Who should play The White Witch for the Netflix Narnia series?

Why should she be portrayed by a British actress? The White Witch was from Charn. Does she have to have a British accent? How about looking for French, German actresses, or from other Northern European countries? The actress doesn't have to be world-renown.

Why should she be portrayed by a British actress? The White Witch was from Charn. Does she have to have a British accent? How about looking for French, German actresses, or from other Northern European countries? The actress doesn't have to be world-renown.

Could be anyone from anywhere, to me. I just want her to be tall, striking, and intimidating.
Lest we single out the British for special scolding over the matter of British actors playing all sorts of people---

Original Star Trek saw white American actors being space aliens all over the galaxy; and most Japanese space movies populate far-off planets with aliens who look Japanese.
I am not scolding the use of British actors for Narnia. In Prince Caspian, Miraz and Glozelle were played by Italian actors, Sopespian was played by a Mexican actor, and Coctor Cornelius' actor was Belgian. Those roles were well done. The original Star Trek didn't have the budget to look too far, and they were filming at a time that was less than welcoming to multi-cultural roles.

I am just saying that the characters who are not from England do not necessarily have to be played by British actors. However, I do hope they find an actor for Prince Caspian that does not speak in the accent of Inigo Montoya.

As far as Cate Blanchett goes, initially I'd be against it, but having seen her play Hela in Thor: Ragnarok, and her own interest in playing villains I could see it.

Seeing as Greta Gerwig has worked with her before, I could actually see Saoirse Ronan as the White Witch. I saw one article that suggested she should play Susan, but the problem with that is Saoirse is almost 30, a little too old to be playing a pre-teen.

If we're expanding our search outside of Britain, I'd also be partial to Dakota Fanning, and her sister Elle, as Jadis and her sister.

Otherwise I'm partial to Natascha McElhone ( The Truman Show) as Jadis, and not just because she's British. I always felt she had the kind of eyes that were perfect for an enchantress, the kind that sort of draw you in and beguile you. Kind of like Cate Blanchett's in a way.
As far as Cate Blanchett goes, initially I'd be against it, but having seen her play Hela in Thor: Ragnarok, and her own interest in playing villains I could see it.

Seeing as Greta Gerwig has worked with her before, I could actually see Saoirse Ronan as the White Witch. I saw one article that suggested she should play Susan, but the problem with that is Saoirse is almost 30, a little too old to be playing a pre-teen.

If we're expanding our search outside of Britain, I'd also be partial to Dakota Fanning, and her sister Elle, as Jadis and her sister.

Otherwise I'm partial to Natascha McElhone ( The Truman Show) as Jadis, and not just because she's British. I always felt she had the kind of eyes that were perfect for an enchantress, the kind that sort of draw you in and beguile you. Kind of like Cate Blanchett's in a way.
I could see Cate as Jadis, her scene as Galadriel The Dark Queen felt very Jadis to me:

So, I this past weekend for family movie night, my niece elected to watch to live action remake of Disney's Jungle Book. As I was watching it, and heard Scarlett Johannson's voice for Kaa it occured to me...

Scarlett would actually be a good choice for Jadis. She has the appropriate sultry yet icy tones you would need for her voice, as well as the looks and height.