whats your fave book of all 7?

I may get in trouble for this but I'd split this into 2 categories.

My favorite STORY is The Horse and His Boy.

The book I think will make the best MOVIE is Dawn Treader (by a mile, if they pull off the special effects).

there's actually like 2 or 3 other threads on this very topic, they're even polls ya know?

but, well, i'm here i'd say hands down Prince Caspian!
Since this is the movie section, I must move this thread to the book section


Oh, and mine's LWW
Maybe Between Two of Them

she-elfwarrior19 said:
This may take you a while to think about, on your fave book between all seven, or maybe it will be easy for you to answer, for me its kinda hard

It is kinda hard for me to choose, also. But, if I were given a choice, I would have to choose between The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe and The Last Battle.
lions mane said:
there's actually like 2 or 3 other threads on this very topic, they're even polls ya know?

but, well, i'm here i'd say hands down Prince Caspian!

Yea I agree, I think Prince Caspian is up there in favorites
The Last Battle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tirian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Last Battle

I would have to say The Last Battle because it really made me realize that Aslan and God are one in the same but not in the same sense as Tashlan, do you know what I mean :confused: The whole series really changed my life for the better :)