What is your top 5 favorite movies?

Pirate Queen

New member
The title is pretty much says it all. Also tell why you love the movies so much.

p.s. I don't know if there is another tread for this but I didn't see one.
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1. Pride and Prejudice (new version-It's sweet, romantic, clean, beautiful, and perfect. :p)
2. Singin' in the Rain. (I love musicals, and this is the ultimate musical, where the songs actually fit into the plot well, plus it's hilarious, and I love Gene Kelly.)
3. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Do I need to say more? :p)
4. Sabrina (It's funny and romantic, and it has a nice happily ever after.)
5. Monsters, Inc. (It's incredibly clever and hilarious.)
1.Fiddler On the Roof
2.Friendly Persusion
3.To Kill a Mockingbird
4.The Last Sin Eater
I can't decide about number five..probably Narnia.:p
Yeah. We have a few of these threads. But lets start a new one. Which means I get to break the rules again lol. I can never stick to just a few.

Alice in Wonderland
Edward Scissorhands
Princess Bride

Okay. I'll be good and just list these ones for now. I can keep going if you want.
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End *just saw it yesterday for the 1st time, woohoo!!!*

2. STar Wars Episode V: Empire Strikes Back

3. Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

4. Narnia

5. Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.
1. Star Wars(origanal three only)
2. Pirates of the Caribbean(all three)
3.Lord of the Rings (all tree)
4. Ocean's 11 and 13
5. Natonal Treasure
1. (Haven't found one worth enough for the spot)
2.National Tresure
3. POFTC (all)
4. Mircle on 34th street
5. (don't have one)
Mine are
1) Pirates of the Caribbean (all three)
2) The Chronicles of Narnia
3) National Treasure
4) Pride and Prejudice
5) I can't think of any more that I REALLY like.