What is your favorite part in Prince Caspian?


New member
My favorite part is the battle scene because Caspian is fighting against his uncle and it is an intense moment. I can't wait for the movie to come out. When it does I'll be 16.
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I have two parts I like it when they are getting lost and lucy says
girls have more information up there then to carry maps up there

I also like the part when aslan tells lucy she is a lioness when she is felling less confident and storong
My fave part is when the Pevensie's found the ruins of Cair paravel. I think it will be the most exciting part to remembering all they already forgotten bout Narnia
sim-aslan said:
My favorite part is the battle scene because Caspian is fighting against his uncle and it is an intense moment. I can't wait for the movie to come out. When it does I'll be 16.
Caspian never directly fights Miraz... if you're talking about the duel, that was Peter vs. Miraz, not CAspian vs. Miraz.
i love the part when Lucy sees Aslan for the first time, and the part when she has to wake the others telling them to believe something they cannot see, and when Edmund sees him and when they all walk with Aslan, that part is just beatiful.
Elf Of The Grey Havens said:
Caspian never directly fights Miraz... if you're talking about the duel, that was Peter vs. Miraz, not CAspian vs. Miraz.
I was already thinking: huh?? But now I know lol... Oh yeah, that's my fave part too... Especially when I'll see it in the movie... i love seeing Will fighting... :D :p

My favorite part its when Lucy found Aslan on the wood... becouse He is so sweet with her calling my daughter or something, you know... and when Caspian meets Peter, I wonder if they could be very good friends though the book doesn't say it... anyway, I like the all book...oh, and I laugh when I read the part when Peter says: "Lu, You are a winner..." and I do not remember it very well but its fun, he,he
I will be 16 too when the movie comes out.
And else i like the fight part, of course.
Vicky :D
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I think mine would be when Peter and Miraz duel in the small battle quarters, then the second battle at Beruna when the Real narnians against the Telmarines.
It's a fabulous book full of great moments, and I think someone mentioned one of my favorites: when Lucy is fearful, Aslan breathes on her and tells her now she is a lioness. Because I see deep spiritual meaning in the book, this is a picture to me of how God's Spirit comes to rest on us and fills us with His strength.
So far I like the part where the kids come through the dwarf's forge and then meet up with the Centaur and his sons...the centaurs are cool. At this point in the story you know the creatures of Narnia have real hope, especially since the two planets are at the right places :)
i like the part where the children find their old tressure in the tressure chamber and find out that they are back in narnia. ( i also like the part where they show trumpkin the dwarf who they really are bye the sword fights and that)
Ohhh and I forgot to mention that real creepy scene where they're in the cavern below Aslan's How, and the Hag and Werewolf are there, only you don't really know who they are until they show their 'true' forms...and the dwarf Nikabrik begins to talk about 'bringing back the White Witch...' if it's true she could be called back from the dead that would be pretty scary and make for some interesting fan fiction LOL. That part in the book surprised me.
^ I found that part very confusing..

*Spoilers, if anyone stills use these warnings, even on this topic (title)*

The duel, of course.
I really can't wait to see how they produce this scene.

And the other part- Remembering Breifly;
When they were walking through some part of the forest,
then arrows shot at them ;)
I love the Prince Caspian!

Hello to everyone, my friends.
My name is Mariaceleste and I live in Italy. How are you? I love the Prince Caspian and I don' t see the hour who exit the movie!!! Have you the pothos of Prince Caspian? Who of you love David Tennant? He' s my love!!! If you want to come, it' s my web site: http://www.forumfree.net/?c=157669 You can record you and to insert news on the chronicles of narnia, pictures, videos, fanfictions, ecc.! It' s my e-mail: mcel93@yahoo.it
By Mariaceleste.
They haven't shot the movie yet! How can I possibly know what my favorite part of Prince Caspian is??? :eek:

EveningStar said:
They haven't shot the movie yet! How can I possibly know what my favorite part of Prince Caspian is??? :eek:


Books for the win!
Gonna have to wait about a year from now for the movie. :eek: