The Duffer Training Academy. (please do not delete)

i haven't been here for 3 months... what with moving to the uk and being part of the working population now and all *feeling very important*

.....................but it's good to be back :-)
i haven't been here for 3 months... what with moving to the uk and being part of the working population now and all *feeling very important*

.....................but it's good to be back :-)
Welcome back to you :) You moved to the UK? Where did you live before?

Anyway: *puhshes Douglas off the cliff again while stealing his Bugs Bunny powers:D*
*HB sticks foot out on the road, and Roadrunner trips over HB's foot. Roadrunner then turns around and says "Yo Man, like, why did you do that, man? You ruinin' my groove, man!" And HB says, "I am not a man! I am boy because I can fly!"

He can fly!
He can fly!
He can fly!
He can fly!*

*Specter/Paul/His Holiness turns to HB and says, "HB, you can't fly." HB then says, "Well, not with THAT attitude!" and Specter/Paul/His Holiness/The Pig then says "HB, you are standing on a box in a Superman-is-flying pose. That's not flying" HB then asks, "Specter/Paul/His Holiness/The Pig/Obi-Three, what are you donig in my house?"*
Specter/Paul/His Holiness/The Pig/Obi-Three/Household Invader then replies, "I am the Admin. I can do whatever I want." HB then says, "Shut up."



You can't speak for me! You are a silly non-mod! You don't know how the awesome HB would speak! I would never say "shut up" because Paul would take away my mod powers! I would instead say, "Paul, why are you talking" or "I am a toad" or something to that effect.

Silly non-mods, speaking is for kids! Now I shall edit your post instead of going to class (again)
DON'T YOU DARE EDIT MY POST!! Besides, I do know how you would speak. You say "shut up" all the time. :p

How do you know how I speak? Are you my stalker? GET OUT OF THE BUSHES OLORIN! (pretend the second O has a stupid accent on top that makes the user name hard to type and harder to pronounce) I know you are there!

*grabs bushes and pulls out TG*

TG, what are you doing here?

TG: I was waiting for your sister
HB: QUIET YOU! (see, I didn't say shut up, now did I? Now I shall BANISH Olorin (again, accent on the O) to mod banishment!

Non-mods: Oh no! Now Olorin is a mod! He is forever tainted!

Me: ....No. Olorin is in banishment. Which means, instead of being a mod, he has to listen to

He can Fly!
He can Fly!
He can Fly!
He can Fly!

all day long

Olorin (with an accent on the O): AHHHHHH
TG: What's going on? I was getting some food while waiting for your sister
*mentally tunes out "He can fly!" business* Boy, that sure does come in handy. Really, though, HB, you're going to have to lay off TG. You're driving everybody crazy.

...Oh wait, that's what you want, isn't it? So then you can take over the world, which you've been secretly longing to do ever since the nutty squirrels told you to, but couldn't because Specter/Paul/His Holiness/The Pig/Obi-Three/Household Invader/He-who-prevents-HB-from-abusing-his-powers was watching. DEATH TO NUTTY SQUIRRELS!!
*mentally tunes out "He can fly!" business* Boy, that sure does come in handy. Really, though, HB, you're going to have to lay off TG. You're driving everybody crazy.

...Oh wait, that's what you want, isn't it? So then you can take over the world, which you've been secretly longing to do ever since the nutty squirrels told you to, but couldn't because Specter/Paul/His Holiness/The Pig/Obi-Three/Household Invader/He-who-prevents-HB-from-abusing-his-powers was watching. DEATH TO NUTTY SQUIRRELS!!


No comment. Except...

He can Fly!
He can Fly!
He can Fly!
He can Fly!