaversdam. Int. A kind-faced old woman embraces a young man. (1 sec)

Prince Caspian's Chambers. Int. Caspian throws clothes and materials into a sack. Doctor Cornelius: "Now the Telmarines have made him their King..." (2 sec)

(Voiceover of Cornelius continued: "...and he has begun to destroy what is left of Narnia.") Beruna. Ext. Trees set ablaze burn in the aftermath of an attack by Miraz's army, troops of whom emerge effortlessly from the clouds of smoke. (3 sec)

Fade to black [Heartbeat drumbeat enters gradually], pause, fade into Dancing Lawn. (3 sec)

Dancing Lawn. Ext. The creatures that lived in hiding are gathered at bonfire. [Drumbeat ends] Glenstorm the Centaur: "The time is ripe." Close up on Glenstorm's face. "I watch the skies." Camera slowly tilts up toward the night sky to reveal many stars and bright mass distinctive of two planets. "Tarva and Alambil have met in the halls of high heaven." (8 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Glenstorm fits a helmet on solemn Prince Caspian. (2 sec)

Beruna. Ext. The Lords Glozelle and Sopespian accompany King Miraz to the battlefield. (1 sec)

Aslan's How. Int. Trumpkin: "We are no match for their army." (2 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Hundreds of cavalry race along the outskirts of Beruna bearing the flag of Miraz. (2 sec)

Aslan's How. Int. Caspian, Trumpkin, Nikabrik, Trufflehunter and Cornelius gather in the depths of the caves. Nikabrik: "Either Aslan is dead, or he is not on our side." (1 sec)

Glasswater. Ext. A nearly camaflouge lion and a magnificent roar resound in the depths of a woods. (1 sec)

Aslan's How. Int. Dr. Cornelius: "If your majesty is ever to use the horn, the time has come." Prince Caspian pauses, turns to an opening in the rocks and blows Queen Susan's horn into the sky. (8 sec)

England. Ext. The four Pevensie children arise from a train station. (1 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Caspian parries a Telmarine in battle. (1 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Lucy and Susan approach the outskirts of the battlefield. (1 sec)

King Miraz's Castle. Ext. Fireworks ignite the midnight sky. (1 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Peter charges Miraz. (1 sec)

Southern Narnia. Ext. Young Prince Caspian, cloaked on horseback in the pouring rain, races through the night woods of Narnia. (1 sec)

King Miraz's Quarters. Int. Queen Prunaprismia holds her newborn infant boy. (1 sec)

River Rush. Ext. In the morning fog, Miraz draws his sword upon his brother, Caspian IX. (1 sec)

Beruna. Ext. Both armies fight to the death in the battlefield. (2 sec)

Against the background of the battlefield the camera zooms out and the words "The Chronicles of Narnia" appear followed by "Prince Caspian." (12 sec)


But that's SWEETNESS!!!
That trailer idea is awesome!! Cornelius's voiceover reminds me of what they did w/ the Eragon trailers. And they were awesome. So consider that a complement.

As for what I want to see in the trailer...well, they should show Miraz killing Caspian IX and Caspian as a young boy...everybody seems to forget that he would have been younger when he had his Nurse than he is in the rest of the book. Also, I hope they show Reepicheep and his mouse warriors and the dryads w/ Bacchus and the maenads and all that, b/c they're very important to the story. Maybe the beginning could be Trumpkin and the Pevensies sitting around a fire while Trumpkin begins telling what he knows of Caspian's story...
In the movie of "Prince Caspian," they should NOT allow the Pevensies to be in any way surprised by the existence of Reepicheep. "The Horse and His Boy" had not of course been written yet when "Prince Caspian" was written; but as I recall, HAHB does have a reference to Talking Mice being known in Narnia during the Pevensie Regime. This only makes sense, since Talking Mice originated from the ones who untied Aslan on the Stone Table. So upon meeting Reepicheep for the first time, the Pevensies should not say, "Wow, I never knew that mice were included among the animal types producing intelligent individuals!" They would know it.

Now, to get more ambitious:

A prologue would make it possible to depict MISTER Pevensie, who was never on stage in the LWW movie. I envision him as an army tank commander. CGI could be used as much as needed to show Mr. Pevensie (or Leftenant Pevensie?) in action in North Africa against the Nazis under Field Marshall Rommel, or later in the Italian campaign. When the battle is won, Pevensie talks with his tank crew about the fact that the tide of war is gradually turning against the Nazis--a way of letting the audience know that some time has passed in our world since LWW. When a soldier asks after the welfare of the Pevensie children, the children's father gives confirmation of the passing of time by saying: "They're back in Finchley now with their Mum. Ever since the time they spent at Professor Kirke's estate, I've seen a change in all their letters to me. Especially Peter; he talks about war and armies now as if he were a war veteran himself!"

That, naturally, sets us up to fade away to Peter talking with his siblings, and the main story gets going.

Joseph Ravitts
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I'm hoping they will add too.
I was just watching the BBC's Caspian and it seems quite sparse. I'm truly hoping that they'll include it as is in the book but add a lot of depth and colour to it - only to enhance Lewis' great original work of course.
In the BBC movie, Susan and Lucy, for example, stand around and do nothing. I need to re-read the book, but I know in LWW, even though they were not fighting in the big battle, they were most defintely doing important things with Aslan.
I would like to see Reepicheep. I have been waiting for some time now to see what he would look like in CG.
LadyEm said:
I'm hoping they will add too.
I was just watching the BBC's Caspian and it seems quite sparse. I'm truly hoping that they'll include it as is in the book but add a lot of depth and colour to it - only to enhance Lewis' great original work of course.
In the BBC movie, Susan and Lucy, for example, stand around and do nothing. I need to re-read the book, but I know in LWW, even though they were not fighting in the big battle, they were most defintely doing important things with Aslan.

Susan and Lucy went around w/ Aslan gathering the tree people and the maenads, Bacchus, and Silenus to help the Narnians in battle. They also picked up Gwendolen along the way...and I think they did fight in the battle, b/c when they got to the battle site, the Narnians were losing--so Aslan and everyone else had to help them out. I don't think it ever specifically says in the book whether Susan and Lucy fight or not, but I'm just inferring. I mean, if they were already there...why would they just stand around and not do anything? Besides, back when they were Queens in the Golden Age, they fought in the battle at Anvard...so why wouldn't they fight against the Telemarines? Lucy WAS called "The Valiant"... Anyway, I hope Georgie gets that full-sized sword she wanted in LWW. :D
I desperately...DESPERATELY...want to see a CGI badger. Trufflehunter, PLEASE!! :eek:

Moments after the trailer comes out, I'll have the avatar and sig to prove it! :D
The teaser trailer probably won't show much of anything. Thats why its
called a teaser. But for the first real trailer I want them to show King Miraz,
Lucy, Susan, Edmund, Peter,(Doctor Cornelius and Caspian are a give in)
Nikabrik, some of the other creatures, and a glimpse of the Wer-Wolf and
the Hag would be cool. Also Caspian IX. And a shot of Peter fighting King
Miraz would be awesome! I'm excited just thinking about it!:D