Writings & Ramblings by QSON

When I was active on TDL long ago, I used to post a LOT of writing. Copperfox has tasked me with returning to my duties, so here I'm going to post some poems, short stories, anything that really tickles my quill. :)

The Paralian
Through centuries and wars
he sat at his post,
an iron giant guarding
all that was beautiful about
the sea,
the salt air licking at his
those chords of the crashing
waves against dismal rock.
A place where many sought solace,
he found strife.
I've only written one poem that wasn't a haiku or a limerick, so I'm impressed! Of course my one poem is something to be proud of, even if it doesn't have a decent ending, yeah, whatever, ramble, ramble, ramble. Just to inform you, I can tend to get off topic in a single post, so yeah. Anyway, I'll be more than willing to read any poems you may write! Stories, too, but not big long ones.
I've only written one poem that wasn't a haiku or a limerick, so I'm impressed! Of course my one poem is something to be proud of, even if it doesn't have a decent ending, yeah, whatever, ramble, ramble, ramble. Just to inform you, I can tend to get off topic in a single post, so yeah. Anyway, I'll be more than willing to read any poems you may write! Stories, too, but not big long ones.

Haha don't worry, nothing too long will be posted here. :) If I post anything too lengthy it'll go on my tumblr. :)

And of course even the smallest successes in writing are praise worthy. :)

I'll post more soon, but it's late here so signing off! Thank you for your feedback!
Susan-Of, that was a good beginning. As a U.S. Navy veteran, I thought of the Paralian as the scrapped hulk of a relatively modern warship.

I've only written one poem that wasn't a haiku or a limerick, so I'm impressed! Of course my one poem is something to be proud of, even if it doesn't have a decent ending, yeah, whatever, ramble, ramble, ramble. Just to inform you, I can tend to get off topic in a single post, so yeah. Anyway, I'll be more than willing to read any poems you may write! Stories, too, but not big long ones.

Mask, you should go to the permanent thread here called "Marketplace of Technique," and read it from the start. It is precisely about improving your composition skills.

Susan-Of, that was a good beginning. As a U.S. Navy veteran, I thought of the Paralian as the scrapped hulk of a relatively modern warship.

Mask, you should go to the permanent thread here called "Marketplace of Technique," and read it from the start. It is precisely about improving your composition skills.

also another wonderful analogy :) thank you, copperfox! i will post some more later.
Sorry it's been a little bit! Been super busy, but here's a new poem!

For the first time I looked
into your eyes,
and I saw myself
with wings of gold
and a smile of sapphire.
For the first time I said,
"I love you,"
and you said it back.
A fine commentary on the fact that love -- if practiced with consideration for truth -- makes us better than we were.