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  • lol :p

    I miss my mice. They were so cute. One of them got out of her cage at night one night. She kept scurrying around the perimeter of my room till I woke up. So, I got down on the floor where she was and put my hand flat. She crawled into my hand and curled up. Then I put her back into her cage...
    Yes :D It's a fabric tent :D

    gah!!! I want a ferret so bad!!!!! Like really bad!!!!! They are a fave... especially when they are sleeping in hammocks... :(
    I imagine you do :p haha You can do it.

    Just got back from the store... I still need to eat lunch... eek! (it's now 2: 41)

    *goes to put soup in microwave*

    I saw those when I was running an errand at WalMart and pretty much freaked out. They look so cool! (I have Lord of the Rings pez dispensers, actually)
    I can just imagine you raving to rap music:p With your snapback cap on backwards, gold necklaces, saggy pants - the whole package:D haha
    My friend sang that for our leaver's concert in year 6, I think it's that one.... It might not be..... I think I'm on about the song during the ending credits:/ If I am just ignore it:D
    So far I'm slightly emotionally drained from it:/ One character Lenny is actually adorbale and he got beaten up, I wanted to go and help him... but obviously I couldn't haha

    Ohh she's not doing photoshop, I'm her 'model shape' for her bunny rabbit, I then get out of the chicken wire (somehow....) and she'll put her materials or whatever she'll use over it to make it into a rabbit:D By my request she has to make it orange
    That's cool. Those are the types of people who do deserve it, in my opinion

    ... I want lunch!!! I am going to have Tom Kah Gai for lunch when it is lunch time :D (planning ahead)
    yay! :D It's also hard to do that sort of thing when my husband isn't hear. I like to talk things over and such... he's not hear to talk with right now :p

    Kind of... lol Yes, your brother mentioned that. So cool! Good for her :D

    I know :D teehee
    Well, I should be writing... but like... I kind find motivation/ideas... So, I'm not...

    So, I'm not doing much of anything. Just waiting for 7 pm so that we can go pick Forte up.

    I'm also watching my mom-in-law's doxie wander about.
    Here or Korea? Here it is sunny right now. Moderate temperature. Will be much hotter later :( In Korea it's 100% humidity in the summer with temps from 70-90 F
    haha peaceful music is peaceful.

    When we get to Korea. I plan on going outside on the property and worshiping with my autoharp. It just seems to incredibly peaceful :)
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