Your Super Sweet 16


New member
Hehe..I'm a genius, aren't I? I know MOST OF you hate this show, including me. This time its your Super Sweet 16 and your party has to be the biggest and best to beat everyonelse' parties. Most of you know the basic to the
Sweet 16 parties:
-famous artist appearance at your party
-choose what your wearing
-you should know how to create a party(if you don't PM me!)

*Also guys can join but they can only GO to the parties if their invited.
*The RP starts out:
Your walking through the halls with your best friend when you bump into
your rivals(the people who are having their Sweet 16 on the same day..).

*I'll post something about when the Sweet 16 parties will be on.
*You will give invitations to people at your school.
*ALSO!!! If you don't wanna have a Sweet 16 then you can just be a normal person going to the same high school.

Your charrie:
Age: (15 going on 16..well of course!)
Best Friend(you'll play the best friend and create them)
Pic or Appearance

*This is RP is gonna be awesome! Am I riight?


Name: Kimi
Age: 15 going on 16
Bio: Kimi is kind but wants people to come celebrate her b-day with her. She
plans to invite her fav band HELLOGOODBYE(in my siggy!) to her party. All of her other friends will help her make this her fav b-day to remember!
Pic of Kimi :

Best Friend:Rikki
Was Kimi's best friend since Kindergarten. She'll always be her
friend forever. She would never stab Kimi in the back or take her boyfriend.
Age: (15 going on 16..well of course!)
Bio:she one of the riches girl on world she from a family who acts her mother is a Actress from a soap Opera call all my children her father plays in ocean thirteen.
Best Friend: Mikki
Pic or Appearance: I well find them later.

Green day for my band and a princess theam.
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Name: Sara

Age: 15


Bio: Sara is a sweet girl, with a mean attitude! She gets what she wants, when she wants it, or else!!! Being captian of the cheerleader team makes her one of the most popular girls in her school, but truth-be-told, she would rather be out on the field playing football with the guys. She is absolutly obsessed with wolves, and she has decorated her entire locker with them. At her sweet 16 she's going to have Avril Lavigne play!!!:D

Best Friend: Melanie


Bio: Co-captian of the cheerleading squad is a tough job for Melanie. She has to pick the uniforms, make everyone look just PERFECT! She's been best friends with Sara since they were in pre-school!!!! They know completely everything about each other, except their own deepest and darkest secrete.