You're Banned!

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You're banned for using blue glitter in your sig. It triggers allergies.
You're (the person below me) banned for leaving leaving HB's fairy dust out in the Tea With Mr. Tumnus forum, because now everyone is getting it and singing,

I can fly!
I can fly!
I can fly!
I can fly!

Now we have like 4,000 mini HBs flying around the forum... I mean, ONE'S ENOUGH! AND IT'S ALL THANKS TO YOU!!!


Hey your banned for having a inpolite avatar!
Her mouth is open and it can get drool out of her mouth which is truly disgusting!
*looks seriously at avatar and says you better close your mouth alright..*
Lol this is such a cool thread!
DeplorableWord said:
You're (the person below me) banned for leaving leaving HB's fairy dust out in the Tea With Mr. Tumnus forum, because now everyone is getting it and singing,

I can fly!
I can fly!
I can fly!
I can fly!

Now we have like 4,000 mini HBs flying around the forum... I mean, ONE'S ENOUGH! AND IT'S ALL THANKS TO YOU!!!


I was never in that thread... you're banned for LYING!
Narniarules said:
Hey your banned for having a inpolite avatar!
Her mouth is open and it can get drool out of her mouth which is truly disgusting!
*looks seriously at avatar and says you better close your mouth alright..*
Lol this is such a cool thread!
That banned is for candy girl!
Well your banned for stealing the idea for your poem.And putting an innapropiate (Sp?) item in little Georgie's hand!How dare you!
WillsGirl said:
I was never in that thread... you're banned for LYING!

Oh ya? Well you're banned for lying! Just look at your sig! Charn_Tim's MY brother, and I've never met you before in my life so that means you can't be my siser which means if Tim is MY brother, you can't be his sister EITHER! :D BAN! :D
candy girl said:
Well your banned for stealing the idea for your poem.And putting an innapropiate (Sp?) item in little Georgie's hand!How dare you!
Well your banned for putting this "!" in the post!!
WHta do you mean how dare me?! Like I dare myself to do it lol Georgie should have an Ipod in her hand cause she needs to boogie in Narnia lol!!
DeplorableWord said:
You're (the person below me) banned for leaving leaving HB's fairy dust out in the Tea With Mr. Tumnus forum, because now everyone is getting it and singing,

I can fly!
I can fly!
I can fly!
I can fly!

Now we have like 4,000 mini HBs flying around the forum... I mean, ONE'S ENOUGH! AND IT'S ALL THANKS TO YOU!!!


~Narnia 4 ever~ said:
Ur banned for (thankfully) not telling HB about this thread. Can u imagine how crazy it would get if he were here? ;)

*runs off*
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