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  • Thanks! I made it with Picnik.....

    My weekend was a typical one...Burger King saturday and Church today... though I did really enjoy my weekend none the less. :)
    awwweh !! you're goign to ur first dance ??? i remember mine.. i was sooo shy

    haahahahaha, umm... DO not go over dressed... but dont go under dressed...

    jeans and a button up top is always nice.. and remember to wear short sleves or ur gonna sweat like a mad person
    hahahahahaha really though !! hahahaha !! Made me laugh..

    I wish i was more like hyper, and not so antisocial... but people dont ask/talk to me.. so i tend to stay at the back of the group and follow people around, nodding my head and saying sorry... and personally... back to the clothes.. I HATE brand name... It just puts a name on people.. like my bro works with my dad in the summer and gets LOADS of money.. i dont work... and like.. he tells me i embarrass him becuz i wear walmart stuff, and he has like bench, and DC and element... like... i dont care for that stuff... and being me its hard to find a nice top that fits ... *STUPID BEEEEEEEEEEEEEWBS* LOLOLOL XD
    xD anyways.. yeah... plus its really uncomfy.. i only like certian sweaters.... im not a fan of pull overs.. and i like my tops to be longer ... and my jeans only to waist... idk why.. but i think that is like the comfyiest thing I could ever wear !!! with high tops ! :D
    no problem mate, i still have a few more to put up, i will do them in the following week or so, try and figure out how to upload them in order... :) a few more from the mainland in the cape, and a few from Thursday Island just off the top of australia...
    Even when i was little i rather of played in the dirt and showing off... lifting up heavy rocks my bro n his friend couldnt get... and playign with worms and my science kit... wow... i miss being a child more then i realized... lol... i mean.... throwing barbies at the wall was amazing as a child.. It was so hard to keep me inside ! (my best friends lil sis has all my barbies >_<)

    ANYWAY the other day i was talking to my friend and talkign to him about college because hes in it.. and im like "im not making any friends in college. Why would i want to.. they people in HS act big n tough and sh** .. but they're just lying two faced bugger eaters that like to spread rumours about people like me and what I like to do." and he was arguing with me saying ppl in college arent like that..
    but ... what changes ?? They're still the same person with the same remarks. I personally dont get school kids.. They think theres something wrong with me.. becuz i dress different.. i dont go out and buy 100 dollar jeans.. i go to walmart and get 5 pairs for 80 dollars... whats wrong with that.. im more comfy anyway.... and whats wrong with my AMAZING shirt taste.. lol... guy shirts are totally my thing.. WAY better then those tight flowered tops i see every1 wearing... haha..
    hahahaha im sorry patrick.. i never know what to write ... or say honestly .. its like i completely go blank when somebody talks to me >_< ...

    Soooo... this is kinda werid... a dude told me he liked me and stuff. then he went to this girls house and went on cam ? :S and im like okay.... yeah.. irdc where u are .. lol... trying to make me jealous.. tisk tisk

    and er.. i have never EVER went to any parties since i grew out of birthday parties..... god, how i miss those.. lol...
    kinda sucks.. nobody ask me to go.. i mean... this 1 dude was having a party .. and invited EVERY one on fb... so obvs i got an invite.. but i didnt go.... its kinda pointless seeing i dont talk to him that much even thought he is my cousin ..... kinda distance. lol... people here suck !!!
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