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  • hey Dude,just a challenge...
    can you make a Joker signature?
    not for me,I'm just wondering how creative you can
    get :)
    no."Krupa" is my little sister
    (her name just sounds like a guy's name-I guess) :)
    she can't get on right now,sorry...she's watching a movie.
    but thanks for your offer I'll tell her about it.:D
    Wow. I have never seen Inception or Batman (any of them) sorry :O
    My favorites are:
    1. Harry Potter series (i also love the books)
    2. The Chronicles of Narnia (the new ones)
    and i can't think of all the other ones right not. but my top favorite is Harry Potter :)
    do you like it at all?
    So far I've only heard maybe two or three songs from them and they seem to be clean. Uh....what genre...*think, think, think* pop/rock. My favourite song is "Ariel" although I do like "Return to Me". If you have seen the movie Gods and Generals, you have heard the lead singer before. Mary Fahl sings the opening song, "Going Home" and it is fantastic!
    Yay! :D I hope you like it! Of course, if you don't, please don't be afraid to admit it, because I won't get mad at you. :p
    EEK! I would have been screaming if I was on that and I am not a screamer! ;)
    I just discovered a band called October Project and I really like them a LOT!
    Indeed, I do. :D And thank you!

    As for clean, it depends on your standards... It's indubitably FAR more clean than most else on TV. :p There are bits that I don't approve of, but there's nothing so bad that it would ruin the show. For me, the benefit outweighs the negative.

    It's a British tv show which began in the 60s. It stopped airing in the 80s, and picked up again in 2005. I haven't seen any from before 2005, which is considered "Old Who". Some people say it's horribly cheesy (and it probably is, given the timeframe it was made, and how special effects were done), while others say that it's significantly better than NewWho- the shows after 2005.

    The shows are aired on BBC America, but I just watch them online. Sometimes you can find full episodes on youtube, and there are also other video-sharing sites where I can find them.
    If you do start watching Doctor Who, WATCH IT IN ORDER. No, I don't mean that you have to start with the shows in the 60s, and nor do I mean that you need to watch NewWho in order... But within each season, watch the episodes in order. The stories build off each other, so unless you want to be COMPLETELY confused, you need to watch the episodes within each series in order.

    The Doctor is an alien with a phonebox time-machine which is bigger on the inside. :D He's 900 something years old, and travels around time and space, adventuring with various companions. He has a way of cheating death- he regenerates, changing every atom and cell in his body. Weird, huh? Still, it's ingenious, because it is what has allowed the show to go on for so long, with different actors. Currently, there are 11 regenerations. 11th doctor is my favorite. :) He's the one in all if not most of my graphics.
    In season 5, the one I started with, the doctor is newly regenerated, and meets a little girl named Amelia Pond. It's a long story, but she ends up traveling with him as an adult. Her fiance, then husband, Rory, travels with them for the latter half of the series, and they're both in the current season, number 6. Rory is amazing. :p He's hilarious and brave and awesomely dorky and just plain AMAZING. xD He's one of my all-time favorite characters from anything. :p

    Well, hopefully this helped, and didn't confuse you too much. xD Oh, and if you want a recommendation for shows to start off with, then I would suggest "Blink", my third favorite.
    It's an excellent one to begin with, because it's one of the best in quality and also doesn't require much foreknowledge of the show. It is one of the creepier ones, but depending on the types of things which scare you, it might not be a problem. It didn't scare me, which is rather odd, since I'm easily frightened. :p

    Another good one to start with is "The Eleventh Hour", which is the first of season 5. It explains a lot of stuff as it goes.

    In case this all sounds terribly cheesy, let me tell you that it actually isn't. xD It is geeky (in a good way) and somewhat weird, but most of the episodes are very well-written, excellently plotted, and there are lots of hilarious parts. With some people, it's simply not their thing, and if it's that way for you, that's okay. Still, I highly recommend that you try it out and see. :)
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