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  • College is going good-so far :p
    since this is my first year I too only 2 classes:
    Introduction to Accademic Writing and
    ASL 1 (American Sign Language)
    Hey, nice to see you! What color(s) will your new interior be? When we moved into our house, we repainted, and I got to choose some nice colors for the dining room, a pale gold below the chair molding and a lovely adobe above, and then we made one wall of our bedroom the same adobe color while the rest was pale yellow or cream ... I really enjoyed picking it all out. Our girls were young at the time (could be time to repaint!) and chose their own bedroom colors: blue for the little one and purple for the elder! My husband liked the blue and chose that for the kitchen, too, it's pale blue and quiet cheerful. I hate having workmen in the house, but I do like home improvements.

    OK, my week was good. I was on a little island called Bonaire, off the coast of Venezuela and made some dives, so I enjoyed it a lot. I was working too, so I did not dive as much as I wanted too, but any time underwater is a good time.

    I'm proud of you keeping to your Lent program! Well done! XO
    I feel your pain. *Hugs hyper*

    I got it to work finally, but it took me FOREVER to figure out which one I wanted to use cause I made two. Decisions, decisions. XD
    it's cool that you're able to give it up, though. I'd go nuts without TDL (though I have taken time off for personal reasons for a few weeks). Can't wait to have you back, though. :)
    i knooow, that makes it seem even more awesome:)
    HAHAHA the others never even ended up happening-.- exept family ones.....
    so far it's a black skirt +white buttoned poofy shirt:D
    WOOO;D lucky for some:L i have my work experience for 2 weeks starting tomorrow:L wahoo....
    GAAAAAAA!!!! *Hits head against a wall* GIMP just locked up and I was making myself a siggy! Grrrrrrrrr......!
    My dad wants to buy a PS3 now:/ I've told he has to get Assassin's Creed if he does:L it looks AWESOME!:D
    Do! Picture time:D I'm off to a party:p hopefully this one will actually end up happening, I think I have my outfit.... I hope I do:L
    Who knows! He changes his major like every day, or at least he did for a veeeeerrrrryyyy long time. I think he's sticking with Psychology, but then he's talked about becoming a doctor. *Throws hands up in the air* Watch him do something completely different once he finally gets out of college.

    Don't rush it. ;) I found out that the guy I've liked since I was your age is getting married. Not sure how I feel about that, but I was slowly outgrowing the crush. He was the only guy I could see myself marrying, but God must have someone else in mind so I'm waiting, praying and watching--which is never a bad thing to do.

    High five for homeschoolers! :D

    LOL! That's funny! Maybe she's making sure you didn't pet another dog or--heaven forbid--a cat without her permission. :p Uh-oh! One of my childhood friends had a boxer that would pee if you petted her so we weren't allowed to unless she was outside. Hopefully you'll be able to train it out of her.
    awww...you are leaving?! sorry for disappering for...a...while... :p I've been in college so that keeps me busy how are you today?
    Oh yeah! My older brother has been in college forever now and he's 27! :eek: LOL! I remember thinking that I would get married right out of high school just so I wouldn't have to deal with taxes! LOL! Boy howdy, how silly was that! Now here I am 22 and never been on a date! :D Go figure!

    I kinda figured you're homeschooled ;), so was I all the way from Kindergarten through 12th grade. I think I would have died in public school, but then, one never knows.

    My "new" 9 year old dog is ridiculous! He rules the roost, sneaks into my bedrrom to sleep on my dirty clothes when he thinks I'm not looking, mooches cheese and potato chips from me and then expects me to pet him! I mean, really? Man, is he ever such a hard task master. LOL! How's Roxie? She really is so adorable!
    Probably not much special:/ I have to be in the mood for it:L
    AWWWW what sort of puppy you got?:D
    oh thats cool:) so then your not cooped up inside all day:/ if that makes sense in a non-offensive way:L
    +find out what other guys are wearing:D then you know how formal to go:) thats what i do(;
    I'M not touring silly,Adam is! He says he 80/85% done with the new album and they hope for a tour in august or september. WEEEE!!!
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