What version of the books do you have?


New member
I have all of them full-color (even the pages) and paperback in a boxed set.

Here is an example of what one of the covers look like (you can figure out the rest):


What kind do you have?
I have several. I have both paper and hard backs of all seven made into one huge book. I also have several different audio versions. Then there's also my copy of LWW in Braille as well as the e-files of all the books that I keep on my braille note taker... thanks, Library of Congress:) Sometimes being visually impaired has it's advantages!
I have a mismatched set, six of them are Harpers Collins but two are the rack sized movie tie-in editions (LWW and PC of course), two are large paperback study versions (SC and LB), HHB is the from the old white set, VotDT is a newer digest version, and TMN is from Scholastic. I hope to eventually have the complete matched movie tie-in set.
the one volume edtion

i have the one volume edtion of all seven narnia books :) i enjoy reading them when i can :) i'm reading prince caspian again right now :)
I have all seven books in one volume, with the Prince Caspian poster on the cover (one of them; the other one is on my bedroom door, and is similar to the one on The Official Illustrated Movie Companion). I am now re-reading them for the third time and am almost finished Prince Caspian. Does anybody else picture the actors after they re-read the books that have been made into movies? I do (though I've only seen the Disney/Walden Media versions)!:D
I don't picture the actors, but for some reason I hear their voices when I read. Typically if I read a book after watching a movie I usually hear the voices of the actors who played in the movie.

As far as what volumes I have, I have the 7-in-1 in Hardback with the Pauline Bynes illustrations on the cover, the 7-in-1 black paper back, and several assorted individual paperbacks that I have collected over the years.

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I too have this seven-in-one with the original British edition. I used to have the seven volumes as paperbacks in a slipcover that were Americanised as well. I've seen, but never owned, the original 1950s hardback books. Oh if we only kept all the things we had as youths! You'll know what I mean someday, guys.
