Who Should Do The Voice Of Aslan?

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
I'm sure there's going to be a lot of talk about who should do the voice of Aslan for the next Narnia films or series. That's a really hard character to get right. This is especially if you know who Aslan is in our world.

The BBC kind of makes you fall asleep. He was like a big stuffed animal, where he opened his mouth slowly.

David Suchet in the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre, while he has a powerful voice, it almost got where it was too powerful.

I think Liam Neeson did a good job as Aslan. Though I felt he was more like a Gandalf or an Obi-Wan Kenobi kind of character.

Who do you think should do the voice of Aslan in the new Narnia film or series franchise?
Welllll....Lliam Neeson will be hard to top. I think he did it very well. However, Keith David might do Aslan justice. He's the guy who did the voice of Goliath on the cartoon series Gargoyles.
If his voice has not yet been wrecked by age: Laurence Fishburne of "Matrix" fame.
This is true. For example, I know a lot of fans, myself included when I first had the books read to me, have been partial to James Earl Jones as Aslan. However listening to his voice in the "live action" Lion King vs the original 1994 animated feature, ( or even his performance as Darth Vader in Rogue One versus the original Star Wars trilogy ) and you can clearly tell that while he still has an awesome voice, that age is catching up to him.
One British actor I'd be partial to would be Robert Powell ( Jesus in the 1977 mini-series Jesus of Nazareth). A clever bit of casting If I dare say so myself.