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  • Okay. I am the same way you are. Have a nice day tomorrow. And, as you get older and more independent, you might just might find a different way of living that appeals to you more. I still love you as a brother in the faith. Even if yo guys don't do that, we do!
    The child can choose try to run way, I guess. But here's the catch: the father's love for his son is unconditional. Meaning that no matter what the kid does, the fath will always love him and forgivr him if he just asks for it. Because if a father loves his child enough to sacrifice something extremely important for him, then he will do everything he can and not stop until that child is back home if the kid chooses to run.
    I agree with you, Patrick. We both believe the same thing. We just choose to live it out in different ways. Now, I am not saying there is anything wrong with how your religion, I just think it is a bit misguided. But you might think the same about me. I am not saying that makes you a bad person,just different.
    It sounds a lot prettier if I am talking in person. UUmmm, a metaphor.... Okay!
    So a parent really really loves his child. But, as his child growa older, he begins to seperate from his dad. He wants to do his own thing and it pains the Father to see the child go behind his back and invoke terrible consequences upon himself. The dad realizes that his job is taking up so much time that he never has ny time to spend with his son. So, dad quits and moves to a new place where he can focus more on his kid. Now, the kid has a choice of how to react: Accept what has been done for the better of their lfe, OR just go through life ignoring what happened and thus wind up resenting teir father. I choose the first option, you know?
    Because this is how I see it: The world WAS perfect in the beginning. But then, man made some bad choices. Well, God had already established rules but they were broken. Since He had such a passionate love for His creation, God decided to make a way for us to come back to Him. He had to sacrifice something that HE loved dearly to pay for our redemption. So, His Son willingcame because Jesus loves us so much also. They both willing sacrificed things so precious to themselves in order for us to have a chance at being with them again. Did that make any sense?
    But seriously, if Jesus had never walked this earth and taught people all of the things they couldn't have known otherwise, then we would all be on a path hell. Sorry if you don't like that word, but it's true. Some people freak out whn I use it. This time of year is supposed to be about us remembering and being thankful that, not only does God love us, but He sent his Holy and perfect son to be tortured and die to take on the world's sin so that we don't have to!
    I am not sure. My dad and I don't rally like all the hype that the churches put into ths time of year. Its all like bunnies and eggs. Even in church! I mean, sure, you know why you're really celebrating or whatever, but most people don't even stop to actually think about what it really means!
    No, it didn't offend me at all! I kinda kew what Catholics thought. And its kinda along the lines of what we believe. And I am going to establish this now: Nothing I say is anattack on you or your religion, I am just voicing my opinion!
    I have looked at GIMP before. I am having problems with my download speed though the last few days! :p So, I will try later!

    Hey, do catholics do anything special for resurrection Sunday? Or you might know it by its more popular name "easter"?
    Hey. So I noticed your conversationwith amdd97. And I was wondering: what exactly do you believe is our purpose on this planet if its not to preach the gospel whenever we can? What else is there? BTW, I am a pastor's kid and have grown up in a protestant (i think) mindset. I know what I believe and I amjust curious about you. Because have never really talked with someone who is catholic. I don't get out like ever! :D
    Oh good, I though I wasn't explain myself.

    It does get a bit much. You don't always have to think about Jesus and God, and quote the bible every 5 minutes. It's there whole lives.
    I went to a Christian youth group thing, and it was so different, I was shocked, I've never been to a Protestant service before, it was so weird. I've been to a service where they have a rock band and stuff, and it really freaked me out.

    I don't have a problem with it, I don't thinks it wrong, just different.
    I didn't grow up with it, I'm just getting into it. I like it though.

    Yeah, we're really proud of him. He's been on so many ships, it's really cool.

    I was watching a doctor who video online, and heard it. The music video is really moving, I wish you could see it.
    oh the song
    How Far we've come-Matchbox Twenty

    No, not recently. My dad retired from the Navy after 22 years, so we're staying put. It's nice not to move in the middle of middle and high school. But I have in the past.
    Um, not very many Catholics like it. It's leaning towards protestant, very much. Protestants really like to show that they love God, and for some reason, Catholics aren't like that. Do you hear Catholics say "JC rocks" or I'm a Jesus freak? Not very often. We also don't have overnight camps. They like to praise Jesus a LOT. I don't know how to explain it. I don't mind it though, I really like it, but I love being Catholic too.
    I'm planning on going on a itunes spree soon, so I'll buy tons of them.

    My parents don't really like Christian music, it's not very Catholic.

    Thanks for the link, it's awesome site

    I really like this song(it's not Christian music, but I think you would like it) I don't know, but I just wanted to share it with you

    Yeah, I'm a military family, so we used to move around a lot, and there's no Navy bases near there so. But we did move to Texas once, and most of my dad's family lives there, we were only an hour away!
    I really like "Dare you to Move", "Awakening" and "This is Home" of course. I've had that song on my ipod for years now.

    That's awesome. You have all of your family near you, lucky! My grandparents live really far away, in Wisconsin and Minnesota
    Lent is so depressing, I really don't like Good Friday services, or Palm Sunday.

    Yes, I am going to try some more right now. My favorites so far is Switchfoot, I like the rap too, but Switchfoot.

    Don't worry about it if you can't watch it right away, I have a million different things I have to start, my friends really want me too, but I got back to watching Doctor Who instead.

    Going to mass at 9, then I'm going to go brunch at my friends house. They're having a waffle bar!! yum. what about you?
    Yes, it was a great movie! :D My mom and dad saw the movie on opening night, and I went the next day with a friend who invited me. No, I did not cry. My parents, however, both needed tissues. I'm sure that being a parent was part of that; they found the movie emotionally moving in ways somewhat different. I was very moved by the movie, I'm just generally not a crying person (except when it comes to Doctor Who. :p:rolleyes:).

    I'm greatly encouraged that the movie is doing well and surpassing expectations financially. My mom has been really excited about the movie and has encouraged her friends to see it. She's not usually the kind of person who cares about movies, so it's kind of strange to see how enthusiastic she is. xD She and my dad might go again tonight. I hope that I'll get to see it again as well. We generally don't go to the theater because tickets are so expensive compared to a rental, but in this case we're glad to give our money to support the movie. ;)
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