WOAH! Wasn't expecting this from you! I'm happy though
Yah, that's exactly why he's doing it.. he has 2 years of training left.. 4 years of active duty.. and 4 years of non-active duty
.. add it up and you get 10 years :/ For free collage
HAHAHA, nah, I think walmart would be great! You could also try fast food or something! I think you should get a job though! I really want one
OMG I love this song! Look it up (it's not rap, more of a love song) It's called "Beautiful Words" by "The Afters" I think you would like The Afters type of music, you should listen to them
HAHA, it's sweet! It goes pretty fast, and cuts the lawn really well.. IT DOESN'T SMOKE LIKE OUR OLD ONE AND YOU CAN CUT GRASS WHILE BACKING UP!!!
.. But yah, it rocks