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  • Um...pardon me while I...SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! That is soooooooo AWESOME! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
    Duh to myself! I meant to say the children might look better looking at Aslan not away. Oh dear, my brain disappeared for a minute there. Yeah! I'm so gonna use that second avatar!
    I work at a family owned bookstore and I am the only employee which means I wait on customers, put out new material, box up old books to ship back, and even clean the bathroom. Basically if you can think of it, I probably do it! LOL! Just listened to Lacrae and he's okay, not my fav but I don't mind listening to him. Oh my! I LOVE this Hello Seattle song! Reminds me of playing Sonic the Hedgehog on our old video game! My favorite avatar is the second one with the frame around it, if you want to add words to it, that would be cool although I can't think of anything right now. I like the banner, but (you knew that was coming didn't you) wouldn't it look better if you flip Aslan's pic around so he's facing the children? Maybe change the color of the words too cause it's a bit hard to see on the pic of the Pevensies. Otherwise, TERRIFIC!
    Hehe, I don't know if you can listen to it, but one of my fav songs right now is Newsboys "John Woo" very funny!
    Thanks! I'll have to listen to them afte I get off from work today since I have less than ten minutes before I have to be there. I've heard Owl City's Fireflies song and I have definately heard of Lecrae where I work. ;)
    Okay...Ah-ha! I got it! Just tell me the name of the song and the band and I can find it on youtube and then I can tell you if I like it. That works!
    I'm in no hurry, so take your time. :) Uh, apparently Grooveshark detests my computer. All I see is loading for a million years and never hear the song. Is there a youtube link to it you could send to me? You gotta love computers! Hehe!
    Ummmm...So could you make me a matching banner and siggy? Maybe Aslan and the children. Quote "Aslan...is on the move." Pretty please with sugar on top? I'm sorry to say that I have no pictures to send you.
    Not really a fan of rap except for tobymac since his isn't all the time. Maybe you should send me a link to a song you like so I can see if I like it. Oooooh! I'll have to request some fun-stuffers from you! (If you have no idea what I just said, neither do I) ;)
    Stoli is a she, but that's okay, you would not believe how many people think she's a boy dog. Hehe! I had to look up techno/rap a second ago to know what you were refering to! lol! Ummm...I don't know if I like it or not. I love Batman Begins! I don't really care for the Dark Knight, a bit too scary for me, I like X-men, Tangled (Pascal is so funny!), Spiderman, Remember the Titans, Invinsible, Kung Fu Panda, The new Karate Kid and many, many more! Uh, do you make banners and avatars for other people???
    Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan is pretty cool! Your dog is sooooooooo cute!!! I have an 11 year old Shar-pei named Stoli; I should upload some pics of her here. I love computer games, but I don't get to play them very often; I like to play Age of Empires and Zoo Tycoon! I LOVE music too! I have a thing for 70s music like Cat Stevens, Creedence Clearwater, Jim Croce, and Carole King! I like Christian rock too, like Tobymac, Lifehouse, Jars of Clay, and Relient K! Movies are awesome! The Princess Bride is my family's top movie, I like the before mentioned LOTR, Narnia and Star Wars plus tons more! Oh! Is there a size limit for uploaded pics?
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