Lord of Light
New member
I am more than certain I can write a better story on my own than going with another story that has already been written. And I also know that fanfiction, though it may be fun to write, does not encourage people to read the original books.(For example, I have a friend who won't watch[or read] the LWW or LOTR, yet he watches things like the Matrix and Star Wars, yeah, odd, I know) I can understand people wanting to write fanfiction, but seriously...if you have a good writing talent, don't waste it on something that will never get well known(except on a forum ) Use that talent and write something that you enjoy, using your own ideas, own nations, creatures, and names(if you can come up with new ones ). I don't think talent(for example, I quickly discovered my writing talent and am currently writing a novel) need be used on something so trivial. I write long things in this forum because of my love of writing. Now, I would continue, but I gotta get ready for work.